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Мир История Вестероса и Эссоса: раздвигаем рамки


Если есть иная кровь в Железяк то мне кажется что только что с Закатного Моря, ибо из тех народов что мы узнали, явно никто не был их предком
Я не говорю о ПЛ они потом стали основой ЖО


Если есть иная кровь в Железяк то мне кажется что только что с Закатного Моря, ибо из тех народов что мы узнали, явно никто не был их предком
Я не говорю о ПЛ они потом стали основой ЖО

С Первыми Людьми пришедшими на ЖО произошло тоже самое, что с континентальными ПЛ. Они приняли веру тех, кто жил там раньше. В Вестеросе - Старых Богов, на ЖО - Утонувшего Бога.


С Первыми Людьми пришедшими на ЖО произошло тоже самое, что с континентальными ПЛ. Они приняли веру тех, кто жил там раньше. В Вестеросе - Старых Богов, на ЖО - Утонувшего Бога.
Согласен мне кажется было именно так, но как и допускаю что у Болотных Жителей в предках есть Дети Леса
Так у Железян в предках есть тот народ что раньше жил на ЖО


Так у Железян в предках есть тот народ что раньше жил на ЖО

Возможно, не только у железнолобых, но и у сестринцев, может и у тех в чьих местах "хлюпари" обитают.


История Вестероса
History of Westeros


BC - Before Conquest
AC - After Conquest

12000 BC - Dawn Age.
The lands of Westeros are inhabited by a mysterious race of diminutive humanoid creatures known as the Children of the Forest, as well as Giants and other magical creatures.

10000 BC - The First Men invade Westeros.
A human ethnic group from Essos, the First Men, invades Westeros by crossing the Arm of Dorne, bearing weapons of bronze. In a futile attempt to end the invasion, the children use magic to shatter the land-bridge, creating the island chain known as the Stepstones.
After years of warfare, the First Men and children of the forest come to a standstill and finally agree to a peaceful coexistence, signing the Pact on the Isle of Faces. This pact gives the First Men dominion over the open lands and lets the Children keep control over the forested areas. In time, the First Men adopt the worship of the Old Gods of the forest.

8000 BC - The Long Night.
In this time, night seems to last for a generation, and the longest, coldest and darkest winter descends on Westeros. The ice spreads down from the north, and under the cover of darkness, the Others invade Westeros from the Uttermost north, marching, killing and raising up the dead to be their servants in unlife and nearly destroying all men in Westeros. The Long Night comes to an end with the Battle for the Dawn. The Children and the First Men unite to defeat the Others with dragonglass weapons, with the Night's Watch pushing them back into the frozen reaches of the Far North.

6000 BC - Foundation of the Faith.
In the hills of Andalos on Essos, a new religion takes shape, called the Faith of the Seven. Supposedly, the supreme deity of the Andals appears to them, guiding them into their invasion of Westeros.

6000-4000 BC - The Andal Invasion.
The Andals cross the Narrow sea and make landfall on its eastern shore at the Fingers, on what would one day become the Vale of Arryn. They come under the banner of the Faith of the Seven, with seven-pointed stars carved into their chests, wielding weapons of steel. They fight both the First Men and the Children of the Forest, sweeping the land much like the First Men did thousands of years before.
For centuries the Andals war with the First Men and the Children in an attempt to drive them out. Only the Kingdom of the North remains under the rule of the First Men, in large part due to the strategically located fortress of Moat Cailin resisting multiple attempts to take it and thereafter serving as the door between North and South. Even though the North remain secure, the children of the forest begin their slow withdrawal from the lands of men, retreating deeper into their forests and north of the Wall.

700 BC - The Rhoynar migration.
On Essos, the peaceful sheep-herding folk of the Valyrian peninsula find dragons lairing in the Fourteen Fires, an immense chain of volcanoes extending across the neck of the peninsula. The Valyrians tame the dragons with magic, which gives them the means to gain influence over the area. The Valyrian Freehold is established.
Five great wars are fought between the Ghiscari Empire, the greatest empire on the eastern peninsula, and the Freehold — wars which Valyria wins with the help of its dragons.
With the destruction of Old Ghis, the Freehold's slow westward expansion brings it into conflict with the Rhoynish cities along the great River Rhoyne, a vast waterway. Prince Garin the Great raises an army a quarter-million strong to oppose the Valyrians, but fails utterly against their dragons.
Nymeria, a Rhoynish warrior-queen, evacuates the survivors of Garin's war, mostly women and children, on ten thousand ships across the Narrow sea, seeking refuge in Dorne in southern Westeros. There, Nymeria forms a marriage alliance with Lord Mors Martell and together they finally organize the land into one kingdom, establishing House Martell as the ruling house of Dorne.
In the West, the Ironborn of the Iron Islands rise to power; at their peak they control most of the western coast from Oldtown and the Arbor in the south to Bear Island in the north.

200 BC - Expansion of Valyria.
The Valyrian Freehold conquers much of what would be the area of the southern Free Cities. A religious sect, the Moonsingers, leads many thousand refugees north to a remote lagoon protected by mountains and mists, and there found the Secret City of Braavos.
The Valyrian Freehold annexes a small island at the mouth of Blackwater Bay, off the east coast of Westeros. The Targaryens, a minor Valyrian noble family, take control of the island, building a castle whose towers are shaped to look like dragons, giving it its name: Dragonstone.
The Storm Kings expand their control of the Stormlands north to include the territory of the Riverlands up to the Neck.

100 BC - The Doom of Valyria.
The nature of the Doom is unclear, save that heavy volcanic and seismic activity are involved, likely due to the Fourteen Fires, the mountains where the dragons were first discovered. The Valyrian Peninsula is shattered and the city of Valyria is laid waste, although not completely destroyed. The dragons of Valyria are virtually wiped out and the Valyrian Freehold crumbles apart, its various city-states break apart asserting their independence, surviving to this day as the Free Cities.
Over time the ironborn lose many of their holdings but, some three generations before Aegon's Landing, conquer the territory of the Riverlands from the Stormlands.

2BC - 1 AC - The War of Conquest.
Aegon the Conqueror invades Westeros and in two years' time subdues and unites six of the seven kingdoms of Westeros under his banner and constructs a new capital city at King's Landing. He is unable to conquer Dorne and allows it to remain sovereign. The day of Aegon's coronation by the High Septon in Oldtown becomes the first day of Aegon's reign, beginning 1AC.

129-131 AC - The Dance of the Dragons.
The first major civil war in the history of the Seven Kingdoms, in 129-131 AC: a war of succession between Aegon II and his half-sister Rhaenyra Targaryen over their father's throne. It consumes them both, as well as most of the Targaryen family and their remaining dragons. The war ends with Aegon III, son of Rhaenyra, being crowned.

170 AC.
Prince Daeron, second cousin of Baelor I, and Princess Myriah Martell of Dorne are married and have their first son, Prince Baelor.

196 AC - The First Blackfyre Rebellion.
The second major civil war of Westeros erupts after Daemon Blackfyre puts a claim on the Iron Throne based on Daeron II's illegitimacy. With many lords declaring for him, Daemon Blackfyre marches his forces on King's Landing but is defeated in the Battle of the Redgrass Field.

260 AC - The War of the Ninepenny Kings.
War erupts when the Band of Nine, including Maelys Blackfyre, after having conquered the Free City of Tyrosh and the Stepstones, begin to move towards the Seven Kingdoms. King Jaehaerys calls his banners to bring the attack to the Stepstones.

282-283 AC - Robert's Rebellion.
Rhaegar Targaryen abducts Lyanna Stark. Lyanna's brother Brandon and father Rickard demand that Aerys discipline his son, but instead the Mad King kills them both. Aerys demands the heads of Robert Baratheon and Eddard Starkfrom their guardian, Jon Arryn. Instead, Houses Arryn, Stark, and Baratheon raise the standard of rebellion. Robert claims the throne through his descent from his great-grandfather, Aegon V and thus Robert's Rebellion, also called the War of the Usurper, begins.

298 - 300 AC - The events of A Song of Ice and Fire.

The Song of Ice and Fire.
The World of Ice and Fire.
A Wiki of Ice and Fire.



Межевой рыцарь
История Вестероса
History of Westeros


BC - Before Conquest
AC - After Conquest

12000 BC - Dawn Age.
The lands of Westeros are inhabited by a mysterious race of diminutive humanoid creatures known as the Children of the Forest, as well as Giants and other magical creatures.

10000 BC - The First Men invade Westeros.
A human ethnic group from Essos, the First Men, invades Westeros by crossing the Arm of Dorne, bearing weapons of bronze. In a futile attempt to end the invasion, the children use magic to shatter the land-bridge, creating the island chain known as the Stepstones.
After years of warfare, the First Men and children of the forest come to a standstill and finally agree to a peaceful coexistence, signing the Pact on the Isle of Faces. This pact gives the First Men dominion over the open lands and lets the Children keep control over the forested areas. In time, the First Men adopt the worship of the Old Gods of the forest.

8000 BC - The Long Night.
In this time, night seems to last for a generation, and the longest, coldest and darkest winter descends on Westeros. The ice spreads down from the north, and under the cover of darkness, the Others invade Westeros from the Uttermost north, marching, killing and raising up the dead to be their servants in unlife and nearly destroying all men in Westeros. The Long Night comes to an end with the Battle for the Dawn. The Children and the First Men unite to defeat the Others with dragonglass weapons, with the Night's Watch pushing them back into the frozen reaches of the Far North.

6000 BC - Foundation of the Faith.
In the hills of Andalos on Essos, a new religion takes shape, called the Faith of the Seven. Supposedly, the supreme deity of the Andals appears to them, guiding them into their invasion of Westeros.

6000-4000 BC - The Andal Invasion.
The Andals cross the Narrow sea and make landfall on its eastern shore at the Fingers, on what would one day become the Vale of Arryn. They come under the banner of the Faith of the Seven, with seven-pointed stars carved into their chests, wielding weapons of steel. They fight both the First Men and the Children of the Forest, sweeping the land much like the First Men did thousands of years before.
For centuries the Andals war with the First Men and the Children in an attempt to drive them out. Only the Kingdom of the North remains under the rule of the First Men, in large part due to the strategically located fortress of Moat Cailin resisting multiple attempts to take it and thereafter serving as the door between North and South. Even though the North remain secure, the children of the forest begin their slow withdrawal from the lands of men, retreating deeper into their forests and north of the Wall.

700 BC - The Rhoynar migration.
On Essos, the peaceful sheep-herding folk of the Valyrian peninsula find dragons lairing in the Fourteen Fires, an immense chain of volcanoes extending across the neck of the peninsula. The Valyrians tame the dragons with magic, which gives them the means to gain influence over the area. The Valyrian Freehold is established.
Five great wars are fought between the Ghiscari Empire, the greatest empire on the eastern peninsula, and the Freehold — wars which Valyria wins with the help of its dragons.
With the destruction of Old Ghis, the Freehold's slow westward expansion brings it into conflict with the Rhoynish cities along the great River Rhoyne, a vast waterway. Prince Garin the Great raises an army a quarter-million strong to oppose the Valyrians, but fails utterly against their dragons.
Nymeria, a Rhoynish warrior-queen, evacuates the survivors of Garin's war, mostly women and children, on ten thousand ships across the Narrow sea, seeking refuge in Dorne in southern Westeros. There, Nymeria forms a marriage alliance with Lord Mors Martell and together they finally organize the land into one kingdom, establishing House Martell as the ruling house of Dorne.
In the West, the Ironborn of the Iron Islands rise to power; at their peak they control most of the western coast from Oldtown and the Arbor in the south to Bear Island in the north.

200 BC - Expansion of Valyria.
The Valyrian Freehold conquers much of what would be the area of the southern Free Cities. A religious sect, the Moonsingers, leads many thousand refugees north to a remote lagoon protected by mountains and mists, and there found the Secret City of Braavos.
The Valyrian Freehold annexes a small island at the mouth of Blackwater Bay, off the east coast of Westeros. The Targaryens, a minor Valyrian noble family, take control of the island, building a castle whose towers are shaped to look like dragons, giving it its name: Dragonstone.
The Storm Kings expand their control of the Stormlands north to include the territory of the Riverlands up to the Neck.

100 BC - The Doom of Valyria.
The nature of the Doom is unclear, save that heavy volcanic and seismic activity are involved, likely due to the Fourteen Fires, the mountains where the dragons were first discovered. The Valyrian Peninsula is shattered and the city of Valyria is laid waste, although not completely destroyed. The dragons of Valyria are virtually wiped out and the Valyrian Freehold crumbles apart, its various city-states break apart asserting their independence, surviving to this day as the Free Cities.
Over time the ironborn lose many of their holdings but, some three generations before Aegon's Landing, conquer the territory of the Riverlands from the Stormlands.

