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Теории Занимательная конспирология (или это жу-жу неспроста)

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апокрифы к ПЛИО, распространяются через общение Мартина с паствой, не только в виде проповедей, но и в виде ответов на вопросы :)

Так наверно нужно ссылку на оригинал давать.
Где ссылка на апокрифы и конкретно вот на это:

Так это к вопросу почему их 2-е в гербе.
А в отношении фамилии, при брачных союзах она могла изменится.
Тот-же основатель рода Баратеонов привнес только фамилию, а все остальное от Штормовых королей в наследство перешло
И еще не так далеко от них находятся Сванны, у них тоже герб состоит из двух частей (2 лебедя).

Насчет фамилии, могли по аналогии с Карстарками, пристроить фамилию основателя нового дома,
звали его к примеру Конн(и) или Гтон , а может название дома получилось при слиянии двух названий домов. Надо в англ искать, что можно перевести. По аналогии с лебедем но с добавленной одной буквы

Будьте добры дать ссылку непосредственно на текст или речь самого автора - Джорджа Мартина.
Ведь вас не затруднит это сделать! Правда?


Morpheus Прошу прощения, это я ступил и выдал техническую ошибку. Сейчас я исправил свое сообщение!

Про это, вопросов нет.
В ответах Мартина интересная деталь, о развязке Миеринского узла, для Квентина он написал 3 варианты прибытия в Миерин (слишком рано, поздно, и за день на чем и остановился).

И что он продумывал варианты для прибытия персонажей, что он подбросил шары в воздух и они переплетены с друг другом
(Tyrion, Quentyn, Victarion, Aegon, Marwyn, etc.) и про Дарио упомянул, зачем?

Это понятно и известно.
Про информацию непосредственно от Мартина, то же известно
So Spake Martin

Not A Blog

Теории хороши тогда, когда на что то конкретное опираются! И имеют какую то связь с текстом произведения!

Это я про свой вопрос по поводу поста #562



Не вижу на чем конкретном эти Гипотезы основаны?
Какое отношение к ним имеют картинки?

Картинки красивые, спору нет, но как текст гипотезы связан с текстом ПЛИО, с текстами/речами, что пишет/говорит Джордж Мартин?
Где связь?


Была бы информация, не нужно было что либо предполагать, строить гипотезы, на то они и существуют
Из-за того что нет подробностей Король Гриффон из Долины Аренн не перестает существовать? Поэтому и ищутся аналогии исходя из картинок (что имеем для информации тем и пользуемся)
А исходя из сложной фамилии (диалог выше, что из этого следует) предположения как она могла возникнуть
А Мартин многое умалчивает, и что с того?

А вот эти гипотезы построенные по схожей схеме, с использованием аналогичных доводов (включая картинки) почему-то вы видите в них связь, а тут нет, не кажется вам странным? противоречивым?

А начиналось все с белых волос Тириона

Так и дайте ссылку на Короля Грифона, в английской её версии, в So Spake Martin или Not A Blog. От этого и нужно плясать.
Почему вы не даете ссылку?
Зачем вы ссылки на картинки даете?

У Тириона НЕ белые волосы и никогда не были белыми.
То есть, эта версия абсолютная ложь!

Зачем плодить и тиражировать ложь и на её основе строить что то? От этого, кому то есть польза?

А вот эти гипотезы построенные по схожей схеме, с использованием аналогичных доводов (включая картинки) почему-то вы видите в них связь, а тут нет, не кажется вам странным? противоречивым?

Процитируйте пожалуйста, где там гипотеза?

Там факт!
Факт, подтвержденный картинками!

У двух представленных на картинках Таргариенов - НЕ белые волосы.
Фраза "У Таргариенов НЕ белые волосы!" относится непосредственно к этим двум представителям фамилии Таргариен.


Берем текст и роем его на наличие грифонов.

Beyond the horse gate, plundered gods and stolen heroes loomed to either side of them. The forgotten deities of dead cities brandished their broken thunderbolts at the sky as Dany rode her silver past their feet. Stone kings looked down on her from their thrones, their faces chipped and stained, even their names lost in the mists of time. Lithe young maidens danced on marble plinths, draped only in flowers, or poured air from shattered jars. Monsters stood in the grass beside the road; black iron dragons with jewels for eyes, roaring griffins, manticores with their barbed tails poised to strike, and other beasts she could not name. Some of the statues were so lovely they took her breath away, others so misshapen and terrible that Dany could scarcely bear to look at them. Those, Ser Jorah said, had likely come from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai.

