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Тест: кто вы в мире ПЛиО?


Прошла оба теста. По одному получилась Кэтлин, по другому - Недом. Ну, в принципе, все верно - на выходе всегда было некое среднее арифметическое.




Ого х)) Так или иначе, практически все связаны со Старками: в первом Рейегар Таргариен (или Кейтилин Старк, если учитывать мой пол), во втором Санса Старк и в третьем Эддард Старк (также подходят Кейтилин Старк и Бриенна Тарт, противоположность - Эурон Грейджой). :D


Ленный рыцарь
Samwell Tarly

You scored 290 Adaptability, 170 Humor, 180 Integrity and 160 Activity!

You are also similar to Catelyn Stark and Sansa Stark. Your polar opposite is Sandor Clegane.
Your polar opposite is Sandor Clegane?
Your polar opposite is Sandor Clegane??!
Противоположности притягиваются:smirk:


Ещё один тест, где я Старк. Общий итог по тестам: Нед Старк, Джон Сноу, Нед Старк. :)
You are Eddard Stark.

Also known as Ned, you are a pillar of morality in a corrupt world. No matter what kind of people or situations you encounter, your sense of honor remains as strong as it can possibly be. You are rather introverted, but you are deeply caring person when it comes to your family and friends. You are forthright and often disgusted by people who are sneaky, deceitful and manipulative. You are serious, reserved, and righteous.

You are also similar to Catelyn Stark and Brienne of Tarth. Your polar opposite is Euron Greyjoy.


Противоположности притягиваются:smirk:
Да какие тут противоположности, тут прямое совпадение! :sneaky: Я прям сука лохматая женское воплощение Сандора - и ожог на морде, и емо-алкоголизм, и садо-педагогические наклонности, и презрение к шёлковым бантикам... Только пол да отношение к огню не подходят (последнее намекает, что я хрень неопалимая Дэйнерис, как мне сказал предидущий тест).:D


По одному тесту - Маргаэри Тирелл, по другому Джейме Ланнистером оказалась, а по последнему, англоязычному, меня определили, как Сансу Старк (к тому же несколько похожую на Кейтилин и Брана)...
Все три варианта довольно внезапны, особенно в своей разномастности :crazzzy:


Межевой рыцарь
у меня на большинство вопросов вообще ненаписанные ответы получаются...
видимо, мне не место в этой книге

You are Dolorous Edd Tollett.

Just your luck getting this result, isn't it? Oh well, it's probably only a small tragedy in comparison to the rest of your entire life thus far, no? You have a great sense of humor that is especially dry and self-deprecating. You can make any horrible situation into the funniest thing in the world. You're also a person of high integrity. You stick with your friends and family no matter what, and you are pretty courageous. Of course, why wouldn't you be brave? You're going to die either way, after all! You are dolorous, pessimistic, and downright hilarious.

You are also similar to Jon Snow and Sandor Clegane. Your polar opposite is Arya Stark.


Внезапно по одному тесту - Лорас Тирелл, а по другому - Ренли Баратеон. =D
А в английском:

Daenerys Targaryen

You scored 280 Adaptability, 150 Humor, 180 Integrity and 240 Activity!
A queen must listen to all. The highborn and the low, the strong and the weak, the noble and the venal. One voice may speak you false, but in many there is always truth to be found.
You are Daenerys Targaryen.
Also known as Daenerys Stormborn, you are the last of the "Blood of the Dragon". You have put up with a lot of difficult people in your life, but you have not let this get you down. You may not seem like it right away, but you are a natural leader. You have a great amount of love for the world, but you know how to stand up for yourself when it needs to be done. You are very open and apadtable - you enjoy learning about and experiencing different cultures. Social justice issues are especially important to you. Madness may run in your family. You are strong, compassionate, and fiery.
You are also similar to Robb Stark and Bran Stark. Your polar opposite is Robert Baratheon.


Призрак (гость)
Арья Старк
I am not an evil child. I am a direwolf.

You scored 250 Adaptability, 240 Humor, 160 Integrity and 300 Activity!

You are Arya Stark.

You are an adventurous and athletic person who is always interested in learning new skills. You love to explore and you are not afraid of confrontation. You are highly adaptable - you are constantly changing as your situation does. You are quite guileful, though many people would not expect it. You are able to accept difficult situations without getting emotionally distraught, but you do have a penchant for revenge. You like to get your rage out through physical activity when possible. You are energetic, angry, and resourceful.

You also similar to Asha Greyjoy and Daenerys Targaryen. Your polar opposite is Edd Tollett.