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Сезон 8 - Фейкоспойлеры [без обсуждения]

В этой теме отключено размещение новых сообщений.


- Дейенерис, Джон и ко. прибывают в Винтерфелл.
- Северные лорды относятся враждебно к Дени. Дени произносит речь о том, что пришла не завоёвывать Север, а спасать его.
- Сэм хочет, чтобы Бран узнал больше о прошлом Ночного Короля, дабы найти ключ к раздке, как убить его. Вместе они узнают, что у Трёхглазого Ворона была кровь Таргариенов, и он хотел чтобы Дейенерис погибла прежде, чем она смогла бы сесть на трон.
- Бран и Сэм пока сохраняют правду о происхождении Джона и также размышляют над тем, почему Трёхглазый ворон хотел смерти Дени.
- Джейме прибывает в Винтерфелл.
- Дени имеет небольшую сцену с Арьей и драконами, а также сцену с Сансой в крипте Винтерфелла, Санса не очень хорошо отзывается о Рейгаре.
- Джон и ко. узнают, что последний очаг подвергся нападению и КН может в любой момент ударить по Винтерфеллу.
- У Дени и Джона есть сцена сексуального характера в Винтерфелле перед тем, как Бран узнает правду о самой Дени.
- Правда заключается в том, что Дени - не дочь Эйриса, а бастард Рейллы от одного из рыцарей.
- Бран имеет важные видения рисунков в пещере и рассказывает о них Сэму.
- Бран и Сэм рассказывают Джону и Дени правду о их происхождении. Дени одновременно сердита и сконфужена.
- Атака мертвецов на Винтерфелл. Армия живых терпет большие потери.
- Большинство покидают Винтерфелл, Бран остается. Бран варгуется в Рейгеля, но при этом Джон летит на нём и переносит своих сестер и некоторых других на Драконний камень.
- Подрик погибает в битве при Винтерфелле.
- Бран убит Королём Ночи в финальной сцене эпизода.
- Джон и ко. находятся на Драконнем камне.
- Дени покидает Вестерос, но не возвращается на Драконний камень.
- Джон рассказывает всем правду о своём происхождении.
- Джорах хочет поискать Дени.
- Сэм говорит Джону о важности наскальной живописи в пещере. Джон просит узнать Сэма, что она точно означает.
- Сэм узнает, что последний бой между живыми и мёртвыми в прошлый раз состоялся возле Королевской Гавани.
- Джон и Джейме отправлятся в КГ, убедить Серсею, чтобы простые люди покинули КГ и чтобы Золотые мечи остались защищать город. Серсея не хочет слышать об этом, Джон заключён в темницу.
- Джейме узнаёт, что Серсея потеряла ребёнка.
- Джейме пытается вразумить Серсею, но та убеждена, что ей не нужна поддержка Джона и сама может справиться с армией мёртвых.
- Армия мёртвых достигает Королевской Гавани.
- Тирион и Джорах возглавляют оставшихся дотракийцев и безупречных, чтобы идти к КГ вместе с Ярой и Теоном (которые командуют железнорождёнными и хотят в свою очередь отомстить Эурону)
- Золотые мечи сражаются с армией мертвецов, но явно проигрывают в силе.
- Тирион, Джорах, армии дотраков и безупречных, а также Рейгаль прибывают в Королевскую Гавань
- Тирион входит в Красный замок и пытается убедить Серсею покинуть город
- Серсея угрожает убить Тириона. Тириона спасает Джейме.
- Тирион пытается освободить Джона из плена, пока Джейме безуспешно убеждает Серсею бежать из КГ.
- Серсея говорит Джейме, что у неё есть один последний план и Квиберн готовит его к исполнению. Она говорит о диком огне.
- Армия мёртвых убивает почти всех из обеих армий. Серый червь убит во время битвы.
- Дейенерис прибывает в Королевскую гавань с младшыми сынами и с помощью из Асшая, вместе с Мелисандрой.
- Серсея отдаёт Квиберну приказ взорвать город. Джейме душит Серсею до смерти.
- У Пса есть бой с Горой в Красном замке.
- Квиберн не успевает воспользоваться диким огнём, его убивают "пташки" Вариса.
- КН убивает Мелисандру, прокалывая её сердце ледяным копьем.
- КН "заставляет" Красный замок гореть. Пёс и Варис не успевают покинуть его и погибают в огненной буре.
- Визерион пытается убить Дейенерис. Дрогон защищает свою мать.
- Джон и Дени воссоединяются и летят на Рейгале. Они видят как Визерион убивает Дрогона.
- Дени и Джон возвращаются на Драконний камень.
- Дени рассказывает Джону, что она беременна его ребёнком.
- Сэм говорит Джону, что он должен отправиться на остров Ликов, чтобы победить КН. Джон отправляется вместе с Джейме и Джорахом.
- Миссандея советует Дени не рисковать ребёнком и остаться на Драконнем камне, но Дени хочет, чтобы Джон взял её с собой. Джон отказывает.
- Возле Божьего ока Джон, Джорах и Джейме оказываются в окружении белых ходоков.
- КН прибывает на Визерионе.
- Джон первым убивает одного из белых ходоков Длинным Когтем.
- Джорах погибает от огня Визериона.
- Джейме сражается с двумя белыми ходоками. Он убивает обоих, но также тяжело ранит себя.
- Джейме хватает сил, чтобы помешать КН убить Джона и пронзить его Вдовьим плачем. Джон наблюдает за тем, как КН "разрушается", после чего Джейме погибает.
- Небольшой таймскип
- Свадьба Дени и Джона.
- КГ восстанавливается от разрушений.
- В одной из последних сцен Дени рожает ребёнка.
Последнее редактирование:


Тут типо спойлеры первых двух серий от таинственных инсайдеров. :sneaky:
Перевод первой серии в их версии.
В Богороще Винтерфелла, Санса и Арья беседуют о том, что делать с Джоном, пока он плывет на Север.
Они еще не сказали лордам о том, что Джон приклонил колено, но они опасаются, что лорды скоро об этом узнают.
Бран, как всегда в трансе, но внезапно он просыпается и предупреждает сестер, о том что что-то случилось; все слышат очень громкий звук, как будто Мир разбивается. Происходит землетрясение.

Узкое море

В это же время загадочный громкий звук очень возбуждает драконов. Дэинерис временно теряет контроль над ними.

Речные земли.

Бриенна и Подрик путешествуют по Королевской дороге недалеко от Хорренхолла. Звучит громкий звук.
Подрик между тем спрашивает, почему они путешествуют отдельно от Джона и Дени. Бриенна обьясняет, что это потому, что они едут в Риверран, чтобы привести армию Сансе. Для того, чтобы вести переговоры, три армии, Севера, Долины и Риверрана, лучше двух армий. Поддрик напоминает ей, что король Севера преклонил колено. Бриенна говорит Подрику, что она не видела, чтобы Джон произносил какие-либо клятвы Дэни.
Подрик обеспокоен и расстроен тем, что Бриенна не доверяет ему, когда он расспрашивает ее.

Королевская Гавань

Серсея изо всех сил пытается справиться с последствиями ухода Джейме.
Половина солдат, с которыми Джейме беседовал в Красном Замке в прошлом сезоне, объединяет силы, чтобы несмотря на слова королевы, спасти Юг от мертвых и драконов, даже если это против приказов Серси.
Звучит громкий звук, Серсея чувствует себя больной от стресса, но она уверена, что Золотые Мечи защитят Королевскую Гавань.

Узкое море

Джон пытается успокоить Дэйнерис после того, как она потеряла контроль над своими драконами, но их беседу прерывает большая волна в море. Давос и Серый Червь занимаются управлением кораблем.


Эурон заключает соглашение с Железным Банком о сотрудничестве и о совместном предательстве Серсеи.
ЖБ видит свою прибыль в правлении Железнорожденных и считают, что Эурон сможет остановить Daenerys, так как он уже потопил два ее флота в прошлом сезоне.
Там же мы кратко видим Теона после Эурона, но он находится в доках в тот момент, когда раздаются крики о приближении бури.
Эурон и Теон ненадолго видят друг друга посреди разрушительно большой волны. Эурон смеется над бурей, как сумасшедший и обещает заставить Яру страдать.

Белая Гавань

Дэни и компания прибывают в Уайт-Харбор. Там кажется, что каждый пытается спастись на кораблях.
Виман Мандерли отчаянно пытается заставить крестьян остаться и сражаться. Когда он видит Джона, он злится, потому что получил письмо из Королевской Гавани о том что Джон преклонил колено перед дочерью Безумного короля. Daenerys обижена; Мандерли обвиняет ее во вторжении на Север и в том что она приносит смерть.
Много сумятицы, драконы летают над головами жителей. Паника, лучник стреляет в Рейгаля. Он терпит неудачу, но Рейгаль расстраивается и сжигает соседнее здание. Северяне в ужасе, но Джону удается успокоить ситуацию. Он узнает, что Берик Дондэрион послал весть по всему Северу, что Восточный Дозор пал на драконьего огня и толпы мертвецов устремились на Север.


Бриенна прибывает в Риверран. Он по-прежнему занят солдатами Ланнистеров, хотя Эдмуру Талли, его жене и ребенку разрешили вернуться после смерти Фреев, чтобы помочь управлять Речными землями. Бриенна пытается убедить Эдмура отправиться на Север к своей племяннице, но Эдмур утверждает, что он не контролирует армию вокруг него. Он также беспокоится о том, что Серсея сделает с его женой и сыном. И вообще, зачем ему бороться за бастарда Неда Старка?
В это время слышится шум и прибывает Джейме Ланнистер с приказом идти на Север, чтобы сразиться с мертвыми.
Солдат Ланнистеров утверждает, что Серсея приказала армии стоять на месте, но Джейме произносит возбуждающую речь о том, почему они должны идти на Север, потому что сражаться с мертвыми достойней, чем сражаться с живыми.
Один из солдат утверждает, что Дэни сожжет Джейме живым. Джейме признает, что это правда, и он, вероятно, все равно будет убит ею, но он все равно должен
Бриенна рада видеть Джейме, но его настроение падает, когда Эдмур утверждает, что армия Речных земель идет, чтобы сопровождать Ланнистеров и не будет сражаться за Север в лице драконов.


Винтерфелл готовится к приходу Daenerys Targaryen, там также ремонтирует стену, поврежденную в результате землетрясения. Сэм бросается к Сансе и говорит ей, что лорды ждут в Большом зале, требуя поговорить с ней после того, как всадник прибыл посреди снежной бури с новостями о том, что Джон преклонил колено перед Daenerys Targaryen.
Санса входит в Большой зал сжимая в руке письмо от Джона. К ней присоединяется Арья, и они усаживаются за столом рядом с Браном.
Лианна Мормонт и другие лорды расстроены и отказываются от Джона как короля Севера.
Санса пытается остановить это, но затем Лианна Мормонт объявляет, что вместо Джона Санса должна быть королевой.
Санса вся в ужасе и отказывается. В это время объявлено, что Дэйнерис уже у ворот. Лианна снова просит Сансу стать Королевой Севера. Другие лорды соглашаются. Бран говорит Сансе, что все будет хорошо, а Арья говорит, что Джон, должно быть, был вынужден преклонить колено для защиты Севера.
Санса снова отказывается, лорды поднимают шум, они слышат крики драконов у замка.

Примечания от аффтаров.

Виман Мандерли, возможно, появится не в этом эпизоде. Некоторые сценарии просто говорят - "старик".
Мы считаем, что самой крутой сценой, вероятно, будет встреча Эурона и Теона в Браавосе. Тем не менее, она кажется несколько дорогостоящим возможно спецэффекты могут быть сокращены. Однако недавние съемки показывают, что эта сцена будет.
Есть некоторые незначительные различия в разных вариантах и, возможно, ложные сцены, которые мы не включили в наши официальные эпизоды:
В сценариях, которые мы, кажется, не хватает сцены перед титрами. Мы считаем, что это сцена с Белыми Холоками, но мы еще не уверены.
Была альтернативная сцена, в которой Арья и Бран сговариваются короновать Сансу, но мы считаем, что это ложная сцена из-за остальной части сценария.
Еще была сцена с Сэмом и Браном, в которых они обсуждали семью Сэма. Однако есть еще одна сцена, где это лучше раскрывается, что имеет больше смысла, поэтому мы думаем, что это будет сцена, в которой снова появляется семья Сэма.
В одном из сценариев, о которых мы слышали, есть целая беседа Давоса и Миссандеи, но мы не видели этот сценарий.
Уверены, что это была шутка, потому что все подшучивают над флиртом Давоса с Миссандеей на съемочной площадке.


Ленный рыцарь
Английский вариант "спойлеров" с tumblr из поста выше. Шоб було.

Game of Thrones Season 8: Episode 1 Plot Leaks (Hear Me Roar!)

  • In Winterfell’s Godswood, Sansa and Arya argue over what to do about Jon as he sails North.
  • They haven’t told the lords about him kneeling, but they fear they’ll know soon.
  • Bran, who is in a trance, suddenly wakes and warns them that something has happened; there is a loud booming sound as if the world is shattering.
The Narrow Sea

  • While at sea, a mysteriously loud sound upsets the dragons.
  • Daenerys loses control over them.

  • Brienne and Podrick are traveling along the King’s Road near Harrenhal.
  • They are rattled by the loud sound they heard. They did not journey with Jon and Daenerys.
  • Podrick asks why, and Brienne reveals it is because they are going back to Riverrun to bring Sansa an army to negotiate, as three armies, the North, the Vale, and Riverrun, are better than two.
  • Podrick reminds her that the King in the North knelt like Torrhen Stark.
  • Brienne tells Podrick that she didn’t see Jon say any oaths.
  • Podrick is worried, and upset that Brienne doesn’t trust him with her intentions when he presses her on it.
King’s Landing

  • Cersei struggles to deal with the fallout of Jaime’s leaving.
  • Half of the soldiers he conversed with in the Red Keep last season are rallying forces to make good on the Queen’s word and save the South from the dead and the dragons, even if it is against Cersei’s orders.
  • A loud sound is heard as Cersei feels sick from her stress, but she’s confident that the Golden Company will secure King’s Landing.
The Narrow Sea

  • Jon tries to comfort Daenerys after she lost control over her dragons, but they are interrupted by a large wave at sea.
  • Davos and Grey Worm take control and set the boat right.

