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Еще один тест, который определит ваше сходство с героями. Интересный тест, кстати. Правда на английском. В результате выдает трех похожих на вас персонажей с подробным сравнением характеристик))
Мне выпал Джейми, Манс и Игритт
У меня комбо
Primary Character:Mance Rayder

Nickname:King Beyond the Wall
Traits:Inspiring, Formidable, Pioneer

Your primary character is Mance Rayder. You are a charismatic, calm, and determined man with strong leadership qualities. You tend to rise quickly through the ranks of any organization you enter. You have good social and diplomatic skills, allowing you to collaborate with many different types of people. You have an honest yet stern persona which earns you respect and admiration of those around you. You are very trusting which can be your greatest weakness. You value freedom above all else.
Secondary Character: Daenerys Targaryen
Nickname:Mother of Dragons
Traits:Ambitious, Ruthless, Just

Your secondary character is Daenerys Targaryen. You are polite and calm in appearance but beneath the soft exterior is a willful and determined person. You have a strong sense of justice and thus can be compassionate to those in need but can also be harsh to your enemies and to those you perceive as oppressive to others. You are strong, confident and courageous. You use these qualities to bring justice whenever and wherever you can. You are bent on seeking power, but you have a strong moral compass and wield power wisely and justly.
Tertiary Character:Jon Snow
Nickname:Bastard of Winterfell
Traits:Loner, Solemn, Somber

Your tertiary character is Jon Snow. You are serious most of the time and prefer solitude than the company of others. That can sometimes be mistaken for shyness, but you fit in well in most group and are respected for your honest and earnest nature. You can be arrogant and condescending towards your inferiors due to your upbringing and self confidence, but you are easily humbled when shown the error of your ways. You show generosity and compassion to those around you.


Не ожидал, если честно:):unsure:
Primary Character:Khal Drogo
Nickname:The Great Khal

Traits:Savage, Fearsome, Unforgiving
Secondary Character: Daenerys Targaryen
Nickname:Mother of Dragons

Traits:Ambitious, Ruthless, Just
Tertiary Character:Olenna Tyrell
Nickname:Queen of Thorns

Traits:Schemer, Protective, Cunning


Спасибо сиру lavdiaz за выложенное описание типа личности Дейенерис и Джона :in love: Прямо сохраню себе перечисление качеств, за которые их и люблю!
Родрик Кассель
Жму руку коллегам! :hug:

Janissar Кхал Дрого! :D Вот уж ирония так ирония!
Но согласитесь,
подходит же :not guilty::D
Зато у Вас Дэни! Вот как ни хотела, ни разу не вышла она у меня...

Леди aurelle, а у Вас сохранилось описание Игритт?



Идеальный, Каноничный РАМСАН :rolleyes:


Alison Nickname:Ygritte
Traits:Wild, Uncoventional, Determined

Your secondary character is Ygritte. You are brave and unconventional. You have a mind of your own and prefer not to conform with the demands of society. You're cunning and value freedom above all else. You're loyal, but also very passionate and you follow to your heart much more than your head. You live a very fulfilled life, chasing your dreams but this sometimes causes others to mistrust you although you have little enmity in your heart. Is this accurate?


Ленный рыцарь
shadowt Вотэторезультат! На 180 градусов!:thumbsup::)

Ну этот тест он тот ещё тест :) Снова поменяв некоторые ответы на третьем заходе (не особо задумываясь и отвечая не так, как соответствовало бы моему характеру), я получила в наборе Дрого, Неда и Робба :woot:


если в тесте выбирать действия, которые вы бы точно не сделали, получаются забавные результаты) Я собрала неуравновешенную троицу - Джоффри, Визерис и Гора :D Описание Джоффри умилило: несмотря на все негативные черты, вы способны испытывать эмоции, иногда выражая нежность и сострадание к тем, кто вам близок :meow: