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Цитаты из Мартина


из недавнего)

I want to live forever in a land where summer lasts a thousand years. I want a castle in the clouds where I can look down over the world. I want to be six-and-twenty again. When I was six-and-twenty I could fight all day and fuck all night. What men want does not matter(c) Миддл Лиддл, кажется)

My lord father used to say a man should never draw his sword unless he means to use it(с) Джон Сноу


Ленный рыцарь
из недавнего)

I want to live forever in a land where summer lasts a thousand years. I want a castle in the clouds where I can look down over the world. I want to be six-and-twenty again. When I was six-and-twenty I could fight all day and fuck all night. What men want does not matter(c) Миддл Лиддл, кажется)

Да вообще-то Big Bucket Wull, а спойлерить нехорошо:)


The dwarf recrossed his stunted legs and began to prick the other set of toes. “Shall I prick my prick as well?”
"It would not hurt.”
“It would not hurt you is what you mean. Though I had as well slice it off for all the use I make of it.”
“Feel free. We will have it tanned and stuffed and sell it for a fortune. A dwarf’s cock has magical powers.”
“I have been telling all the women that for years.”

“He pisses well, at least,” a voice observed.
Tyrion flicked the last drops off and tucked himself away. “Pissing is the least of my talents. You ought to see me shit.” He turned to Magister Illyrio. “Are these two known to you, magister? They look like outlaws. Should I find my axe?”

“Looks a bit like you, Edd,” he said, trying to make light of it.
“Aye, m’lord. I don’t have leaves growing out my nose, but else-wise … Lady Melisandre won’t be happy.”
“She’s not like to see it. See that no one tells her.”
“She sees things in those fires, though.”
“Smoke and cinders.”
“And people burning. Me, most like. With leaves up my nose. I always feared I’d burn, but I was hoping to die first.”


“And to you, Sam,” said Dolorous Edd. “Your boat’s not like to sink, I don’t think. Boats only sink when I’m aboard.”

“It was a relief to see that horn burn, my lord,” Edd said. “Just last night I dreamt I was pissing off the Wall when someone decided to give the horn a toot. Not that I’m complaining. It was better than my old dream, where Harma Dogshead was feeding me to her pigs.”

Careful of the rats, my lord.” Dolorous Edd led Jon down the steps, a lantern in one hand. “They make an awful squeal if you step on them. My mother used to make a similar sound when I was a boy. She must have had some rat in her, now that I think of it. Brown hair, beady little eyes, liked cheese. Might be she had a tail too, I never looked to see.”


One of the tigers spied the dwarf and said something that made the others laugh. As they reached the gate, he pulled off his clawed gauntlet and the sweaty glove beneath, locked one arm around the dwarf’s neck, and roughly rubbed his head. Tyrion was too startled to resist. It was all over in a heartbeat. “Was there some reason for that?” he demanded of the Halfmaester.
“He says that it is good luck to rub the head of a dwarf,” Haldon said after an exchange with the guard in his own tongue.
Tyrion forced himself to smile at the man. “Tell him that it is even better luck to suck on a dwarf’s cock.”
“Best not. Tigers have been known to have sharp teeth.”

Смеялся много, когда прочитал этот диалог:)

Asha about Qarl the Maid: Too lowborn for me to wed, but not too low for me to suck his cock.


“I have done things I am not proud of, things that brought shame onto my House and my father’s name … but to kill your own sire? How could any man do that?”
“Give me a crossbow and pull down your breeches, and I’ll show you.” Gladly.

Mormont: “I saw a man drowned in gold once. It was not a pretty sight. If you ever get my sword, it will be through your bowels.”

“What do you plan to offer the dragon queen, little man?”
My hate, Tyrion wanted to say. Instead he spread his hands as far as the fetters would allow. “Whatever she would have of me. Sage counsel, savage wit, a bit of tumbling. My cock, if she desires it. My tongue, if she does not. I will lead her armies or rub her feet, as she desires. And the only reward I ask is I might be allowed to rape and kill my sister.”


- Ты собираешься с ЭТИМ сражаться?
- Я собираюсь ЭТО убить (КЗ).
- Кто только сегодня не называет себя королями (Тирион говорит Джоффри о других королях во время Битвы 5 королей)


Берегись, они будут приходить днем и ночью, чтобы посмотреть на чудо, вновь пришедшее в мир, а увидев, они его возжелают. Ибо драконы — это огонь, облеченный плотью, а огонь — это власть.
(с) заклинательница теней Куэйта, Битва королей


"We mean you no harm. We’re king’s men.”

“They was king’s men burned our village,” one man called down. “Before that, some other king’s men took our sheep. They were for a different king, but that didn’t matter none to our sheep. King’s men killed Harsley and Ser Ormond, and raped Lacey till she died.”

Если бы меня попросили передать всю суть ПЛиО одной цитатой, я бы выбрал эту.:)


Призрак (гость)
– Пламя и кровь, – сказал Барристан Селми тихо-тихо.
Какое-то мгновение все за столом молчали. Потом Силач Бельвас шлепнул себя по животу и сказал:
– Это лучше, чем печенка и лук.


Во время прочтения всего доступного в данный момент цикла и сейчас тоже меня мучает вопрос - к чему вообще фраза Тириона и по совместительству последние слова Тайвина о шлюхах? как она звучит в оригинале? не понимаю почему, но она каждый раз режет мне слух в русском переводе...


Во время прочтения всего доступного в данный момент цикла и сейчас тоже меня мучает вопрос - к чему вообще фраза Тириона и по совместительству последние слова Тайвина о шлюхах? как она звучит в оригинале? не понимаю почему, но она каждый раз режет мне слух в русском переводе...
“There was no reason for that, she’d learned her place… and had been well paid for her day’s work, I seem to recall. I suppose the steward sent her on her way. I never thought to inquire.”
“On her way where?”
“Wherever whores go.”

Вы про это?


да-да! именно. спасибо :) мне кажется, в английском языке это должно что-то эдакое значить, ну как indiansummer - "бабье лето"...

Dennis Nightingale

Призрак (гость)
"Я королева‑регентша, а не племенная кобыла!" Серсея, Буря мечей:D "Самые большие глупцы зачастую оказываются умнее тех, кто смеется над ними." Лорд Тайвин, Буря мечей


Мальчишки могут играть с мечами, но брак заключает лорд, понимая, что это значит.
(с) Кейтилин, Игра престолов, о реакции Робба на известие о браке с одной из Фреев