  • Euron makes an agreement with the Iron Bank to betray Cersei.
  • They see profit in an Ironborn rule and believe that Euron can stop Daenerys since he already took out two of her fleets last season.
  • We briefly see Theon following Euron, but he is stopped at the docks when there are shouts about a storm coming in.
  • Euron and Theon briefly see each other in the midst of devastatingly large wave.
  • Euron laughs like a mad man about being the storm and promises to make Yara suffer.
White Harbor

  • Daenerys and crew arrive in White Harbor.
  • It appears as if everyone is fleeing by ship.
  • Wyman Manderly is desperately trying to get the farmers to stay and fight.
  • When he sees Jon he is angry, because he received a letter from King’s Landing even if Winterfell hadn’t about him kneeling for the Mad King’s daughter.
  • Daenerys is offended; Manderly accuses her of invading the North and bringing death.
  • Much confusion, and then the dragons fly overhead.
  • More confusion, panic, and an attempt at Rhaegal’s life by an archer.
  • It fails, but Rhaegal becomes upset and burns a nearby building.
  • The northerner’s are horrified, but Jon manages to calm the situation.
  • He learns that Beric Dondarrion has sent word across the North that Eastwatch-by-the-Sea has fallen by a dragonfire and the dead are pouring into the North.

  • Brienne arrives to Riverrun.
  • It is still occupied by Lannister soldiers, though Edmure Tully and his wife and child have been allowed to return after the deaths of the Freys to help manage the Riverlands.
  • Brienne tries to convince him to march North for his niece, but Edmure states he doesn’t have control of the army around him. He also worries about what Cersei would do to his wife and son. And anyway, why would he fight so Ned Stark’s bastard can be king?
  • Just then, there is a ruckus, and Jaime Lannister arrives with orders to march North to fight the dead.
  • A Lannister soldier argues that Cersei has ordered the armies to stand down, but Jaime gives a rousing speech about why they have to march North, if not to fight the dead, than to fight the living, because he’s seen Daenerys’s dragons, and she will burn them all alive if she wins.
  • One of the soldiers argues that she’ll burn him alive. Jaime admits this is true, and he’ll probably be killed by her anyway, but he has to fight. What kind of man would he be if he didn’t?
  • Brienne is happy to see Jaime, but Podrick ruins the mood when he and Edmure argue that the Riverlander army set to accompany the Lannisters will not fight for the North in the face of dragons.

  • Winterfell is preparing for the arrival of Daenerys Targaryen as it is also making repairs to a wall damaged in the quake and the threat of the white walkers invading.
  • Sam rushes to Sansa and tells her that the lords are waiting in the Great Hall demanding to speak to her after a rider arrived in the midst of a snow storm with news of Jon kneeling to Daenerys Targaryen.
  • She enters the Great Hall with the letter from Jon clutched in her hand.
  • She is joined by Arya and they sit at the table beside Bran.
  • Lyanna Mormont and the others are upset, and renounce Jon as King of the North.
  • Sansa tries to stop it, but then Lyanna Mormont announces that she should be Queen instead.
  • Sansa is terrified, and refuses.
  • Just as Lyanna means to argue, it’s announced that Daenerys is at the gates.
  • Lyanna pushes Sansa as Queen of the North again. The other lords agree.
  • Bran tells her it will be okay, and Arya says Jon must’ve been forced to bend the knee and that they have to protect the North.
  • Sansa again refuses, and as there is an uproar by the lords they hear the shrieks of dragons.

  • Wyman Manderly may not be in this episode. Some scripts simply say old man.
  • We think the coolest scene is probably going to be Euron and Theon in Braavos. However, it seems so costly that, while it reads like cool shit, the special effects could be cut. However, recent filming suggests that this scene is on track.
  • There are some minor differences and possibly false scenes that we did not include in our official episode plot leaks:
    • The scripts we have appear to be missing a scene before the credits. We believe this is a scene with the White Walkers, but we’re not sure yet.
    • There was an alternate scene in which Arya and Bran conspire to crown Sansa, but we think this a false scene due to the rest of the season’s script. Since it is shot indoors, it would be cheap to film.
    • Initially, there was a scene with Sam and Bran in which they discuss his family. However, there is another scene where this is revealed that makes more sense, so I think that will be the scene in which Sam’s family comes up again.
    • There is an entire Davos and Missandei conversation in one of the scripts we heard about, but did not see. Pretty sure it was a joke, as everyone laughs about Davos’s flirtations with Missandei on set. Nothing happens with that - Davos was just being friendly and trying to make allies for Jon last season.
- Dseri, Nute, and Helix: the gotleakers
Game of Thrones Season 8: Episode 2 Plot Leaks

  • Everyone is standing in the courtyard of Winterfell, preparing for the gates to be opened.
  • Lyanna Mormont and Yohn Royce are angry about Sansa’s refusal to accept the crown and her order to meet Daenerys in the courtyard.
  • However, Drogon and Rhaegal are flying above Winterfell, and the entire castle has been cowed in fear.
  • Arya holds her blade tightly, and Bran tells her she won’t use it on Daenerys. She can’t. They need her.
  • Sansa and Arya are surprised by this. Arya doesn’t like the idea of someone forcing Jon to do anything or the North. They had enough of that with the Lannisters. She mentions Tyrion, but Sansa tells Arya he is kind, and perhaps Daenerys Targaryen isn’t so bad if she has come to help save the North.
  • Arya argues that she doesn’t believe that, and if she does, she’s stupid. Daenerys just wants the Northern army to march South. Sansa corrects her: they have the North and the Vale, and that gives them more power if they negotiate, rather than are forced to surrender after battle.
  • Lyanna asks if this is a negotiation or a surrender, but Sansa isn’t able to answer.
  • The gates open, and Daenerys rides in with Jon behind her.
  • Jon smiles when he sees Arya and Bran, but he is unable to reunite with them, as Daenerys is introduced.
  • However, nobody bows when Missandei declares all of Daenerys’s titles (which Lyanna rolls her eyes over).
  • Daenerys moves to criticize them, but Jorah argues that the storm they rode through might have made it impossible for them to hear the news.
  • Sansa steps forward, nervous, and asks why she is there and why she calls herself Queen of the North as well as the South. Sansa is pretending not to have heard the news in order to save Winterfell Daenerys’s possible wrath with dragons flying above them.
  • Daenerys says that Jon has bent the knee.
  • Lyanna and Lord Glover argue that it was not his to give. Lyanna steps forward and states that the last time the North was ruled over by a family which murdered Starks (meaning the Boltons) they went to war - both against the Lannisters, which stand here now, and the Targaryens through Daenerys.
  • Jorah steps forward. Lyanna is displeased with Jorah and pretends to not know who he is, for no Mormont would stand for a Targaryen.
  • Things are getting heated. Sansa asks if that is true to Jon. She looks very sad. The script says that Jon looks ashamed before he answers yes.
  • The dragons shriek again, and Sansa blinks, uncomfortable. She takes a breath.
  • Ghost parts his way through the crowd and comes to stand in front of Sansa, Arya, and Bran. He sees Jon and howls. This frightens Daenerys and the others, but not Jon, Davos, and Tyrion.
  • Sansa holds the scruff of Ghost’s neck, and after a hard look from Lyanna, Glover, and Royce, and then a determined look from Arya and a vacant look from Bran, invites Daenerys into the castle to have bread and salt.
Volantis (Theon)

  • Theon’s ship is searching for Euron’s near Volantis. They are all still bothered by what happened in Braavos, and Theon says he isn’t sure they’ll fight for Yara if it looks like Euron controls the sea.
  • One of the Ironborn argues that it might be too late to find him - Euron isn’t going to the Iron Islands.
  • Theon asks why he would do that. The Ironborn man asks why he would have gone to Braavos, and then Volantis. There’s something they don’t know happening.
  • Theon says he doesn’t care. The only thing he cares about is rescuing Yara.
  • They arrive in Volantis, and the Ironborn says that he sees the Golden Company, the largest group of sellswords, is in port.
Volantis (Euron)

  • Euron boards a ship owned by the Golden Company.
  • He meets with Harry Strickland, and asks to buy their service in a fight for the Iron Throne.
  • Strickland laughs at this and calls Euron mad, due to his reputation, and that he is too poor to afford them.
  • Euron says he has come with a loan backed by the Iron Bank.
  • Strickland argues that they won’t fight a war that cannot be won. Euron is allied with Cersei, who is fighting the Dragon Queen. Strickland laughs at this, and says that in Essos, Daenerys Targaryen is seen as the chosen by the Lord of Light. She has dragons.
  • Euron never said he was fighting for Cersei. He plans to take King’s Landing, and then give it to Daenerys through marriage.
  • Strickland stops for a moment and reminiscences about the Golden Company’s history - it was founded after they lost the Blackfyre Rebellion. They followed Targaryen pretenders until there were none left. But things have changed now: Daenerys Targaryen is the breaker of chains, and her existence threatens the slave trade in Essos, and thus the existence of the mercenary companies. He cannot fight for a ruler who will destroy him.
  • Euron says that is why the Iron Bank wants the Ironborn on the Iron Throne. They know the true price - and with the Ironborn, they will turn a blind eye to slavery. And Euron doesn’t want to be some Queen’s pet. She’ll be his, until he’s tired of her.
  • Strickland agrees to sail with Euron.
King’s Landing

  • Cersei is furious to learn that Jaime has roused the Westerland occupying army and the Riverlands to go North. This means that, should Daenerys survive the threat in the North, she’ll have multiple armies to march south with her.
  • Cersei decides to speak with the houses of the Crownlands and Stormlands, to which Qyburn promises to send envoys.
  • She asks him to prepare King’s Landing for the invasion; Qyburn says it’s already in motion. Should Daenerys come to King’s Landing with her dragons, no would would ever accept her rule in Westeros.
  • Cersei feels sick, and Qyburn offers to get her medicine. But Cersei only wants her enemies vanquished. It’s not enough to wait for an attack and hide in the cellars.
  • Cersei calls for Gregor, and orders him North to take care of her enemies.

  • In the Great Hall, the Northern Lords prepare to sit down and Sansa looks around. They are giving her angry looks, and she looks scared. Arya asks her what is wrong. Sansa says where they sit and where Daenerys sits determines everything. Arya say that’s ridiculous. Sansa agrees that it is, but Daenerys won’t think that, and neither will the North.
  • Sam appears with Gilly; he reads a raven that has arrived from the soldiers guarding the Dreadfort. Sansa reads the letter, and Arya peers over her shoulder and asks what she is going to do. Sansa looks back at the Great Hall.
  • In the courtyard, Daenerys tells Jon that the Northerners didn’t appear happy to see her. Jon says it will take time. Daenerys asks how much time, and says that they must have known she was coming - Grey Worm said there were scouts along the entire way. He was there King: they should listen to him, not his sister.
  • Jon tells her Daenerys Sansa is the Lady of Winterfell, and this is her home. Daenerys argues that should be the title that belongs to his wife.
  • Also in the courtyard, Varys approaches Tyrion. Varys does not look thrilled by the weather, something which Tyrion notes as they stand underneath an overhang.
  • Varys says he heard something concerning; the Northerners overthrew their King and tried to crown his sister. Tyrion says he doesn’t think Sansa would conspire against anybody. Varys admits she turned them down, but what if they hadn’t have arrived until longer? He implores Tyrion to get Sansa on his side, and the lords now that things have changed between Daenerys and Jon. They look on at the couple. Tyrion frowns.
The Neck

  • Jaime’s army is moving through the neck. Storms are raging, and make it perilous to travel by foot due to the geography hidden by snow. It’s why the North is safe from invasion from the south by land armies in winter. Brienne mentions that locals take boats that break ice due to the perilous water crossings. Jaime says they can’t do that with all their men. It would take too long.
  • They stop talking when they see something ahead. Scripts vary on how this scene happens, and what exactly is said (possibly due to variances in filming), but crannogman appear on said boats in bad weather. Everyone prepares for battle, but Jaime holds them back. A middle-aged man and Meera come into view.
  • Brienne recognizes her, and Jaime says that it must be Howland Reed, but he never leaves Greywater Watch. Jaime looks around, wondering if he accidentally found it. Meera says he would never find it.
  • Howland says that if he keeps going the way he’s going, they’ll meet with the dead instead of the living. Jaime jokes if he knows what really happened in the battle between Dayne and Stark. Howland frowns, and says that day changed everything.
  • He offers to take Jaime and his soldiers to Winterfell, where they are all needed.
Volantis (Melisandre)

  • Theon is off the ship and walking through the streets, trying to find where Euron has gone. He is stopped by Melisandre, whom asks who he is trying to save: his sister, or himself? Theon answers his sister.
  • Melisandre says that she sees him in the flames, and what he must do. She has an offer for him, and she takes him into a temple.
  • Kinvara appears, and says that she has raised an army for the one who was chosen by the lord of light.
  • Melisandre looks at a nearby flame uncomfortably.

