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ну и ладно, знач чувак который подписал эту фотку как Дени тож ошибся

оть вам настоящая


Book!Cat: Ned, you must go to Kings Landing to help Robert and find out what happened to Jon Arryn!
HBO!Cat: Ned, stay here with me!
Book!Cat: <during the King in the North scene> Robb, let's trade for the girls and sue for peace. You can't bring your father back.
HBO!Cat: <during the same scene> ::silent::
Book!Cat: Look, Robb, I know you don't want to negotiate with the Lannisters but you have to give them something. Okay, those terms aren't exactly what I was thinking but you're the King.
HBO!Cat: ::strangely missing from the negotiation table::
Book!Cat: I don't care what you say, Robb, I'm not going home I'm staying right here by any means necessary. Also if you're going to negotiate with Balon Greyjoy you shouldn't give up our only hostage.
HBO!Cat: You can't trust Balon! I want to go home!
Book!Cat: Trying to forge an alliance with Renly Baratheon could be a good idea.
HBO!Cat: Okay, Robb, I'll go negotiate with Renly, but I really want to go home.
Book!Cat: <<discusses strategy and tactics with Renly>>
HBO!Cat: <<gets dismissed to her tent by Renly>>
Book!Cat: Releases Jaime after hearing about Rickon and Bran's "deaths", hoping to get back Sansa, who besides being her beloved daughter, is also a useful political piece (as Tywin *and* Robb would later note) and at that moment Robb's heir
HBO!Cat: Releases Jaime because all her children are held captive and she wants them back
Book!Robb: Forgives his mother because he has also done something "dishonorable"


Довольно интересные наброски от Raffaella81.

Последние из Таргариенов.







Слева направо, сверху вниз:
Брандон, Лианна
Эддард, Бенджен
Робб, Джон
Санса, Арья
Бран, Рикон


Не понимаю, почему многие не считают Лену красивой. Мне её внешность нравится, хотя ей больше идёт тёмные волосы чем светлый парик с булочками.
Так никто и не спорит:)

Но сам по себе светлый парик ей подобрали очень неудачный. Он её (ИМХО) сильно старит и лицо делает несколько непропорциональным.
Но даже с ним, при определённой причёске она смотрится очень мило.
В этой теме отключено размещение новых сообщений.