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Сюжеты Танец драконов, или Черные против зеленых

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Shtee, Daena,
по итогам вашего обсуждения предлагаю присвоить Визерису Первому почетное прозвище Визерася.
Дорн завоевывать боялся. Своих деточек построить не смог. Результаты нам известны.
По-моему - заслужил!


по итогам вашего обсуждения предлагаю присвоить Визерису Первому почетное прозвище Визерася.

Бедный Визя, никто его не любит:cry:. А быть может, он был мудрым правителем и великим полководцем. Просто скрывал эти свои таланты ото всех до самой смерти.:rolleyes:

Aegon Dragonseed

Призрак (гость)
Бедный Визя, никто его не любит

Было много королей и похуже гораздо Визериса I. Если бы не Танец Драконов, который он спровоцировал, вошел бы в историю как король эпохи мира, покоя и процветания.


Сканы с антологии уже просочились в интернет и есть на торрентах. Я сейчас читаю повесть. :angelic:

Цитата из начала:

With Prince Baelon lost to him, the Old King had to turn elsewhere for a partner in his labors. As his new Hand, he called upon Ser Otto Hightower, younger brother to Lord Hightower of Oldtown. Ser Otto brought his wife and children to court with him, and served King Jaehaerys faithfully for the years remaining to him. As the king’s strength and wits began to fail, he was oft confined to bed. Ser Otto’s fifteen-year-old daughter Alicent became his constant companion, fetching His Grace his meals, reading to him, helping him to bathe and dress himself. The Old King sometimes mistook her for one of his daughters, calling her by their names; near the end, he grew certain she was his daughter Saera, returned to him from beyond the narrow sea.
In the year 103 AC King Jaehaerys I Targaryen died in his bed as Lady Alicent was reading to him from Septon Barth’s Unnatural History. His Grace was nine-and-sixty years of age, and had reigned over the Seven Kingdoms since coming to the Iron Throne at the age of fourteen. His remains were burned in the Dragonpit, his ashes interred with Good Queen Alysanne’s beneath the Red Keep. All of Westeros mourned. Even in Dorne, where his writ had not extended, men wept and women tore their garments.
In accordance with his own wishes, and the decision of the Great Council of 101, his grandson Viserys succeeded him, mounting the Iron Throne as King Viserys I Targaryen. At the time of his ascent, King Viserys was twenty-six years old. He had been married for a decade to a cousin, Lady Aemma of House Arryn, herself a granddaughter of the Old King and Good Queen Alysanne through her mother, the late Princess Daella (d. 82 AC). Lady Aemma had suffered several miscarriages and the death of one son in the cradle, but she had also given birth to a healthy daughter, Rhaenyra (born 97 AC). The new king and his queen both doted on the girl, their only living child.


Сканы с антологии уже просочились в интернет и есть на торрентах. Я сейчас читаю повесть. :angelic:

Цитата из начала:

With Prince Baelon lost to him, the Old King had to turn elsewhere for a partner in his labors. As his new Hand, he called upon Ser Otto Hightower, younger brother to Lord Hightower of Oldtown. Ser Otto brought his wife and children to court with him, and served King Jaehaerys faithfully for the years remaining to him. As the king’s strength and wits began to fail, he was oft confined to bed. Ser Otto’s fifteen-year-old daughter Alicent became his constant companion, fetching His Grace his meals, reading to him, helping him to bathe and dress himself. The Old King sometimes mistook her for one of his daughters, calling her by their names; near the end, he grew certain she was his daughter Saera, returned to him from beyond the narrow sea.
In the year 103 AC King Jaehaerys I Targaryen died in his bed as Lady Alicent was reading to him from Septon Barth’s Unnatural History. His Grace was nine-and-sixty years of age, and had reigned over the Seven Kingdoms since coming to the Iron Throne at the age of fourteen. His remains were burned in the Dragonpit, his ashes interred with Good Queen Alysanne’s beneath the Red Keep. All of Westeros mourned. Even in Dorne, where his writ had not extended, men wept and women tore their garments.
In accordance with his own wishes, and the decision of the Great Council of 101, his grandson Viserys succeeded him, mounting the Iron Throne as King Viserys I Targaryen. At the time of his ascent, King Viserys was twenty-six years old. He had been married for a decade to a cousin, Lady Aemma of House Arryn, herself a granddaughter of the Old King and Good Queen Alysanne through her mother, the late Princess Daella (d. 82 AC). Lady Aemma had suffered several miscarriages and the death of one son in the cradle, but she had also given birth to a healthy daughter, Rhaenyra (born 97 AC). The new king and his queen both doted on the girl, their only living child.
Ну, это... собираемся и просим себе тред под перевод?:smirk:




Ленный рыцарь
Именно Деймон дал золотые плащи городским стражникам и лучше вооружил их. Персонаж все интереснее и интереснее.

Governance bored this warrior prince, however. He did better when King Viserys made him commander of the City Watch. Finding the watchmen ill armed and clad in oddments and rags, Daemon equipped each man with dirk, short sword, and cudgel, armored them in black ringmail (with breastplates for the officers) and gave them long golden cloaks that they might wear with pride. Ever since, the men of the City Watch have been known as gold cloaks.


Срочные новости. Лейна Веларион летала на Вхагар.

Упс. Кто же летал на Тессарион перед Дейроном. :thumbsdown:

А Рейна, сестра Джейхейриса и Алисанны, все-таки была женой Мейгора.
Helaena now flew Dreamfyre, the she-dragon who had once carried Rhaena, Maegor the Cruel’s “black bride”

Ыыы так и знала. :sneaky: Осталось узнать является ли она той самой "наследницей Эйениса".


АААА!! Дорн все-таки с ними воевал!
Видели бы Вы, как горит моё кресло. :shifty: Только не говорите, что сначала было 50 драконов, но из них выжило 20.:cry:
Энивей, во всём виноват Васькерис II.
Чо там с короной Ступенечек, она была вообще, или the only crown that Daemon Targaryen ever wore was the crown of the Stepstones, a meager realm he made himself with blood and steel and dragonfire - чисто образное высказывание?:confused:
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