All the colors that had been missing from Vaes Tolorro had found their way to Qarth; buildings crowded about her fantastical as a fever dream in shades of rose, violet, and umber. She passed under a bronze arch fashioned in the likeness of two snakes mating, their scales delicate flakes of jade, obsidian, and lapis lazuli. Slim towers stood taller than any Dany had ever seen, and elaborate fountains filled every square, wrought in the shapes of griffins and dragons and manticores.

Местонахождение - Запад. Происхождение - восток.
He raised his eyes to gaze up at the walls. In place of merlons, a thousand grotesques and gargoyles looked down on him, each different from all the others; wyverns, griffins, demons, manticores, minotaurs, basilisks, hellhounds, cockatrices, and a thousand queerer creatures sprouted from the castle’s battlements as if they’d grown there. And the dragons were everywhere. The Great Hall was a dragon lying on its belly. Men entered through its open mouth. The kitchens were a dragon curled up in a ball, with the smoke and steam of the ovens vented through its nostrils. The towers were dragons hunched above the walls or poised for flight; the Windwyrm seemed to scream defiance, while Sea Dragon Tower gazed serenely out across the waves. Smaller dragons framed the gates. Dragon claws emerged from walls to grasp at torches, great stone wings enfolded the smith and armory, and tails formed arches, bridges, and exterior stairs.

Ned turned off the square where the Street of Steel began and followed its winding path up a long hill, past blacksmiths working at open forges, freeriders haggling over mail shirts, and grizzled ironmongers selling old blades and razors from their wagons. The farther they climbed, the larger the buildings grew. The man they wanted was all the way at the top of the hill, in a huge house of timber and plaster whose upper stories loomed over the narrow street. The double doors showed a hunting scene carved in ebony and weirwood. A pair of stone knights stood sentry at the entrance, armored in fanciful suits of polished red steel that transformed them into griffin and unicorn. Ned left his horse with Jacks and shouldered his way inside.

Next came Ser Horas Redwyne’s turn. He fared better than his twin, vanquishing an elderly knight whose mount was bedecked with silver griffins against a striped blue and white field. Splendid as he looked, the old man made a poor contest of it. Joffrey curled his lip. “This is a feeble show.”

A roar went up from the crowd as a helmetless red bearded man with a griffin on his shield went down before a big knight in blue armor. His steel was a deep cobalt, even the blunt morningstar he wielded with such deadly effect, his mount barded in the quartered sun and moon heraldry of House Tarth.
“Red Ronnet’s down, gods be damned,” a man cursed.

fierce Red Ronnet of Griffin Roost

Connington wounded your grandfather Tully sore, though, and killed Ser Denys Arryn, the darling of the Vale. But when he saw the day was lost, he flew off as fast as the griffins on his shield. The Battle of the Bells, they called it after. Robert always said your father won it, not him.

He looked about the Round Room once more. White wool hangings covered the walls, and there was a white shield and two crossed longswords mounted above the hearth. The chair behind the table was old black oak, with cushions of blanched cowhide, the leather worn thin. Worn by the bony arse of Barristan the Bold and Ser Gerold Hightower before him, by Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, Ser Ryam Redwyne, and the Demon of Darry, by Ser Duncan the Tall and the Pale Griffin Alyn Connington. How could the Kingslayer belong in such exalted company?
Yet here he was.

Вот искомый отрывок.
You could read to me about the Winged Knight.
The Winged Knight was Ser Artys Arryn. Legend said that he had driven the First Men from the Vale and flown to the top of the Giant’s Lance on a huge falcon to slay the Griffin King. There were a hundred tales of his adventures.
Little Robert knew them all so well he could have recited them from memory, but he liked to have them read to him all the same. “Sweetling, we have to go,” she told the boy, “but I promise, I’ll read you two tales of the Winged Knight when we reach the Gates of the Moon.”
“Three,” he said at once. No matter what you offered him, Robert always wanted more.
“Three,” she agreed.

Все готово к их отъезду из Гнезда и Санса должна уговорить Роберта Аррена встать с постели, поесть и готовится в путь.