  • Daenerys and crew prepare to enter the Great Hall. She briefly speaks to Jorah; he’s upset about his niece. Daenerys offers to make him the head of house Mormont, but he refuses. He’d rather stay by her side. Especially now. He looks suspiciously at Jon. Daenerys asks if he is jealous; he says no, but to be wary of those around her.
  • Daenerys is flustered at this, and says that everyone always speaks of how Eddard Stark was an honorable man and that Jon is just like him. She asks if he doesn’t like Jon because of that. Jorah says he likes Jon, and that he’s a good man makes it all the more dangerous that he is so close to her when he may not yet have secured an alliance.
  • A servant approaches and leads them in. Daenerys and Jon walk into the Great Hall together. Upon entering, Sansa, Arya, and Bran are situated on the right of where Jon would sit. The servant leads them to the table, and Daenerys is seated at the head of the table.
  • The Northern lords are upset by this, especially as Dothraki and unsullied sit by them at the tables. It’s not a feast, but there is bread and salt at each table, and Sansa encourages them all to eat.
  • Tyrion is sitting beside Daenerys, and he tells her it is the custom in Westeros. Daenerys is aware of this custom, and Tyrion reminds her the Starks take it more seriously than others, considering. Daenerys asks what that means, and Arya speaks up about her brother and mother and all their men being killed at a wedding.
  • Varys says that is wrong, and Missandei agrees. Daenerys gives her condolences with a smile, but Arya says her family has been avenged; here male Frey is dead. Varys mentions hearing a curious tale and looks at Arya, but does not elaborate even when everyone looks his way.
  • Jon asks his siblings how they are. Arya is pleased to see him. Bran says he has something to tell him later, about his journey beyond the Wall. Jon wavers, and Sansa breaks in, telling him that his friend, Samwell Tarly, has arrived from the Reach. He asks where he is, and Sansa says he has been looking through what survived the burnt library. She’s called for him though, but the girl from beyond the wall mentioned he went to see the dragons first.
  • Daenerys turns to Tyrion. Tyrion looks at his goblet of wine uncomfortably. Jon asks what’s wrong, and Daenerys looks toward Jorah. Sansa senses something is amiss, and looks toward Lyanna.
  • Lyanna is seething at her chair. Sansa nods in her direction. Lyanna bites her lip, sighs, and stands up dramatically.
  • She asks why the North should bend the knee to any foreign queen.
  • The Starks look at Jon, and he stands up, declaring that he bent the knee because Daenerys can help save the North. That’s what matters.
  • Lyanna doesn’t like this answer. She seems to be going off whatever plan Sansa has concocted, because Sansa gives Lyanna a warning look which Tyrion sees. Lyanna doesn’t listen, and says that it is convenient for the Dragon Queen that only she can save them, when they have heard that it was a dragon which brought down the wall.
  • Daenerys frowns. Jon says that she saved him and his men and helped bring proof south so they’ll have enough men to fight.
  • Sansa interrupts then. She says whatever Cersei said, she lied. Because that’s what she does.
  • Daenerys asks what she means, and Sansa recounts of when she was a hostage under the Lannisters and their cruelty. Yohn Royce calls out that two of her hostage takers sit among them. Varys and Tyrion look uncomfortable.
  • Sansa says it’s in the past, but she appears unhappy about it.
  • Arya interrupts, and asks what Daenerys plans to do to prove herself worthy of being the North’s queen.
  • Daenerys says she will march beside the North in their war. Arya corrects her that it is her war too. Bran, whose been quiet until now, says she will fight for them. She must, if she remembers the undying.
  • This makes Daenerys uncomfortable, and she asks how he knows what happened in Qarth, but Bran isn’t given the opportunity to answer, for Sam runs into the Great Hall, holding the same raven from before saying that a small army of White Walkers have been seen outside the Dreadfort.
  • Jon says that is the strongest fortress in the North after Winterfell was raised. If they could defeat some of the white walkers there, it would help later and prove to the North they could be beaten.
  • Sansa turns to Daenerys and asks if she will march for the North.
  • Tyrion begins to speak, saying that they just arrived, but Daenerys interrupts and says they will leave tomorrow with their entire army. She stands up and gives a speech about how she is their Queen, and they will fight together.
Winterfell (Evening)

  • Sansa is walking the halls, overlooking the yard when she is joined by Tyrion. He says that she has grown into a beautiful woman. She responds that she is glad to see him, and sorry for what was said in the Great Hall.
  • Tyrion warns that he heard other things were said in the Great Hall before they arrived. Sansa is nervous, but Tyrion says not to worry; he knows she turned down the offer. But he asks her what she thinks of her brother taking the crown.
  • Sansa admits she felt as if the Northern Lords did not appreciate her sacrifice to secure the Vale. But she’s pleased her family is home - or what’s left of it.
  • They look over Daenerys’s soldiers. Sansa tells him she will not leave Winterfell again for any reason. Their marriage is over. Tyrion says he guessed as much, for who could love a dwarf, and awkwardly smiles. Sansa frowns, and says she doesn’t hate him and that she doesn’t know if she will ever marry again.
  • Tyrion asks why; after all, she’s the heir to Winterfell. Sansa says she didn’t think about it that way. She is Lady of Winterfell, but Jon is, or was King, and his children will rule over Winterfell.
  • Then she mentions that Littlefinger suggested a match between Jon and Daenerys, as they are both young and unmarried, and the North needs an alliance to fight the dead and the living. Sansa asks if she thinks it’s possible. Tyrion admits that something may have happened between them.
  • Sansa is unhappy with this, but says it would make it easier, even if it would be harder for the North to accept at first.
  • Varys approaches, and Tyrion, seeming to want to lighten the mood, asks where Littlefinger is, since he heard he had pledged his cause.
  • Sansa says that she and her siblings killed him in the Great Hall for his crimes against her family, and leaves the scene, shocking Varys and Tyrion.
Winterfell (Night)

  • In a private room (solar) Jon reunites with Arya and Bran by the fire. He and Arya have a tender reunion, but Jon has a somewhat awkward reunion with Bran and is confused when he says he is the three eyed raven.
  • Sansa enters the room.
  • Arya wants to know why Jon bent the knee. Jon said he had to - it was the only way to secure an alliance with Daenerys, and she would have marched North anyway. He says they can’t beat her dragons. Arya offers to try. Sansa tells her not to do that. Bran says they need the dragons.
  • Sansa takes a deep breath and asks if he has considered a lasting alliance. Jon asks what she means, and Sansa pulls at the hem of her sleeve and suggests marriage. Jon asks why she would suggest that.
  • Sansa says it’s the smart thing to do.
  • Arya doesn’t like this. She doesn’t want Jon to go away. Everyone is finally back in Winterfell. Sansa says she doesn’t want anyone to ever leave again, but what choice do they have?
  • Arya leaves the room, angry.
  • Sansa tells Jon that she heard from Tyrion there was something between Daenerys and him. Perhaps they could announce a marriage on their return.
  • Jon says he’s done what is necessary to protect the North. Sansa says she knows, but the Northeners are too proud to bend the knee again. A royal marriage would give the North power if Daenerys took back the throne, and their children could unite Westeros, though at least one would need to bare the Stark name for the North to agree to it.
  • Jon tells her there will be no children. Daenerys said she was unable to.
  • Sansa is surprised by this, but says that’s unlikely. What queen would want to rule if she would have no heirs?
  • Sansa leaves the room, and Jon and Bran are left alone. Bran says he has to tell Jon something, and to call for Sam. Jon is confused, but Bran says it’s necessary that he is there to confirm what he is about to say.
The Red Keep

  • Cersei is sleeping in her room, having a nightmare. She is remembering Maggy’s prophecy, and when she wakes, she finds herself in a sweat and feeling a lot of pain. Then she hears drums.
  • The city is under attack.
  • Cersei runs over to the window, a hand on her belly expecting Daenerys, but instead she sees Euron and the Golden Company’s ships attacking. She’s been betrayed.
  • Qyburn enters her room, and says that this can ruin everything - one wrong move by either side, and the entire city could go up in flames. Cersei says that’s exactly what is supposed to happen, but it’s too soon. She asks if they can put a stop to it. Qyburn says they can’t. They must go somewhere safe.
Blackwater Bay

  • Euron leads the assault on King’s Landing, being met by few ships. But just as he is about to disembark and row to shore, ships bearing the Lord of Light appear and begin to fire at the Ironborn and the Golden Company.
  • Not expecting to be met at sea, Euron realizes his army is floundering, but he’s determined to fight back.
  • He’s surprised when he encounters Theon’s ship, and they end up in a duel. However, Theon can’t defeat him, so he uses the opportunity to kick him into the water and seek out Yara.
  • He fights through lesser Ironborn until he comes upon Yara, beaten down. But she says she’s ready to fight, and Theon helps her out of chains. She is glad he came back for her - she wasn’t sure he or anyone would. Theon apologizes for not coming sooner.
  • But Yara isn’t certain he can defeat Euron and the mercenaries. Theon says he has an army. She’s confused, but they make it out onto the ship, and they watch as the Golden Company appear to be fleeing for the sure to avoid a sea battle they can’t win. Unfortunately, this requires fighting their way in, and a wrong fiery arrow causes an entire section of the city to go up in flames.
  • They watch in awe. Elsewhere, the followers of the Lord of Light say a prayer. Kinvara says this is a scene, but Melisandre is frowning. Kinvara asks why she looks so displeased when this is what she wanted.
  • Melisandre admits it isn’t what she wants anymore.
  • The fires across the city get bigger, and Euron pulls himself out of the water.
The Red Keep

  • In the cellars, Cersei and Qyburn are awaiting the end of the fighting. She asks if they are safe down here, because it feels as if the entire castle is shaking. Qyburn says it’s the city burning down.
  • Cersei doubles over in pain.
Blackwater Bay

  • The fires get more intense across the city, and the debris is causing the ships to catch on fire. Death everywhere, by sea and by ship, due to the catastrophic flames.
  • Theon and Yara arrive back on their ship. Theon asks Melisandre if she saw this in the flames - all these people dying. He has already done so much. All he wanted to do was save his sister. Melisandre told him he did that.
  • Euron comes onto the ship, looking crazed. Kinvara says she sees a darkness in him.
  • Yara shies away, and Theon, seeing his sister’s fear, is enraged.
  • Theon and Euron duel. But Theon doesn’t have the upper hand, even with his fancy Northern fighting, and when Euron breaks through and threatens to kill Yara, Theon grabs a bow and arrow from an archer and shoots an arrow in Euron’s heart.
  • Theon and Yara are reunited, but now the entire city is up in flames… even the Red Keep. Melisandre tells them the purest way to die is by fire. Theon says he isn’t dying today, and him and Yara take command of the ship as flames shoot across the sky.
The Red Keep

  • The castle shakes again, and Cersei looks up and around at the dragons.
  • Qyburn says the Red Keep must be on fire, and while the cellars don’t have any wildfire, he cannot promise what will happen. They were supposed to leave by sea.
  • Cersei holds her stomach, and we see halls of the Red Keep on flame. She starts bleeding, and passes out as the rest of the city is destroyed.
Blackwater Bay

  • Theon and Yara watch the destruction of King’s Landing by fire.
Winterfell (Night)

  • Jon and Bran meet Sam in the Godswood.
  • Bran touches the tree, and says he can see things. He is the Three Eyed Raven. Jon doesn’t know what that means.
  • Bran recounts things Jon has done which nobody but Jon could have known. Bran says he saw everything, and still sees everything.
  • He says sometimes, he thinks he even sees what is going to happen in the future. But that’s not what is important. He tells Jon what’s important is what happened int he past.
  • Jon asks what he means.
  • Bran says he knows who his mother is. Sam says he can prove it. Legally, and takes
  • Jon isn’t sure he wants to know after all this time. She must be dead, by now. He doesn’t know what it matters. He’s still Eddard Stark’s son.
  • Bran says he isn’t.
  • Jon says he doesn’t believe that, so Bran decides to tell him how it happened - from the beginning about how he is the son of the Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark - the true heir to the Iron Throne.
  • Dragon shrieking.
  • Scene changes to Daenerys in the crypts. She is standing between Lyanna Stark and Eddard Stark. Varys approaches her.
  • Daenerys says she always expected to avenge her family by killing Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark, but both died before she reached Westeros. She looks at Eddard Stark, and says she heard he was a kind man from almost everyone but her brother. Varys concedes he was. Then she looks at Lyanna Stark.
  • Daenerys asks what happened to cause a Targaryen to start a war over one Stark woman. If Rhaegar hadn’t met Lyanna, Daenerys would have grown up in Westeros.
  • Varys he asks himself that everyday. It made no sense what happened. He says the entire story is a fabrication. As far as he knew, Rhaegar and Lyanna loved each other and he did not kidnap her. Daenerys says Varys was serving her father when it happened. How could he not know?
  • Varys says that Rhaegar went to marry Lyanna in secret to avoid the Mad King and Dorne’s ire, but before her family could be told, someone had said she had been forcibly taken and sent the Starks a letter. Daenerys asks who. Varys says he has no idea.
  • Bran touches the Heart Tree. He tells Jon it all began at Harrenhal. In his vision, the first thing Bran sees is a young Lyanna who has arrived at the tourney with her family. Eddard and Lyanna’s betrothed have not yet arrived. Catelyn meets her betrothed, Brandon, and they walk along. She talks excitedly about her their marriage, and then she sees a young boy ahead and calls out his name: Petyr.

  • The dialogue changes a lot in Cersei’s scene. Some scripts mention the disorganization of the Reach and Dorne, and others don’t.
  • Dialogue is also very different in Euron and Strickland’s scene, but the general gist is the same, and this is what we believe is most likely to be said. Included in these leaks despite the numerous differences because of the importance to the overall plot. Also, Euron is a pervert, and these jokes change with each script so we didn’t list them.
  • The order of some scenes change. Sometimes, Cersei’s scene comes before or between the first Volantis scenes.
  • The first Winterfell scene isn’t that long - the script is just generally consistent - likely because there is going to be so many actors there anyway it would be impossible to keep a lid on this scene completely.
  • We hope that some of the lines from Theon’s first scene in this episode to the last. There was no explanation for how Theon knew to follow Euron to Braavos. We assumed they simply followed him from King’s Landing. This is kind of a plot hole, though.
  • There is one script in which the Winterfell welcome was a lot like Robert’s arrival; Arya watched Daenerys approach. However, Bran is clearly not capable of climbing a tower and arrival by storm likely resulted in this scene being rewritten to what it currently is.
  • Although we’ve heard confirmation that the Theon/Melisandre/Kinvara(?) scene is happening, especially from the context of the rest of the script, we only know it by word of mouth and a cursory glance at a script which we were unable to access beyond that one time. For whatever reason, it’s been left out of all the scripts we’ve had access to. Also, Kinvara was not in the script we read before losing access of it, though by all other accounts she must be in this scene.
  • We’re not sure, but we also think there might be a Sam, Gilly, and Dragons scene. We’ve heard it mentioned, but not confirmed. It would make sense narratively, but we’re not sure they would spend the money on it.
  • Also, we aren’t sure why Varys wouldn’t have learned about Littlefinger when he found out about the Northern Lords, but this seems consistent in the script despite it seeming like a plot hole.
  • This is the second longest episode of the season, judging by the amount of script pages, though the (rather cool) King’s Landing battle ends pretty quickly.
- Dseri, Nute, and Helix: the gotleakers


Говорят, что Джон, Берик, Призрак, Джорах, Тормунд, Джендри, Червь и Бриенна отправятся за стену чтобы уничтожить "алтарь зимы"
1. Инсайдер говорит, что хотел сфотографировать страницы сценария (скрины делать нельзя), но не смог, поскольку рядом было много людей, а регулярного доступа к айпаду не имеет.
2. в 4м эпизоде есть сцена Джона и Бриенны, в которой обсуждается смерть БОЛЬШОГО персонажа*. Бриенна в этой сцене становится чересчур эмоциональной, поскольку она что-то провалила**. Ещё Джон называет Бриенну леди, но та просит её так не называть и злится. В сцене появляется Тормунд и выдаёт что-то в своём привычном духе.
3. Есть информация про съемки в Исландии вперемешку с предположениями.