2BC - 1 AC - The War of Conquest.
Aegon the Conqueror invades Westeros and in two years' time subdues and unites six of the seven kingdoms of Westeros under his banner and constructs a new capital city at King's Landing. He is unable to conquer Dorne and allows it to remain sovereign. The day of Aegon's coronation by the High Septon in Oldtown becomes the first day of Aegon's reign, beginning 1AC.

129-131 AC - The Dance of the Dragons.
The first major civil war in the history of the Seven Kingdoms, in 129-131 AC: a war of succession between Aegon II and his half-sister Rhaenyra Targaryen over their father's throne. It consumes them both, as well as most of the Targaryen family and their remaining dragons. The war ends with Aegon III, son of Rhaenyra, being crowned.

170 AC.
Prince Daeron, second cousin of Baelor I, and Princess Myriah Martell of Dorne are married and have their first son, Prince Baelor.

196 AC - The First Blackfyre Rebellion.
The second major civil war of Westeros erupts after Daemon Blackfyre puts a claim on the Iron Throne based on Daeron II's illegitimacy. With many lords declaring for him, Daemon Blackfyre marches his forces on King's Landing but is defeated in the Battle of the Redgrass Field.

260 AC - The War of the Ninepenny Kings.
War erupts when the Band of Nine, including Maelys Blackfyre, after having conquered the Free City of Tyrosh and the Stepstones, begin to move towards the Seven Kingdoms. King Jaehaerys calls his banners to bring the attack to the Stepstones.

282-283 AC - Robert's Rebellion.
Rhaegar Targaryen abducts Lyanna Stark. Lyanna's brother Brandon and father Rickard demand that Aerys discipline his son, but instead the Mad King kills them both. Aerys demands the heads of Robert Baratheon and Eddard Starkfrom their guardian, Jon Arryn. Instead, Houses Arryn, Stark, and Baratheon raise the standard of rebellion. Robert claims the throne through his descent from his great-grandfather, Aegon V and thus Robert's Rebellion, also called the War of the Usurper, begins.

298 - 300 AC - The events of A Song of Ice and Fire.

The Song of Ice and Fire.
The World of Ice and Fire.
A Wiki of Ice and Fire.

Шикарная вещь, однако! Даже я (с моим-то (не)знанием английского) всё понял. :ь


Карты крутые, еще бы расстановку сил на момент начала Ветров кто нибудь изобразил бы
Кстати с этим и правда интересно, кто какими силами располагает в данный момент, некоторая инфа есть.
Например мы знаем что армия Тиреллов почти не тронута. У Станниса что то вроде 4-х тысяч может чуть больше, у Болтонов 6 тысяч
Долина вообще в отличном положений. Но вот количество солдатов Ланнов и правда непонятны


где вы нашли сие творение? Кстати не канон, ибо Соториос и Ультос не соединены по словам Мартина.
Нашел где то на просторах инета. На этой карте Соторос и Ультос то же соединены весьма условно, может там такой узкий пролив между двумя континентами есть.
Можно сравнить эту карту с картой из сериальной заставки, в которой видно земли на западе от Вестероса и присутствует материк на севере, сверху Эссоса.
Последнее редактирование:


С Первыми Людьми пришедшими на ЖО произошло тоже самое, что с континентальными ПЛ. Они приняли веру тех, кто жил там раньше. В Вестеросе - Старых Богов, на ЖО - Утонувшего Бога.
Мартин говорил, что УБ - "изобретение" железян.


Можно сравнить эту карту с картой из сериальной заставки, в которой видно земли на западе от Вестероса и присутствует материк на севере, сверху Эссоса.

Сериал - неканон и любые данные оттуда не применимы к книгам. В противном случае, у Вестеросса был король Мейгор III.:rolleyes:


Межевой рыцарь
Сериал - неканон и любые данные оттуда не применимы к книгам. В противном случае, у Вестеросса был король Мейгор III.:rolleyes:
И Орис I, кажется. Ну, про которого сериальный Тайвин Томмену рассказывал.