А вот это интересно!
But the knight standing over the pit was bigger; a husky, bearded man in a red and white surcoat adorned with griffins. Connington. What’s he doing here? Below, the carcass of the bear still sprawled upon the sands, though only bones and ragged fur remained, half buried. Jaime felt a pang of pity for the beast. At least he died in battle. “Ser Ronnet,” he called, “have you lost your way? It is a large castle, I know.”
Red Ronnet raised his lantern. “I wished to see where the bear danced with the maiden not so fair.” His beard shone in the light as if it were afire. Jaime could smell wine on his breath. “Is it true the wench fought naked?”
“Naked? No.” He wondered how that wrinkle had been added to the story. “The Mummers put her in a pink silk gown and shoved a tourney sword into her hand. The Goat wanted her death to be amuthing. Elsewise…”
“… the sight of Brienne naked might have made the bear flee in terror.” Connington laughed.
Jaime did not. “You speak as if you know the lady.”
“I was betrothed to her.”
That took him by surprise. Brienne had never mentioned a betrothal. “Her father made a match for her…”
“Thrice,” said Connington. “I was the second. My father’s notion. I had heard the wench was ugly, and I told him so, but he said all women were the same once you blew the candle out.”
“Your father.” Jaime eyed Red Ronnet’s surcoat, where two griffins faced each other on a field of red and white. Dancing griffins. “Our late Hand’s… brother, was he?”
“Cousin. Lord Jon had no brothers.”
“No.” It all came back to him. Jon Connington had been Prince Rhaegar’s friend. When Merryweather failed so dismally to contain Robert’s Rebellion and Prince Rhaegar could not be found, Aerys had turned to the next best thing, and raised Connington to the Handship. But the Mad King was always chopping off his Hands. He had chopped Lord Jon after the Battle of the Bells, stripping him of honors, lands, and wealth, and packing him off across the sea to die in exile, where he soon drank himself to death. The cousin, though – Red Ronnet’s father – had joined the rebellion and been rewarded with Griffin’s Roost after the Trident. He only got the castle, though; Robert kept the gold, and bestowed the greater part of the Connington lands on more fervent supporters.

А вот и сон :) Ведь сны у нас чего то значат :)
This time she dreamed that she was home again, at Evenfall. Through the tall arched windows of her lord father’s hall she could see the sun just going down. I was safe here. I was safe.
She was dressed in silk brocade, a quartered gown of blue and red decorated with golden suns and silver crescent moons. On another girl it might have been a pretty gown, but not on her. She was twelve, ungainly and uncomfortable, waiting to meet the young knight her father had arranged for her to marry, a boy six years her senior, sure to be a famous champion one day. She dreaded his arrival. Her bosom was too small, her hands and feet too big. Her hair kept sticking up, and there was a pimple nestled in the fold beside her nose. “He will bring a rose for you,” her father promised her, but a rose was no good, a rose could not keep her safe. It was a sword she wanted. Oathkeeper. I have to find the girl. I have to find his honor.
Finally the doors opened, and her betrothed strode into her father’s hall. She tried to greet him as she had been instructed, only to have blood come pouring from her mouth. She had bitten her tongue off as she waited. She spat it at the young knight’s feet, and saw the disgust on his face. “Brienne the Beauty,” he said in a mocking tone. “I have seen sows more beautiful than you.” He tossed the rose in her face. As he walked away, the griffins on his cloak rippled and blurred and changed to lions. Jaime! she wanted to cry. Jaime, come back for me! But her tongue lay on the floor by the rose, drowned in blood.
Brienne woke suddenly, gasping.

А вот и пророчество!
“No. Hear me, Daenerys Targaryen. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun’s son and the mummer’s dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal.”

The glass candles are burning.
Вот это и есть Марвин Маг.
Сначала Марвин, потом бледная кобыла, потом другие. Кракен и Черное Пламя, Лев и Грифон, Сын Солнца и Mummer’s Dragon.
“Reznak? Why should I fear him?”
Смущает только, что прибыл непосредственно к Дэни всего один и он находится в конце списка!
Перед надушенным сенешалем идет еще "Remember the Undying"!

И далее
Moonlight shone in the woman’s eyes. “To show you the way.”
“I remember the way. I go north to go south, east to go west, back to go forward. And to touch the light I have to pass beneath the shadow.” She squeezed the water from her silvery hair. “I am half sick of riddling. In Qarth I was a beggar, but here I am a queen. I command you–”
“Daenerys. Remember the Undying. Remember who you are.”
“The blood of the dragon.” But my dragons are roaring in the darkness. “I remember the Undying. Child of three, they called me. Three mounts they promised me, three fires, and three treasons. One for blood and one for gold and one for…”

A shadow. A memory. No one. She was the blood of the dragon, but Ser Barristan had warned her that in that blood there was a taint. Could I be going mad? They had called her father mad, once. “I was praying” she told the Naathi girl.