*, ** возможно, речь о Сансе.
Последнее редактирование:


1. Cанса - инициатор свадьбы Джона и Дени, Тирион - против.
2. У Сансы есть разговор с Варисом о Мизинце.
3. Тормунд погибает, защищая младших Амберов и Карстарков от вихта-великана.
4. Винтерфелл обладает теми же магическими свойствами, что и Стена. Благодаря этому он какое-то время будет служить буферной территорией, (пока Бран не напортачит).
5. Варис убивает Квиберна


3 страницы из сценария. Были высланы модератору фрифолка. Выглядит очень правдоподобно и написано очень в стиле Дэвида и Дэна, если сравнить со сценариями прошлых сезонов.
Автор сознался, что это фейк


Призрак (гость)
Ещё такие были
  • Ночной король и его армия медленно продвигаются на юг
  • Джон и Дэни прибывают в Винтерфелл, переполненный беженцами, они начинают планировать оборону
  • Джейме прибывает в гостиницу на перекрёстке и встречается там с Бриенной, она предлагает ему разделить комнату, они занимаются сексом. На следующее утро Джейме заставляет Бриенну выйти за него замуж.
  • Эурон прибывает как КГ с Золотой компанией и требует, чтобы Серсея немедленно вышла за него, или он покидает союз. Сэрсея соглашается.
  • Эурон жестоко насиловает, а затем убивает Серсею в брачную ночь и объявляет себя королем на следующее утро. Теперь Квиберн и Гора служат ему.
  • Золотая компания заявляет, что у них есть контракт с Серсеей, а не с Эуроном, и они покидают КГ. Одним из ЗК является Дарио, и он убеждает своего лидера предложить свои услуги Дэни, поскольку они всё равно не могут покинуть Вестерос без кораблей Урона. Мелисандра присоединяется к ним по пути на север.
  • Бран и Сэм рассказывают Джону о его родителях, он злится и не хочет рассказывать Дэни, но Варис шпионил за ними и говорит ей. Между ними происходит большая ссора и Тирион пытается исправить ситуацию. В конце концов все приходят к соглашению.
  • Бриенна и Джейме прибывают в Винтерфелл, Тормунд пытается поговорить с ней, но Джейме ударяет его золотой рукой.
  • Все потрясены тем, что Джейме пришел один, и Серсея предала их. Дэни хочет исполнить Джейме, но Тирион, Бриенна и Бран вступаются за него. Дэни позволяет ему жить, его судьба должна решиться после войны, если он выживет.
  • Бран прощает Джейме за то, что скинул его из окна, он говорит, что это должно было быть.
  • КН атакует ВФ и уничтожает его, многие мертвы. Рейгаль убит Визирионом, но Дрогон сжегает его, чтобы он не стал зомби.
  • Оставшиеся в живых спасаются на юг, они встречаются с Золотой компанией и перегруппируются для следующей битвы.
  • Давос видит Мелиссандру и хочет убить ее, но она говорит, что только Джон может это сделать, потому что это создаст следующего Светоносного. Джон убивает Мелиссандру свои мечем.
  • Большая битва с КН, Джон убивает Короля Ночи. Но армия Джона почти истреблена.
  • Теон возвращается к Джону с Ярой и Бронном, Бронн помог ему спасти ее.
  • Все Семь Королевств, наконец, присоединяются к Джону и Дэни и маршируют к КГ против Эурона.
  • Последнее большое сражение, Урон побежден, Теон умирает. Дрогон разрушает Железный Трон своим огнем во время атаки.
  • Джон и Дэни правят вместе. Дэни помиловала Джейме, но он сослан и должен отправиться с Бриенной на Март и больше не покидать его. Тирион - десница, Санса решает остаться его женой. Бронн получает замок, Гендри узаконен и отправляется с Давосом в Штормовые Земли.
Последнее редактирование модератором:


В комментариях к новости об Эмилии и Ките в Исландии пользователь утверждает, что ему рассказал один человек кое-что из сценария, который тот имел радость читать.

- Джон и Дени присутствуют во всех 6 эпизодах;
- в финале, после окончания зимы, есть важная сцена за Стеной с заметным персонажем (с кем именно - секрет);
- Джон таки седлает дракона, но не в битве;
- во второй половине сезона Джон носит доспехи Таргариенов;
- Санса погибает в 3м эпизоде (но не точно);
- Дени узнает о беременности в 1м эпизоде, Джон - во 2м, оба - счастливы;
- Джейме убивает Серсею в 5м эпизоде;
- Теон убивает Эурона;
- Джон прощается с Длинным когтем в 3м эпизоде;
- Светозарный - не меч, а ребёнок;
- война с КН и Белыми ходоками заканчивается в 4м эпизоде;
- в КГ будет использован дикий огонь, драконье пламя - нет;
- видения Брана: прошлое Валирии, КГ;
- есть сцены в Харренхоле;
- Визерион убивает Дрогона (не точно);
- Рейгаль выживает;
- Джон не хочет править Вестеросом, Дени - тоже (!)
Последнее редактирование:


Человек, который писал про болезнь дотракийцев и смерть то ли Тормунда/Джораха/Джендри, то ли Арьи/Сансы, объявился с новым спойлером.

1. Санса действительно погибает - временные рамки не известны;
2. Последняя битва - в Тронном зале. В ней участвуют не только КН и Джон, но гораздо больше заметных персонажей;
3. Тирион и Джейме предают Север - автор не уверен, что правильно истолковал информацию от инсайда, возможно, кто-то один из Ланнистеров;
4. Битва в/у Винтерфелла масштабнейшая - до свидания три важных персонажа.

Также он пишет, что ждёт подтверждения какой-то очень важной информации.



Сайт blindgossip
This shocking pregnancy is sure to give fans pause.

And baby makes… WTF?!

Rumor has it a wildly popular, Emmy-winning series on a premium cable network is plotting a pregnancy twist that promises to be… surprising is an understatement. The plan — which, as always, is subject to change — is for the character’s baby bump to be unveiled when the show in question makes its anticipated return in (ugh) 2019.

Suffice it to say that the unlikely pregnancy will have more than a few implications, both dramatic and darkly comedic. Oh, and you’ll probably make an immediate assumption about the identity of the baby daddy. But you know what they say about people who assume, right? Don’t make me spell it out. OK, I’ll spell it out: They make an as out of su and me. (That’s not a clue, it’s just me putting a silly twist on a tired old joke.)
Эта шокирующая беременность точно изумит фанатов.
И ребенок, это просто WTF?
Ходят слухи, что очень популярный, имеющий Эмми сериал на серьезном кабельном канале, готовит вотэтоповорот с беременностью, который обещает быть... Слово "сюрприз" будет слишком слабым. Планы - которые, как обычно, могут поменяться - состоят в том, чтоы показать беременный живот уже как только случится долгожданное возвращение сериала в (уф!) 2019-м.
Само собой, эта неожиданная беременность вызовет несколько последствий, и драматических и черноюморных. А, и вы наверное немедленно сделаете вывод, кто папочка. Но знаете, что говорят о людях, которые предполагают? Не заставляйте меня говорить это вслух. Ну ладно, скажу (далее следует непереводимая игра слов с использованием местных идиоматических выражений непереводимая шутка, которая означает, что вы ошиблись).Это не подсказка, я просто глупо переделал старую шутку.

Догадки в комментах - Дейнерис, Серсея.


Ленный рыцарь
4. Битва в/у Винтерфелла масштабнейшая - до свидания три важных персонажа.

Там сказано "fringe characters", так что не важных, а, скорее, второстепенных. Т.е. граждане типа Червя, Тормунда, Джораха, Подрика и т.п.
Да, и там есть ещё пункт:

Валирийская сталь не может убить КН.


Человек, который писал про болезнь дотракийцев и смерть то ли Тормунда/Джораха/Джендри, то ли Арьи/Сансы, объявился с новым спойлером.

1. Санса действительно погибает - временные рамки не известны;
2. Последняя битва - в Тронном зале. В ней участвуют не только КН и Джон, но гораздо больше заметных персонажей;
3. Тирион и Джейме предают Север - автор не уверен, что правильно истолковал информацию от инсайда, возможно, кто-то один из Ланнистеров;
4. Битва в/у Винтерфелла масштабнейшая - до свидания три важных персонажа.

Также он пишет, что ждёт подтверждения какой-то очень важной информации.

Пользователь выступил со свежаком. Согласно его источникам, к съемкам в Исландии скоро должен присоединиться Айзек Хэмпстед. Будут снимать чардрево под пещерой Трёхглазого ворона. С этим местом связано много информации о войне с КН.
Последнее редактирование:


Фейкоспойлер по свежим следам

Автор утверждает, что знает 1-5 эпизоды, пока тезисно публикует события 1го. Из важных меток:
- Джон узнает о беременности Дени, и эта новость распространяется как лесной пожар;
- Тирион, узнав о беременности своей Королевы, говорит только прибывшему в Винтерфелл Джейме, что им двоим нужно менять планы, братец сконфужен;
- в финале эпизода Бран и Сэм рассказывают Джону правду о его происхождении.

Из того, что ни у кого не встречал:
- Яру насилуют несколько железнорождённых на корабле;
- Теон приплывает на Пайк, но обнаруживает лишь Эйрона, который помогает ему;
- Джейме останавливается в опустевшей гостинице, в ней он встречает только девушку Сару, которая рассказывает про лорда Уолдера Фрея и пришедшего за ним демона с лицом девушки. Автор, видимо, вспомнил кастинг-новости о некой Саре и что так у Мартина зовут одну из дочек Фреев. Либо действительно знает сценарий, во что пока ну никак верится;
- Дени во время разговора с Джоном, Сансой и Арьей падает в обморок.

Свежая рубрика "Что было в Хорватии":
Во-первых, это 4й эпизод
- Джон и Бран встречаются с Серсеей, последняя думает, что северный дурень прибыл, чтобы согнуть колено;
- Бран обвиняет Серсею и Джейме в причинении травмы, цитирует "либо вы играете в игру престолов, либо погибаете", Джон рассказывает, что он сын Рейгара;
- Золотая компания разрывает контракт с Серсеей и меняет сторону;
- Джон рассказывает Гарри Стрикленду как бороться с белыми ходоками;
- после 4го эпизода Джон/Эйгон контролирует Королевскую гавань.
Дени, я так полагаю, в это время находится в материнском инкубаторе :doh:.

Любопытное: автор фейкоспойлера утверждает, что сценарий 6го эпизода знают лишь актёры основного состава, ДиДы и другие продюсеры (в сумме - 25-30 человек). По его словам, все сцены финального эпизода будут сниматься с мая по август как фильм и одной командой.
Последнее редактирование:

Бека Царапкина

Автор говорит что работал на съемочной площадке ИП, там еще кроме этих есть у него части серий, описаний.

Episode 1: -Castle Black: Beric, Tormund and Gendry warns Ed of the breakthrough of the wall on Eastwatch by the Ice Dragon. Ed let prepares ravens for winterfell. 3 horn sounds sound. Ed points out that it did not come from the top. Army of the dead comes from south-east. Tormund and Gendry are ordered south by Beric, Ed stays with Beric. Beric says he still lives for one reason. He draws his sword which inflames. Ravens fly off, Gendry and Tormund are already riding and see the Ice Dragon burning all the raven in the air. Beric shouts that not all the dead are coming to the Black Castle. A larger army is further south-east following the Ice Dragon with the Night King. The Wights reach Castle Black and the battle begins.

-Bran is at the godstree on the weirwood. He asks the Maester how long he has been in Vision. Maester says a few hours. Bran notes he has not seen anything. He says that he may have been thrown out of the vision and something is wrong.

-Jon, Daenerys, Jorah, Tyrion, Varys, Brienne, the Hound and some soldiers ride to the gate of Winterfell. Several citizens of the north lift a moat. People look at Dany suspiciously. Jorah notices this and looks worried. Jon encourages Dany. Sansa, Arya and also belated Bran comes to the inside of the gate. Jon, etc. ride by. Jon is happy to see his siblings, but on closer inspection he seems depressed. Sansa looks at Dany suspiciously. Tyrion realizes that the Northmen are reinforcing the castle walls. Sansa greets Jon. She asks Jon how he managed to bring Dany and Cercei to peace. Jon hugs her and answers bleakly that it's not that easy. Brienne gets off the horse and looks at Sansa. The hound gets off his horse and sees Arya. Jon hugs Arya and says, "So you did stick them with the pointy end." Both are pleased. Jon and Bran look at each other, Jon looks worried. Varys stands next to Tyrion and asks him, "This is your 2nd time here, right?" Sam, with Gilly and her son in his arms, looks at Jon and the others from the far away gate. Ghost stands next to Sam and looks at Jon. Sansa tells Jon that Bran's situation is hard to explain. Sansa says, "Bran has visions. He can probably see things. "Brienne asks Sansa where Littlefingers is. Jon agrees and repeats the question. Arya answers Jon quite relaxed that she has executed him. Jon looks sad again, then Sam comes and greets Jon. Dany looks pleased. Jorah notices this and his gaze goes to the lords standing around, who look at Dany with disbelief. Jorah approaches Sam, gazes at Ghost carefully, and both talk about their last-ditch travels, and Sam then asks Dany how she likes Jon. She answers with a smile "more than most lords", she grabs her hand on her stomach, Ghost approaches Jon and he delights to stroke him, Sam greets Jon and they talk briefly about their time where they were apart. Sam asks Jon if he really only had dragon-glass in his fight against the white walkers, as Sam read several times about Valyrian steel when it came to obsidian. Jon answers" So far, Long-Claw has been well-armed. But with white walkers the steel did not break when I fought one. "Tyrion addresses Sansa and asks her how she escaped then and why he left her" husband "behind. Sansa answers that Littlefinger was behind everything and had similar plans with the Starks. But what works for the Lannisters does not work for the Starks. As a pack, wolves are the most dangerous. Jon asks Sansa why Winterfell is being prepared for a siege. She answers "An old friend once told me that I have to be prepared for any scenario. Then we will not experience any surprises. "She smiles and Jon is impressed. Jon orders everyone to gather in the big hall.

In the great hall, Jon and the others gather with the Lords of the north. Dany tells Jorah that the hall is very modest. A Lord interrupts Jon in his speech about the threat in the north and asks how exactly the peace agreement with Dany looks like. Jon answers that the King of the North is now serving Queen Daenerys. Turmoil rises in the hall and Sansa looks surprised at Jon. Lord Royce asks Jon angrily why he has not learned from the mistakes of Brandon Stark and his father. The hound stands next to Brienne and says, "Why must everyone always yell at these King's gatherings?" Jon explains that he is obviously still alive. Jon also says that Dany not only has provided Dragonglas, her armies and dragons to fight. He says that she has already fought, despite the threat. She sacrificed a dragon to Jon, her child. Lord Glover says he does not see any of this. Dany explains that she did not come as a conqueror and did not want to put a wrong signal. Lyanna Mormont asks Dany about the deal of peace with Cercei. Dany explains that the war has only a break. After the Night King is defeated, the war continues. Turmoil rises again. Arya says aloud, "We can not trust Cercei Lannister. She lies to stay alive, I do not believe that after a common victory, she will go home and wait until your war continues. "Jorah gets nervous and already holds sword hilt. In the side corridor Sam asks Bran when he want to tell Jon the truth. Bran says that maybe Sam has to do that because the time is just bad, Tyrion stands next to the entrance of this side corridor and looks towards the entrance and then looks back at Jon. Jon says he does not force anyone in the north to fight a war, which has nothing to do with them. But he would go to war for Dany, as she does the same for the north. Lord Glover asks if Cercei can be trusted and if she keeps her word. Tyrion says that they can, because even Cercei is aware of the threat of the white walkers. Dany looks at him in surprise. Varys looks at Tyrion in surprise too. Jon loudly points out that there is no time for that and everyone should immediately order all armies to the wall. Lyanna Mormont and Lord Manderly agree. Dany says "White Walkers do not argue in a room. They have only one king and they are getting closer. "Bran is pushed forward in his wheelchair by Maester. Bran says "She's right, white walkers do not talk, they follow one king, the Nightking. I know many here do not believe in what I can, but I saw him, I met him. First in a vision, then he found me. I saw him coming, he's always coming closer, we have to stop him." Dany persuades the lords in the room to fight the enemy together and to trust in Cercei´s help.

-Tyrion writes a letter in a room.

-Jon is with Daenerys in the crypt of winterfell. She asks Jon how many family members he has lost in the wars among the Lords of Westeros. Jon tells her about Ned, Catelyn, Robb and Rickon. He relates that Rickon died before his eyes in the battle for Winterfell. Jon says, "Robb died by betrayal. Unfortunately, his mistakes led him this way. "Dany asks about Robb. Jon says, "I heard that my brother killed the lords who betrayed him mercilessly. He has lost some allies. In the end, a broken oath cost him his life. Robb was promised to a woman, but he married another." Dany says "He was betrayed. His allies have betrayed him and he has given them the right punishment. The traitors who killed him are now gone as I heard." Jon says "Justice does you good, but do not bring them back. We fought for our home and for justice for my family. By doing so i lost Rickon. Sometimes justice brings just more death." Jon looks at Ned's stature. Dany looks at the same stature and then her look goes to Lyanna Starks stature. She asks Jon, "Who is this?" Jon says, "Lyanna Stark. My aunt. She was abducted by Rhaegar Targaryen, indirectly triggering Robert's rebellion. "Dany looks puzzled and says" I heard a lot about my oldest brother, but basically just good. An abduction of a defenseless woman does not sound like him. "Jon looks at Lyanna and then Daenerys. He says "Doesnt matter now. They are all dead. We are alive. We are the ones who matter. "She smiles at him.

  • In a village near the wall a naked young woman sits on a man. They having sex and he calls her a whore. She is proud and tells of a good-looking Squire from the capital, who has satisfied several whores at the same time and so well that they did not want any money. The farmer sleeps with the whore. Just outside the village, a boy plays in a snowy forest. He sees blue eyes in the forest and as they move, he runs screaming into the village and shouts, "Father." The farmer goes to his son and asks him what happened. He points to the forest. The farmer sees the Wights running into the village and runs away in panic. The whore hears that and gets dressed. The man wants to go back to bed with her, she beats him and runs out. She sees the farmer and his son running to a horse. The whore sees the undead run through the village and runs in panic to the stable. Most horses have already fled, the farmer has the last. She runs towards him and is run around by other fleeing peasants. A Wight comes from the side and attacks the son of the farmer. He dies and the father kills the wight. He collapses next to his son's body. The whore runs to the horse and ascends. She looks at the grieving farmer and says, "I'm so sorry." She rides away. The Wights overrun the village and throw themselves at the mourning peasants.
-Jon prepares his departure. Dany says goodbye to Jon and says she gets the Unsullied, Drogon and Rhaegal. The Dothraki will soon come over the Kings Road and she will meet them with the Unsullied to meet in Winterfell together. Dany rides off with escorts. Sansa tells Jon that she will stay here with Brienne, as there always has to be a Stark in Winterfell. Jon says „I'm the king in the north and can go anywhere I want, but you're probably now the lady of Winterfell. You have to stay that way. "Jon smiles and says," You remind me of your mother, you've grown up. "Sansa says "Not my mother. "She laughs a bit and says," Get rid of the Nightking. I have everything under control here." She smiles at Jon and he starts riding. Ravens fly south from Winterfell.

  • King's Landing: Cercei receives a letter from Master Qyburn. She reads it and goes out of the room to the balcony. Qyburn asks what he says. Cercei looks from the balcony to the snowy city. She answers „all armies are ordered to the wall and thus all are defenseless. Tyrion is again a valuable ally, even if he has only sent information so far. He is not a Littlefinger, but a Lannister.“ Master Qyburn asks her about Jaime. Cercei says „He is no threat. He is still my brother.“
-Jaime meets Bron near Harrenhal. Bron says he probably does not need to expect a lock of his own castle in the face of literal death. Jaime says that's true because Jaime has finally left his sister. Bron is pissed but says pleased "that was about time." Jaime rides off to the north and Bron follows him. Jaime tells Bron that they have to catch up with the Lannister armies to stop the golden company.

Coast of Essos: Euron Lies with Iron Fleet and Meets Commander of the Golden Company. Euron makes fun of the golden company with its elephants and beautiful golden armor. The commander commands Euron, Euron reacts in surprise.

-Theon mounts his ship near the Iron Fleet. He tells his men that he will find the ship and as long as they follow Theon, they will already see a possibility to attack.

-The troops of the golden company, including horses and war elephants, all go to Euron's ships. Commander of the Golden Company threatens Euron, he should do his job and not stand in the way. Euron smiles and says he has everything under control. Commander asks him if it's true that this Targaryen girl really has dragons. Euron says yes and says he has a weapon against it. Commander enters Euron's ship and he shows the Commander the Scorpion. Euron asks the commander if it is true that the golden company consists of knights exiled from Westeros. The commander agrees. Euron says, "Hey, I was exiled too. That makes us brothers. "Euron smiles at him, Theon comes out of crowd of Eurons soldiers and runs screaming at Euron. Euron pulls his sword and defeats Theon in swordplay but captures him. Euron's men bring Theon to Euron's ship. Euron calls them to put him in his sister's hole. From a distance one of Theon's men sees that Theon's plan works and now has to hijack the ship where Theon is trapped, Yara will probably be there. Euron gets on the ship and says Lets sail for Westeros.

-Dany comes with escort to white harbour, there are the Unsullied with Drogon and Rhaegal. Dany goes to Grey Worm and Missandei. She asks Missandei if they have used well the time together.. Missandei smiles at her. Dany orders all to Winterfell to travel from there to the wall with the King in the North.

-Jon arrives in Dreadfort with Ghost, Lords of the North, the Knights of the Vale and Jorah Mormunt. Jorah says the wall is not even in sight. Jon says it's just a stopover. Jorah asks why children come with them. Jon tells him the army of the dead does not make any exceptions to the troops. But the children come to safe walls and will only fight from a distance with a bow and arrow. From afar, Gendry and Tormund arrive and call out loud, "Take cover!" Jon takes a serious look towards Gendry and Tormund, and Jon orders everyone to take up position, all standing around the castle. Jon listens as Tormund repeatedly calls "Dragon". Ice Dragon roars and quickly a white fog arises on the horizon. The fog is approaching fast. Jorah says that makes no sense. They took months from Hartheim to the frozen lake. Lord Glover calls for Maester to prepare ravens. Tormund keeps shouting "Dragon!" The fog reaches the troops in front of the castle, Jon loses sight of them. Jon says to Jorah "The Night King might have followed a plan for every attack. The White Walkers always had the advantage. What if he needed it for an advantage? " Jorah asks Jon in panic, "What advantage should they have in waiting?" The ravens fly off and Tormund calls in front of the castle gate loud "They have the dragon!" Jon is shocked and looks to the northern horizon. From the clouds comes the ice dragon. He flies over the castle and flies past the ravens heading south. Jon tells Jorah "The Night King wants to go to Winterfell where my siblings are." Jorah says, "The Night King wants to intercept Dany because of the dragons." Jon says thoughtfully, "He may want someone else.“ Jon orders Jorah back to Winterfell, Jorah says it will not work, The Army of the Dead has already reached the gate of Castle Dreadfort, Jon realizes that the Night King might have been waiting to kill Vyserion. Jorah asks Jon anxiously how he could have known Daenerys is rushing to help with her dragons. Jon answers "Bran said he met him in a vision and through that he could find him." The gate breaks, Jon, Ghost and Jorah fight together against the dead and a white walker. An unknown rider manages to flee from the battle and rides south.

-In Winterfell in the Great Hall, Tyrion and Sansa talk about Cercei. Bran tells the maester to bring Bran to the weirwood, Bran says to Sansa he did not see anything at his last vision and something is wrong. Bran is brought out of the room. Varys asks Arya how they have seen through Littlefingers games. Arya looks out the window to the Godswood and answers that the Starks have learned from their mistakes in the past. Bran arrives at the weirwood tree and touches him. He hears roar of the ice dragon. Sansa, Arya, the Hound, Tyrion, Podrick and Brienne of Tarth hears it in the big hall too, everyone looks out the window. Sam also sees with Gilly out of windows in another room. On the horizon the ice dragon flies towards Winterfell. He flies over the weirwood tree and the night king sees Bran. Bran sees the ice dragon and says, "I'm ready." The Ice Dragon begins to burn the castle, Brienne says they have to flee, the hound barks at everyone "Get out of here!" Arya leads everyone to the stables. Sansa turns around, she says she has to get Bran. Brienne follows Sansa and urges Sansa to follow her to rescue Bran together. She tells Sansa to let her take the lead. Sansa agrees and they go. A floor crashes through the Ice Dragon's fire, Brienne chooses a new path, Sansa follows her in panic. Sam, Gilly and her son, Tyrion, Varys, the Hound and Podrick are following Arya to the horses. Everybody gets up on a horse and they want to go. Arya asks the others where Sansa and Brienne are. The unknown rider comes through the gate, the unknown rider is Beric. He roars, "We have to get away, reform in the south. The wall is broken! "Arya says that Brienne must be with Sansa and she is safe. Beric gets off the horse and talks to Arya "I served your father, I can understand that you do not dare me after our last meeting, but let me serve your family again and let me get your siblings. " Arya agrees. Beric pulls his sword, it flares up and he goes through the inner castle gate. Podrick shouts after Beric "What do you want to do against this dragon?" Hound says "he has a bow, I hope for him that his arrows have Dragonglass tips." Everyone continues together. Beric runs over a balcony in the castle. He goes through a longer corridor and hears Brienne. Brienne walks in the hallway into a small hall, she tells Sansa it's safe. Sansa wants to go in, then the ceiling of the hall collapses. Brienne sees the passage spilled. Sansa can still go back on her side. She reacts in panic, then says „Bran“ to herself and get herself together. Sansa goes back slowly. Beric sees Sansa in the long corridor from the distance and shouts "Lady Stark." Sansa reacts to it, then hears the ice dragon roaring, Sansa startled and tears come to her, the ice dragon spits fire on the castle again. The ceiling rips, Sansa looks up while running. The blanket breaks in and Sansa shouts "Yes! I'm Sansa Stark from Winterfell!" Sansa sees the whole corridor collapse in front of her, she says," This is my home, I am- "The ceiling of the corridor collapses and Sansa's voice falls in silent. Beric reacts in shock and gets angry. Arya and the rest are riding further south, the hound says everyone should gather somewhere. Tyrion says Dany has to come from the south-east and they have to ride towards her. Arya looks absently back to Winterfell, looks sadly forward again and rides ahead in furious mood. Hound realizes that Arya is riding too far and tells Tyrion, "Then ride everyone back to the Dragon Mommy. I'll get the Stark girl and then we'll meet somewhere." Tyrion agrees, Hound rides ahead and the rest rides south-east.

-Beric sees the ice dragon through hole in the wall/ceiling. Beric sees a tower and walks down the hall towards the tower. Bran looks at the collapsed castle and sees the Ice Dragon and the Night King flying over the burning castle. Beric goes up the stairs in a castle tower. At the top he puts his sword in the wooden floor. He takes his bow and draws an arrow. He targets the ice dragon and shoots him. The arrow bounces off. Beric shoots another arrow without effect. He throws the bow back into the tower, pulls his burning sword out of the wood and screams angrily at the ice dragon. The Ice Dragon flies south and the Night King sees some riders flee to the south (Arya and her companions). Beric screams angrily "come here if you dare. Stop slaughtering children and fight yourself…" Beric sees the ruined Winterfell and gets desperate, the Ice Dragon turns and flies in front of the tower a bit higher than Beric. He begins to spit fire on Beric. From the point of view of the Night King, he burns the tower. Beric keeps his burning sword in front of the dragon's fire, the dragonfire is blocked, Beric becomes more confident and roars, "You can not kill me!" I at the Prince who was promised! " Then the ice dragon stops spitting fire, hangs on tower, which is why it crumbles. Beric runs to the Dragonhead. Then the ice dragon eats Beric with a quick bite. The ice dragon rises again in the air and roars. From a distance the ruined winterfell is shown.
Episode 2: - Jon struggles with Ghost and Jorah from castle dreadfort. Lord Royce helps everyone to escape, dreadfort is given up and Jon sees the castle disappear in the blizzard / fog, they all flee in the direction of Winterfell. They animate a village which is near to escape. Some citizens join Jon in the fight, but many farmers die because they can not fight properly.

-Brienne flees out of Winterfell in mourning, she leaves Bran out of fear and is therefore ashamed.

-Dany meets Tyrion, Sam, Gilly and her son, Varys and Podrick. Together they fight against a white walker with hundreds of Wights. Dany rides on Drogon, with Rhaegal they burn many of the undead. The White Walkers remains untouched by the dragon fire. In the fight against white walkers. Sam calls to the soldiers, "You can only kill them with dragonglass. Or maybe with valeryan steel, but i guess you dont have any. "Arya throws her her Valyrian dagger to Grey Worm and he kills the White Walkers. All Wights disintegrate. Arya asks Sam how he knew this with the Valyrian steel. Sam answers "From Jon." A larger army is slowly approaching in the distance. Dany says they ride back to Winterfell to meet Jon there and beat the enemy together. Controversy with Tyrion starts. Dany prevents and puts her decision through. Tyrion says they have to wait for the Dothraki. Dany gets angry and says "Do you want the north to fall and Jon with him?" Tyrion says nothing.

-Edmure Tully is with his wife and child in Riverrun. His wife wants to persuade edmure to help in the great war. Edmure answers that it's pointless, because the wars will never stop. Whether it's the Lannisters, Boltons, Greyjois or the dead. It will never end.

-The fleeing whore hears an army riding. She is afraid and the sounds of the unknown army are getting louder. She is getting more and more scared. Then she sees Jon's army and shows relief. Then she sees her pursuers further back. Jon flees with his men in front of the army of the dead. They ride together to Winterfell and see Drogon flying in the distance. He spits fire and Jon reacts in shock. Jorah shouts, "Has the army of the dead already reached Winterfell?" The whore joins the soldier, sees the dragon, and roars, "Why are we riding to the damn dragon?" Jon meets with troops on Dany's army, together they form up against the coming army of the Night King. The Night King flies around Winterfell with the ice dragon. He spits fire on the Dany troops who are forming around Winterfell. Jon sees Tyrion with Grey Worm in the distance. Jon says, "Tyrion is here. They must have evacuated Winterfell. "Jon and his troops passes Winterfell and meet Dany. Jon learns that Arya escaped but Sansa and Bran could still be in Winterfell. Together they prepare for the attack of the enemy, but the Wights form inside and around Winterfell. Tyrion realizes that the Night King is much more dangerous than initially thought. They fight but do not achieve anything. Lord Cerwyn dies and Lyanna Mormont is escorted south. Jon desperately says, "We need to rescue Sansa and Bran." Podrick says, "If it was true what Bran said, he's too important to lose." Tormund shouts, "If he's not already dead. The Stark girl is definitely dead." Tyrion looks at him stressed and points to Jon. He snaps and kills the Wights. He goes back and yells at Tormund "We have to save them. Everything is lost without Bran. We- "Drogon's roar interrupts Jon. Dany rides on Drogon and obstructs the Ice Dragon while attacking. Rhaegal lands at an open field near Jon. Jon sees something at the sight of Rhaegal and gets on his back. He flies to heaven and together they fight in the sky against the ice dragon. Podrick is rescued by the whore. The Dothraki come from the south but that does not help either. Rhaegal gets bitten and Jon lands with him. Tyrion runs with Tormund and Gendry to Jon. Tyrion persuades him to leave Winterfell with Bran and Sansa behind. Dany realizes that even her dragons are having trouble. She is flying south and landing behind her troops. Together they flee south.

-Arya and the Hound ride a long distance from each other further south and see a rider riding north. Bron comes from the south and rides towards Jon. He warns everyone of the golden company on Moat Cailin, Lord Manderly tells Jon "We can go to White Harbour. The ships of Queen Daenerys are there too. "Jon decides new meeting place: White Harbour and from there they go with the ships to the Eyrie, Tyrion persuades Jon to go without Arya because she is too far away and now he must take no more risk.

-Hound reaches Arya, he asks her what she is doing. She says she is certain that the Lannister armies are somewhere south of Winterfell waiting for the armies of the North. Arya and Hound are traded by White Walkers and Dead. Nymeria rescues her with pack of wolves. Arya kills the white walker in a long fight with the help of Hound and Nymeria. For this she uses her dagger of Valyrian steel. Hound complains about winning over the white walker and says "Because of these buggers all die away. Beric can pray as much as he can. Not even a god can help here.“ Arya decides to travel to Kings Landing to keep control over Cercei and her armies. Arya is certain that Cercei will fall them in the back by the first opportunity. Hound says that she should face the truth instad of running away to kill people who are thousands of miles away. Arya reacts angry. Hound says angry „face it, girl! Your family is dead. Your fucking home is under siege or lost. We could have helped them with this dragon bitch, but you wanted to run away.“ Arya gets more angry and fights the Hound. He doesnt want to kill her, but fight to stop her. He cant, because she dodges nearly every swing of his sword. She manages to cut his hand, then the hound drops his sword. Arya threatens him with the dagger, he fights back. Arya can dodge his attacks, then she manages to get him on the ground. He is impressed. Arya takes needle and point it on him. Nymeria and the pack of wolves had surounded the area where they fought. The hound locks around him and say „Fine. We kill the Queen.“ Arya puts back her weapons and the Hound stands up.

-Euron lays with gold. Comp. on the eastern coast at the Neck. A sea storm rages. The commander tells Euron he should travel back to his queen, the gold. Comp. Will do that alone. Commander orders his troops to gather in Moat Cailin. Eurons men are preparing to start his ship, many are not yet on board as they want to store new supplies for the passage to Kings Landing. Smaller greyish ship rams alone in Euron's ship, Theon's men capture it and free Theon and Yara. Theon turns to Euron, gets packed. Yara wants to save him, Theon frees himself but is wounded at arm. Theon protects Yara by catching an ax with his body. Yara then hits Euron to the ground and Theon's men take Theon on their own ship. In escape, Theon says in Yara's arms that he can not make up for his mistakes, but at least he can help the people he has deceived. Then Theon dies in her arms. Yara lays him down, takes command of the ship and flees from Euron in the storm. Euron says they should finally go. A messenger arrives and shouts to the people "Winterfell has fallen." Euron changes plan and says they travel directly to the queen.The commander of the gold.comp. looks very serious after experiencing the news and exclaims to his soldiers "Before us are armies from Northmen, Unsullied and Dothraki, if they fail, the real enemy comes, so do not underestimate the enemy! "

-Cercice orders to wait an attack on Winterfell as she no longer trusts Jaime with his troops. Maester Qyburn asks her what to do with Jaime if he betrays her. Cercei answers Jaime has to be captured. Maester Qyburn prepares the letter and a raven.

-Jon and Dany are preparing for departure with allies of white harbour. Podrick helps some escaping citizens onto the ship. He helps the escaped whore, she thanks and says "I'm Sarra." Podrick is impressed. Brienne confesses to Jon that she could not save Sansa anymore. Jon looks disappointed and sad in the sky. Dany holds Jon's hand and she tells him that she is sorry. Jon says it will continue if they do nothing. Jon says, "We'll go to the Eyrie right away and collect all the troops there. We're building a defense that even a dead dragon can not destroy. "Brienne questions Jon for leaving behind Arya. Jon argues with her since Brienne has left Sansa and Bran behind, though that was her only job. Jon has to take care of all his people. Brienne says she rides for Arya and find her. Tormund reacts horrified, he follows Brienne to help her. Jon says they need every man here, Podrick agrees and stays with Jon. Tormund answers proudly that he has never sworn an oath to Jon and he is free. Jon approves of it. Daenerys touches her stomach and tells Jon that she has a good feeling and thinks she sees her again.

-Brienne asks Tormund why he follows her. Tormund says, "I almost died beyond the wall. And right now, when I thought I was dying, all I could think about was one. You. "Brienne looks slightly outraged. Tormund speaks playfully to Brienne on her oath and that she obviously has broken it. Brienne tells Tormund that she's doing this for the oath and to save at least the last child of Catelyn Stark. She says that he has no idea how she feels. Tormund answers that he lost his daughter. Brienne falls silent and gets on horseback. Tormund follows her with his horse.

  • Yaime leads the Lannister's armies north and shouts to all "the golden company is not our ally, your queen wants to do anything to stay in power, so there's a chance she might want to attack the armies of the North and armies from the Targaryen girl. In the north we have to help them and, if necessary, fight the golden company. " His soldiers roar Jaime in agreement.
-Meera Reed tries to persuade her father in Greywater Watch that she joins forces with the King in the North. Howland Reed says thoughtfully he does not trust this Jon Snow. A messenger says the Lannister forces moves north. Howland admits that even the Lannister help in the Great War. Meera hears Brans voice and follows the sound in a next room. Meera sees no one but hears Bran again saying "Meera." She calls him and asks if he is really here. Bran says „no“ He tells her that it looks bad and Winterfell has fallen. Meera has to flee with her family. Meera asks Bran where he is. Bran responds "in winterwell."

Night King lands with ice dragon at the godstree. He dismounts and goes to the Weirwood tree, where Bran is waiting for him. The ice dragon roars. The Night King goes to Bran, grabs his arm and presses his hand on the weirwood tree. With his other hand, the Night King also touches the weirwood tree and puts Bran into a vision. Night King goes with Bran into a shared vision. There, Bran asks him about his motivations. He does not answer. They stand in the forest where both see their real bodies. Bran asks him why he wants to kill everyone. No Answer. Bran asks him why he killed the last 3-eyed raven. The forest becomes a hall. The royal hall in Kings Landing can be seen. Bran sees the mad king. He looks old and unkempt. Bran asks the Night King what that has to do with the 3-eyed raven. The Night King looks next to the throne. Bran looks closer and begins to see a shadow. He forms to the younger 3-eyed raven. Bran looks at 3-eyed raven and goes closer to it, he asks what this is supposed to be. He hears the voice of the 3-eyed raven, "you have to kill the enemys in the north." The 3-eyed raven says"the white walkers are coming" The mad king starts silently to say something "enemys in the north" Bran reacts slightly surprised. The 3-eyed raven says "you have to kill them with fire" The mad king says "Fire" 3-eyed raven says „you must help the free folk.“ Mad King a little louder: "Burn" 3-eyed raven says "burn the wall, burn the enemys, burn the night King" the mad king reacts shocked after the last word. He mumbles, "burn the wall?" Bran tries to intervene and says, "No, stop that. Because of you my uncle and my grandfather are dying!" Bran stops, looks at the Night King and says, "I am your prisoner. Why do you have that kind of power?" The Night King looks up at the mad King, the mad king starts to speak louder „Burn them ... Burn them all!" Bran says a bit depressing "so thats why he warned me about it, he knew it from his own experience." Night King and Bran are standing on a hill. Bran recognizes Mort Cailin. Bran asks what the Night King wants to tell him.

Jaime meets Mort Cailin with Lannister's armies. He sees the golden company around the castle setting up their camps. Jaime says this is a defense formation. Then he sees a scorpion attached to the wall. Jaime calls on his army, "my sister did not lie, she wants to fight all the Lords and their armies in the north. The real enemy behind the wall is no intrigue. Let's end this here and now!" Battle begins, Jaime takes the lead in this battle through the surprise moment, then the commander skillfully encircled the Lannister armies at the castle and then trample everything with war elephants from two sides. Jaime is with a small troop on the castle and fights guards of the commander, but is captured. Bran looks at everything and says, "I understand what you want to tell me. People always betray each other. Not you. But do not think that's why we're easier to beat. We are many lords who think and act differently. To destroy us you have to kill every single person. We only have to kill you. We may not fight together, but we will be enough to kill you. To kill all of you." Then the Night King sees directly in Bran's eyes.
Episode 3: -Castle Karhold: the young Ned Umber sits scared in a hall. A messenger enters the hall and asks in panic, "Me Lord, please. We cant wait any longer. No one is coming for us ... The North has fallen. We have to leave." Ned Umber says anxiously" King Jon will come. He has a plan." The messenger despairs and becomes angry. He roars "King Jon could already be dead." Horn bursts sound and everyone reacts shocked. The army of the dead mauls at Castle Karhold. A white walker is on a dead horse and leads them. Ned Umber looks out of a window and says "It's too late. I'm so sorry. I thought Jon would …" He stops and sees his men running away.

-Jon and his allies arrive on the eastern coast of the Vale. Way to the eyrie can be seen. Jon sees Yara's ships and says they're waiting for the Greyjois. Sam goes to Jon and says, "I'm sorry about your brother. He had visions and could see so much. "Jon says," Maybe he even saw Cercei blowing up the sept of Baelor. " Sam smiles playfully and says, "Well, everybody has heard of the sept." He smiles again and Jon says "She has blown up all her enemies and her slaves chase us. The Nightking conquered the North in one fell swoop, killed two of my siblings and too many Northmen and now he's chasing us no matter what we do, no matter where we flee. We have enemies everywhere." Sam says, "I only hope he has not seen all the human mistakes before he ...“ Jon says „If he had seen everything, maybe he did not wanted to help us anymore." Yara arrives with allies and joins dany again. Jon asks Yara where Theon is. She says he fell in battle. Tyrion says "so in the end he got his just punishment." Jon says angrily to Tyrion, "he betrayed his family just as you did, but he made peace with it, with the Starks and the Greyjois." Bron stands next to Tyrion with his hand on his sword. Dany settles the conflict "Tyrion has done exactly the same." Everybody heads up the path, Bron reminds Tyrion of the forest folk that almost killed her after Bron rescued Tyrion. Tyrion says, "Without me, the forest people would have killed you ..." Tyrion thinks and Bron says, "Well, your father actually saved us by equipping these savages." Tyrion says, "Of course, the Woods!" He goes to Daenerys and says, "Your grace, I've been in contact with a small army i have helped to arms. I can persuade them to join us." Dany says he has to take a lot of escort with him. Tyrion leaves the path with Bron and some soldiers. Dany tells Jon that she is pregnant. Jon is happy despite his grief. He says „You mean that would not be possible." Dany says "You said-" Jon interrupts her by hugging her. Dany encourages Jon that Arya is safe as long as they stop the Night King.

-Arya travels with the Hound across the Kings Road to Kings Landing. Nymeria and her pack of wolves are in the woods with them. Hound says "Are these bastards following us all the way to the capital?" Arya says, "Maybe." They ride through a snowy forest and arrive at the Inn on the Crossroads. Hound sees the abandoned inn and says "We know what it looks like when people loot in wars. And now the end of the damn world is coming."Arya stops and sees something. She gets off the horse. Hound notices that and says "There's nothing to get here. If you're smart enough, you'll be chopped off with your own supplies as soon as the news of the fall of the Wall arrived." Arya sees the corpse of a fat boy. She says "The chaos must have started immediately when the news arrived. Or the looters came first." Hound sees the dead boy and says "Either way. Did not help the dumb fat cunt either. Look at him. Razor still in front of the inn. No boots and remnants of a bag. He was definitely robed. Could not get away fast enough." Arya says "Do you know about killing fat defenseless boys?" Hound is surprised. He says "We should bury him or go on riding. But there's nothing here for us." Arya says "You should burn him." Hound reacts angrily and says "Are you kidding me?" Arya says „A strong man who kills children but is afraid of fire. You deserve your title." The Hound says „Fuck you." Arya says „I just want to annoy you. We continue riding." Arya and Hound ride in the forest from the Kings road. Hound asks how Arya wants to control Cercei if she's a traitor. Arya answers she kills Cercei and then takes her place. Hound says "What in seven... Fine." They arrive at a cave. Hound says "This is the cave of Beric and the other deserters ... You really want to annoy me." Arya says „I remeber hearing that you deserted from the battle of blackwater bay. You are not better.“
В переводах не сильна, с горем пополам и поддержкой гугла дочитала только до героическо погребенной леди Винтерфелла.

Бека Царапкина

тот же автор, ссылка на него постом ранее, на англ.языке,последний эпизод
-They all arrive at the red keep. Jon ends up with Drogon there. Davos and Podrick tell Jon all about the Ice Dragon. Jon says, "The soldiers should put the dragonglass on the scorpions. Arrows will just bounce off." Jon sees the chaos in the city and the approaching army of the dead. He sees the Ice Dragon flying in the sky and says, "We can not stop an army that gets bigger with our losses. We have to destroy him. Just him." Jon points his sword at the ice dragons in the sky. Davos says, "Not every one of us has a dragonglass weapon." Jaime agrees, but says, "We can not change much now except handing out the rest of the dragonglass." Jon looks at his blade and asks Jaime, "How many swords from Valyrian Steel are melted in the iron throne?" Jaime reacts in surprise and says "You want to...? I mean, how?" Jaime looks at Drogon and understands. He says, "Unfortunately not a thousand like in Aegon's stories. The stories of your ancestor... Maybe 300 swords or less."Jon looks around and says, "Fewer... That must be enough." Jon asks Jaime where exactly the throne room is. Jaime answers him and Jon gets on Drogon. He lands with Drogon in the throne room, by doing so drogon destroys the ceiling. Snow and ashes fill the throne room. Jon sees several bodies in the hall, including Cerceis. He almost touches the throne, but then lets go before he touches it. Jon says, "This uncomfortable chair has only caused suffering. No more!" Jon moves away from the throne and says "Dracarys." Drogon spits on the throne with his dragonfire. Jaime runs into the hall with the others. Sam enters the room and tells Jon that the blades are still too hot to touch. Jaime grabs a blade from the glowing throne with his golden hand. Jaime throws her into the snow that falls down from above. Jaime orders the men to somehow get the swords in shape again, and the soldiers do that with their shields or weapons. Jaime recognizes Jon as the leader of all troops and says, "We have to fight this time as One Army with One Leader. Be it Aegon Targaryen or Jon Snow. He is the best leader we can hope for." Everyone recognizes Jon as leader and Jon realizes that he may be the promised prince. His sword flames, Jon holds it up and says, "Let's kill the Night King and save this damned land!" Everyone is shouting.

Battle begins around the red keep. Several soldiers go to the Scorpions at the Red Keep and attach Dragonglass to the spears.

-Yara comes back to the town thanks to Nymeria and his pack of wolfes. Yara fights with her men to the Scorpions on the city wall, creating a good distraction for Jon and his allies.

  • Together they fight their way free to the white walkers. Jorah, Jon, Ghost and Jaime fight through the Wights. They are slowly encircled between some buildings.
-Brienne and Tormund fight their way through from behind and kill many Wights, where Jon, Jorah and Jaime were just encircled. Together they free themselves. Brienne and Tormund fight in a building and hide briefly there.

-Arya struggles with Bron on the rooftops to make room for the archers.

-Nymeria helps Jon with her pack to distract the dead elephants.

-Davos and Sam convince the surviving citizens in the red keep to fight. Sam still remains with a sword at Misandei and Jon's child.

-The Nightking fights on the Ice Dragons in the sky against Drogon. Drogon flies lower and the Ice Dragon tracks him. Nightking notes that Jon is not sitting on Drogon and he is fighting on the ground. Jon yells the command to shoot and all Scorpions shoot with dragonglass spears on the Ice Dragon. Some hits him and the Ice Dragon crashes. He lands in the Dragonpit.

-Drogon lands at Jon's position and he gets on top of him. They fly to the Dragonpit. Ghost follows him fast. His allies follow him.

-Drogon lands in the Dragonpit and bites the ice dragon in his head as he lands. Drogon bites deeper and then lets go. He spits fire on the ice dragon. Jon jumps from Drogon and attacks the Night King. The Night King fends off the attack, gets up and fights with Jon as the dragons fight each other. Jon hits several times, but never penetrates deep enough, so the wounds heal with ice too quickly. The Night King grabs Jon's sword and throws Jon off the Ice Dragon. The Night King jumps from the Ice Dragon and fights Jon. Drogon spits fire again and again and moving his wings makes the snow whirl. Jon loses his sword and he dodges. The Ice Dragon jumps away from Drogon and remains frozen. The Night King stops and Bran appears. Jon asks him, "Why now? Will you tell me something before the end?" Bran says, "You fought well, but your allies will take too long to be here. You've fullfilled your task and all the other enemies are now falling into the trap." Jon says, "Fulfilled? Did you use me to help this monster? Please tell me that you are not you. It must all be a trick of him." Bran says, "He never needed such tricks. Tricks like that made him do what he did." Jon asks, "What do you mean? You know everything about him, dont you? Then tell me what kind of life this man must have led to believe in all this!" Jon looks at Bran and the Night King tense.

Jon's allies are running to the Dragon Pit. The Wights and the white walkers follow them inconspicuously.

Bran says, "It was a simple life at first. He was a young lord with a great family. But when he saw something he should not see, bad people tried to kill him for it. Everyone had different motivations for that, as I later learned. The young lord was badly hurt and that led to a war that would annihilate his whole family. His father was beheaded, his mother's throat was cut through, his brothers were shot through the body with arrows. Well not all died. The survivors only suffered afterwards. They were sold and raped, abducted and hunted, betrayed and killed." Jon looks at Bran in surprise. Bran says, "The young Lord lost everything and followed the call of the children of the forest. They gave the Lord a power to destroy the enemies in the north. He became the 3-eyed raven. But then he realized that this power should never be stopped, but must be directed against the true threat. Mankind." Jon says angrily "No …" Bran says "The Lord recognized the power to travel in time and to warg into other people. He decided and took Azor Ahai's body." Jon says," Bran, what you're saying, that... that can not..." Bran says, "The Lord-" Jon interrupts him and says "The life of this Lord... That's your life..." Jon looks frozen. Drogon is visibly nervous at the sight of Jon. Jon asks, "Why do you think your life was so cruel? There were also good moments." Bran says "But unfortunately too much suffering. And I do not want to impose this suffering on anyone. That's why I'm releasing them all." Jon says, "You've seen all the pain in the past. But what about the future? What do you see in my future?" Bran says "The future is very blurry. But mostly I see the death of Westeros." Jon says "After all, you do not believe in peace anymore. I even understand that. But I will change that. I will unite this country. I already have that. And if this ends victoriously, there will be peace." Bran says, "You dont understand that. The future of the people is damned. People destroy everything that can become a danger to them. And with me, the white walkers will not die." Jon asks in surprise, "Why not?" Bran says,"The Night King was not created to expel the first people from Westeros. The Night King was created after the long night." Jon says, "No, I thought the Night King was the beginning of everything." Bran says, "You dont know much, Aegon." The Night King slowly approaches Jon and grabs his arm. Bran shows him everything in suitable visions. Bran says in the visions, "The first humans traveled further north than the children of the forest had ever dared. Then they met the others. The white walkers. A people living in the land of eternal winter. People saw a threat in them and fought them. The white walkers resisted in the long night and made sure that the war didnt take place in their country. In winter they were at an advantage. Even ther magic withstood. The dead could fight for the white walkers. But when winter ended, this Azor Ahai could end the war. They built the wall to have an insurmountable border between both sides. The children of the forest told Azor Ahai about the power of the White Walkers and promised to create a weapon for him. A weapon with which you can stop the white walkers. There should be peace for that. Azor Ahai volunteered and even got tied up. But when they pressed the dagger of the peace agreement into his chest, he suffered. I will free him from it. Actually, I have already." Jon breaks free, so ends the vision, falls aside and is so closer to his sword. Jon looks at the night king. He looks bleak, gets up slowly and asks Bran "Look into my future. See if I can bring peace. You know me." Bran looks at him and says, "Yes, but that does not change the nature of men. Even if you can do it. The next king will fight wars again and everything starts again. Aegon, I understand you. You dont want to accept your end, but you dont have to be scared. Your suffering will be over soon." Jon asks Bran, "This tree on the gods eye ... what should that be? Why did you lure us into this trap?" Bran says, "The weirwood tree was the source of magic for the Night King. The night king dies with the dead of this tree. This will take months, until the magic is finally gone. With this I wanted to ensure that this weapon will be destroyed with the end of Westeros. So no one will ever meet a white walker again and the rest of humanity will be safe. Their wars will continue, but the past has shown that the people of Essos will now live more peacefully now that slavery is about to end." Jon sees his sword and Drogon. He hears his calling men in the distance. Then Jon says, "Then please promise me one. If you win now, you can kill me. Not the night king. Not your other self. You." Bran says, "That makes no difference, Aegon. But since you gave people hope, I fulfill that wish. I'll travel back in time and redeem you." Jon says firmly, "Then do it Bran. Become the Night King and kill me here!" Bran says, "As you wish." Bran disappears.

-Bran stands on a meadow on a weirwood tree, around him are stones in a formation. Bran sees Azor Ahai getting the dragonglass dagger hit in the chest by the children of the forest. Bran's eyes turn white. The eyes of Azor Ahai seem to freeze and turn blue.

-Jon looks around carefully in the Dragonpit and then sees the Night King. The Night King moves again, goes to Jon, takes his ice sword tighter and starts to strike his sword. Drogon roars and Jon dodges the attack. He takes his sword off the ground and averts the attack. The Night King attacks again. After a short fight Ghost jumps into the fight and helps Jon to retreat. Drogon defends himself against the Ice Dragon. The Night King kills Ghost. Jon yells about it.

-Jon's allies come and defend him. Jaime, Arya, Edmure, Jorah, and Bron attack the Night King with their Valyrian swords from the iron throne, but after a fight with them, the Night King dodges every attack of them and counters them. Jon sees the Night King hurt Arya. Jon intervenes and saves her life. Jon loses his sword again. The Ice Dragon steps behind the Night King and by doing so his attackers retreat a bit. The Night King raises his hands.

-All corpses on the battlefields are rising. The bodies of Cercei, the Mountain, the Hound, and Tyrions also rise. Even the war elephants outside the city. They all run into town for the Dragon Pit.

-The Nightking gets on the ice dragon and flies to the sky. Jon tells his allies that the Night King can see the future and therefore believes he has won in a few months. Jon says thats the reason why he will lose his power in that time. Bron says, "So we could just hide?" Jon says, "Yeah, Elarya Sand's tactic might work. Hide from the enemy and kill him step by step." Arya asks Jon, "Why do you suddenly want to flee? You just wanted to destroy him and you were close. What happened?" Jon looks depressed and says "Now i know why he does that. Who he was. I do not know if I can do it." Arya says "You dont know? Whoever this man was, he wants to kill your child. It is not even a day old. He has no right to. No right to all of that." Jon looks at her in surprise. Arya gives Jon the dagger of Valyrian steel. She says, "The next time you lose your sword, take the dagger and bring it to an end." Jon takes the dagger and says, "Alright. We finish it here and now." Jon yells at his ally, "I'm going to destroy the enemy now. You just have to hold the dragon pit. All enemy troops are on their way for us. Dont fight for me. Fight for you and the lives of your children!" Jon picks up his sword, it inflames. He gets on Drogon and they rise up. Jon sees the army of the dead surrounding the Dragon Pit and slowly enters it.

-A final battle begins in Dragon Pit. Edmure Tully dies in this battle.

-Brienne and Tormund fight their way through the building, but they have to retreat in that building. Brienne gets desperate, but Tormund manages to give her courage again.

-Drogon follows the ice dragon. They fight in the sky. Jon briefly gets in contact within the fight and roars "You want to redeem us with the death. You dont know what's coming after death. I know. Nothing comes after death. Neither suffering nor joy. There is no peace waiting. Only darkness." The fight continues and Jon manages to knock the Night Kings ice sword off of him. Jon hits his burning sword into the throat of the ice dragon, knocking off his icy skin. Jon keeps beating. The Night King stops Jon, but Drogon gives him the rest and bites his head off. Drogon can not get away from the Ice Dragon and everyone crashes. Jon is still fighting with the Night King while falling. Jon hits his sword into the belly of the Night King and rams the Valyrian dagger into his chest. The bright blue in the eyes of the Night King goes out. Drogon makes a crash landing before the Red Keep. Jon rolls on the ground. The Night King has fallen a little further. Jon gets up and sees the Night King rising slowly. His ice splinters and the Night King collapses slowly. The Night King walks slowly to Jon. Jon looks around for a weapon, but finds none. The Night King grabs the dagger from his chest. The Nightking sees Jon into his eyes. Then he drops the dagger out of his chest and breaks completely.

-The Battle of the Dragon Pit ends when the White walkers and the Wights break to the ground and die. Everyone is cheering because the war is finally over.

-Jon picks up the dagger, sees the heap of ice from the Night King and says, "Thank you."

-Tormund and Brienne are in their building full of body parts. They rejoice and as Tormund offers himself, Brienne says "Fuck it." They go to a room where there are no corpses and do it wildly with each other.

  • Jon's allies arrive at the Red Keep. First they see Drogon and then Jon. They stop at Jon and see the pile of ice. Sam comes out of the Red Keep and sees Jon. He thanks everyone and asks how it should continue now. Westeros no longer has a queen. Jaime says he can not imagine any other king except Aegon Targaryen. Most agree with him. Jon refuses, but Davos says, "You are the most successful king I have ever seen. And after all, you're the man who deserves it the most." Jon says, "I dont deserve anything. I only used my life to do what I swore once. Being the shield of the people." Sam says "And that's exactly what you can do from here. Rule the kingdoms and keep the peace." Jon looks at everyone and realizes that they seem to agree. Jon looks determined and says "No. I will not be king. I have the name and the blood. That's the only reason I can become king. And if my son someday replaces me and does everything differently? I'll become king if the people accept me." Bron comes in and says, "And who's to become your successor when you die?" Jon says, "That's what the people decide. Everyone should get a chance to come to power. So we did it at the nights watch. That's how I became Lord Commander." Yara agrees and says, "We do it the same way on the Iron Islands." Jaime and Sam accept it. Jon says, "First, I'll tell you something. The Night King was not anyone. It was a man who saw Westeros and found only war and suffering there. This man would never have turned that magic against us if we had not waged wars. It was our fault and that of our ancestors. That was the price of suffering that the Lords exposed to the people. Help me to keep the peace. No more pain or wars. No more!" People cheer Jon and shout "Long may he reign! Long my he reign! "Jon is celebrated, but from his perspective he sees the ruined city. Jon says, "There's no time to celebrate now. Now is the time to mourn our dead and help the country out of this mess." The soldiers cheer him. Drogon roars.
-Jon goes to Daenerys corpse and mourns. Then he gets his soldiers in to take Daenery's body. Missandei holds Jon's child and looks at Jon worried. Jon sees Missandei and walks out of the hall.

-Bron and Podrick help in the city to find food supplies. Bron sees Brienne and Tormund coming out of a building together.

-Jaime enters the room from the small council. Jon, Sam, Davos, Elarya, Yara, the new Commander, Arya and Jorah are in the room. Jaime asks Jon "What is so important that it has to be discussed in secret? I thought you wanted to end these things. Let the people decide." Jon says "The people should not know anything from this. Otherwise, chaos may arise again." Elarya says definitely "Would you let us know what you want, King Aegon?" Jon says, "What I'm going to tell you now will not be easy. The war may not be over yet." Jaime says, "The Night King is dead, the White walkers are destroyed. We saw it." Jon says, "I had contact with the Night King and he told me a lot. He told me about the long night. He told me that the night king was intended as a weapon against the first white walkers after the long night. The Night King, however, had found a way to direct this weapon against humans. He had the opinion that a renewed war with the true white walkers would be inevitable and that we would lose." Jaime is shocked and says "The true White walkers? But the wall. He would never get trough it without the dragon..." Jon says" Exactly. The wall must be rebuilt. But for safety I will do something else. I will try to get in contact and try to negotiate peace."

-Night: In front of the Red Keep is a big pile of wood. Jon puts Daenery's body on it. Jon goes to Drogon in front of the Red Keep. He says goodbye to Daenerys. Jon says, "I'm going to travel behind the wall with Drogon one last time. I dont know when or if I will ever return. But I promise you that when I return, everyone will be safe. Until then, I ask you to talk to each other. Forge no plans or plots. Help each other. Meet regularly in the capital and start to negotiate, but please dont force the people to another war. Dont let our sacrifices be in vain." People accept it. But Arya looks down. Then Jon says "Dracarys" and Drogon spits his fire on Daenerys corpse. The pile of wood burns with her. Everyone is silent and Jon stares into the fire.

-Jon packs his bag for his trip. Arya visits Jon before leaving and says "Now I'm going to be the new lady of Winterfell, right?" Jon says, "I'm sorry. If I could- "Arya interrupts Jon and says" It's fine. In this peaceful world you create, some dreams cant be fulfilled." Jon says, "Arya, I-" Arya says, "No, I want it that way. Our sister... my sister taught me a lot. I can handle it." Both smile and say goodbye.

-Jon says goodbye to Sam and asks him to take care of his son. Even though Sam has a lot to do as the new Lord of the Reach. Both are smiling. Sam says to Jon, "I think I'll write a book about you. Something poetic in which you are the hero." Jon says "A song?" Sam says "A song of ice maybe. Your name was snow and your enemy was of ice. Could be poethic." Sam smiles, Jon says "I was not the hero. Daenerys was the hero. She had the will to achieve everything. She was the mother of dragons." Sam says, "What about a song of ice and-" Jon interrupts him and says, "I hope I can read it soon. But please tell the truth." Sam agrees with Jon. Jon says, "If you really want to write about me, you should know one thing. Surely you still know about Brans powers, right?" Sam says "Yes, he told me he is the 3-eyed raven and could see everything." Jon says "He saw everything. All wars and the suffering of the people. He could take over the people himself in the past. At least that's what he told me." Sam asks, "When did he tell you that?" Jon says „a few days ago at the Dragon Pit." Sam is surprised and says, "Do you think Bran himself controlled the body of the Night King? So you could kill him just because of that? Because Bran helped you?" Jon says, "That would be the more poetic story, right?" Jon smiles, then looks down and says, "No. Bran has controlled the Night King from the first day and brought this mess over us." Sam is shocked. Jon says, "Please write that too. The whole truth. But first you should finish your Maester training." Jon smiles at Sam and walks to the door. Sam sees him walking out to Drogon. Davos wishes Jon good luck. Jon gets on Drogon and both fly north.

-Jorah is at the harbor of Kings Landing and says goodbye to Missandei. Jorah says "I'm going to the only place I've ever felt comfortable. I travel back to the Dragon Bay and help Daario to bring peace. Thats what our Khaleesi would have wanted. Jorah wants to go on the boat when he sees Drogon fly over him.

-Sam sees Jon flying into the distance.

In Winterfell, Bran sits frozen on the weirwood tree. Drogon lands there and Jon hits Bran with the Valyrian dagger. Jon says goodbye to Bran and returns to Drogon.

-Jon flies with Drogon over the wall into the blizzard. The blizzard slowly covers the picture and everything stops. A male voice asks "And then?" Sam answers. "Then he disappeared. King Jon traveled behind the wall, but never came back." The freezed snowstorm becomes a picture. An image in a book. A hand closes the book. The man gets up from the table and says, "As I always tell you. He has failed everyone. Just leave everything behind and fly far away with his dragonglass. Maybe he cant do any more" Sam is old and says "And why should he do that? He could have been king." The young man says "Everyone always tells me what he had and how great he was. The most honorable man who ever lived. I also heard that he was a man of the nights watch. He should have spent his life there. He probably was not that great." Sam says "Many young people say something like that. But he gave each one of you a chance to do better. Even you Eddard." The young man says "My father could have been king. He could have seen me growing up." Sam says, "I learned one thing about Jon. He always comes back." Eddard looks away, disinterested. Then the city bells ring. Eddard says, "He certainly isnt." Sam says, "The small council comes together. I have to get prepared." Eddard says "For decades we have no real leader. My father will not return. It's time to choose a new king and you know better than anyone else that I'm ready." Sam smiles at him and says "Maybe we'll see soon." A brown-haired man enters the room and says, "Did you teached the prince enough now, father?" Sam says, "If Eddard wants to, he can go anytime, my son." Eddard looks at Sam's son and says, "Let's go, Sam." They both leave the room.

-Jaime arrives in Kings Landing with a few men. Bron welcomes him. Jaime says, "Are you sure your wife will approve that?" Bron says, "We're old, she's old. And soon our children will have the power in Dorne. What' should happen when we talk?" Elarya Sand arrives with her new daughter and asks Bron "When will you finally realize that these Lannisters can not to be trusted?" Bron takes a step back from Jaime and says, "I'm sorry old Friend."

Arya arrives at the Red Keep with adult Lyanna Mormont and her husband and sees the widow of Edmure Tully and his adult son. The son greets Arya, the widow wants to prevent this, however, angrily. She says to Arya, "I'll never forget what you did to my family. I know what it means when a girl tells you that winter has come for house frey." Arya turns away. Robin Arryn sees Arya, but he walks away from her angrily. Brienne and her red-haired daughter welcome Arya. Arya calls the girl Sansa and says "I think it's nice that you've been named after my sister. I hope you dont die as early as she does." Sansa looks intimidated. Brienne says "Dont worry Sansa, Arya Stark has a special sense of humor, doesnt she?" Arya smiles and agrees. Arya asks, "Where is your father?" Brienne replies for Sansa and says, "Tormund did not come along. He says these meetings are not for him." The older Podrick arrives and greets the tthree. Sam also arrives and greets Arya. Sam then asks her, "Still having trouble with Robin?" Arya says, "He had a bad education. Now he wants a bad alliance. At least that would be one for me." Sam says "They run out of supplies and we dont know when winter ends." Arya says, "Then he should have been more carefully with the supplies of his people. My people went hungry to survive while he was celebrating. He reminds me of Joeffrey." Sam says, "Dont tell him like you're telling me-"Arya says, "Of course not, Maester Samwell."

-Yara arrives by ship at the landing stage of Kings Landings harbor. She meets Jorah and asks him why he has traveled the long way from Essos ago. Jorah answers "There could be a problem. I should inform you personally." Together they go to the city.

-Sam opens the small council in a room at the Red Keep and lets talk Jorah. Jorah says, "I know many here have their differences due to the acts of the time of the Iron Throne. But maybe we'll have to devote ourselves to another threat soon. The Iron Bank has been demanding debt to Cercei's payment to the Golden Company for decades. They have an army again and could come to Westeros. The Dragon Bay would be ready to help you. No consideration. We just want to secure peace as our queen would have done it once." Jaime thanks Jorah for the message and is about to say something when another city bell rings. Everyone except Jorah is shocked. Jorah asks in surprise, "What does the sounding of this bell mean?" Sam says "Jon is back. King Jon is back." Eddard is still surprised.

-Drogon, now much taller, lands in front of the Red Keep. Jon is old and already has some grey hair. Everyone is amazed at his appearance. Eddard comes out fast and sees Jon descend from Drogon. He is overwhelmed and intimidated. Sam greets Jon and asks him if he needs anything. Jon apparently ignores him and just walks past Sam. Sam follows him and walks beside Jon. Sam says "I can not imagine what you must have experienced up there. It's good that you're back. The situation is difficult. It might be best if you became king again." Jon looks at him and hugs him. Sam evaluates that as a yes and lets everyone gather for Jon in the throne room. Arya sees the new stone throne. Jon enters the room seemingly emotionless. Arya greets Jon and they hug. Jon looks over Arya and looks into the next fire he sees. Jon gives his son Eddard a hand and looks at him briefly, then he looks back into the fire. Sam notices this and looks worried. Jon goes to the throne. Eddard asks Sam what he has there. Sam says, "This is the book for your father. I wrote it for him." The book name is "A Song of Ice and Fire." Jon always watches into a fire as he walks to the throne. Jon takes his seat on the throne and Lyanna Mormont says, "Long may he reign." Jon watches into the flame all the time. Sam sees that and looks worried, then scared. The people say together "Long may he reign." The last picture is Jon as he sits on the throne and stares emotionless into the fire.
Улыбнуло - Джон говорит:"Дракарис" и Дрогон сжигает труп Дейнерис :oh::facepalm:


Небольшой фейкоспойлер. Человек утверждает, что Винтерфелл атакован армией Серсеи, в это время стены замка защищают Арья, Бриенна, Сэм, Джендри и Пёс. Также в Винтерфелле находятся Лилли с ребёнком и Бран вместе с ними. В какое-то время Бран уходит в астрал и к нему прибегает Арья, посмотреть всё ли в порядке. Много огня и взрывов вокруг замка. Также он упоминает о Николае, который находился вместе с кастом на съемках, но упоминает о нём как-то отдельно. Плюс, он слышал от члена съемочной команды, что в битве задействованы слоны.
О каком именно эпизоде идёт речь, автор не в курсе, но знает, что режиссёр Сапочник. О Джоне, Дейенерис, Сансе, Тирионе и КН ничего не знает, только эти моменты.
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