А вот, еще интересный отрывок.
Тут интересно то место, где происходит этот диалог и какие события в след за этим последуют.
“Leave off,” Griff commanded, “or you will wish you had.”
The dwarf ignored him. “The blue hair makes your eyes seem blue, that’s good. And the tale of how you color it in honor of your dead Tyroshi mother was so touching it almost made me cry. Still, a curious man might wonder why some sellsword’s whelp would need a soiled septa to instruct him in the Faith, or a chainless maester to tutor him in history and tongues. And a clever man might question why your father would engage a hedge knight to train you in arms instead of simply sending you off to apprentice with one of the free companies. It is almost as if someone wanted to keep you hidden whilst still preparing you for… what? Now, there’s a puzzlement, but I’m sure that in time it will come to me. I must admit, you have noble features for a dead boy.”
The boy flushed. “I am not dead. ”
“How not? My lord father wrapped your corpse in a crimson cloak and laid you down beside your sister at the foot of the Iron Throne, his gift to the new king. Those who had the stomach to lift the cloak said that half your head was gone.”
The lad backed off a step, confused. “Your–?”
“–father, aye. Tywin of House Lannister. Perhaps you may have heard of him.”
Young Griff hesitated. “Lannister? Your father–”
“–is dead. At my hand. If it please Your Grace to call me Yollo or Hugor, so be it, but know that I was born Tyrion of House Lannister, trueborn son of Tywin and Joanna, both of whom I slew. Men will tell you that I am a kingslayer, a kinslayer, and a liar, and all of that is true… but then, we are a company of liars, are we not? Take your feigned father. Griff, is it?” The dwarf sniggered. “You should thank the gods that Varys the Spider is a part of this plot of yours. Griff would not have fooled the cockless wonder for an instant, no more than it did me. No lord, my lordship says, no knight. And I’m no dwarf. Just saying a thing does not make it true. Who better to raise Prince Rhaegar’s infant son than Prince Rhaegar’s dear friend Jon Connington, once Lord of Griffin’s Roost and Hand of the King?”
“Be quiet.” Griff’s voice was uneasy.
On the larboard side of the boat, a huge stone hand was visible just below the water. Two fingers broke the surface. How many of those are there? Tyrion wondered. A trickle of moisture ran down his spine and made him shudder. The Sorrows drifted by them. Peering through the mists, he glimpsed a broken spire, a headless hero, an ancient tree torn from the ground and upended, its huge roots twisting through the roof and windows of a broken dome. Why does all of this seem so familiar?
Straight on, a tilted stairway of pale marble rose up out of the dark water in a graceful spiral, ending abruptly ten feet above their heads. No, thought Tyrion, that is not possible.
“Ahead.” Lemore’s voice was shivery. “A light.”
All of them looked. All of them saw it. “Kingfisher, ” said Griff. “Her, or some other like her.” But he drew his sword again.
No one said a word. The Shy Maid moved with the current. Her sail had not been raised since she first entered the Sorrows. She had no way to move but with the river. Duck stood squinting, clutching his pole with both hands. After a time even Yandry stopped pushing. Every eye was on the distant light. As they grew closer, it turned into two lights. Then three.
“The Bridge of Dream,” said Tyrion. “Inconceivable,” said Haldon Halfmaester. “We’ve left the bridge behind. Rivers only run one way.”
“Mother Rhoyne runs how she will,” murmured Yandry.
“Seven save us,” said Lemore.

И влосы у Таргов НЕ белые :)
И это опять сны.
Тут же, по поводу планов ехать на восток.
Last night he’d dreamt of Stoney Sept again. Alone, with sword in hand, he ran from house to house, smashing down doors, racing up stairs, leaping from roof to roof, as his ears rang to the sound of distant bells. Deep bronze booms and silver chiming pounded through his skull, a maddening cacophony of noise that grew ever louder until it seemed as if his head would explode.
Seventeen years had come and gone since the Battle of the Bells, yet the sound of bells ringing still tied a knot in his guts. Others might claim that the realm was lost when Prince Rhaegar fell to Robert’s warhammer on the Trident, but the Battle of the Trident would never have been fought if the griffin had only slain the stag there in Stoney Sept. The bells tolled for all of us that day. For Aerys and his queen, for Elia of Dorne and her little daughter, for every true man and honest woman in the Seven Kingdoms. And for my silver prince.
“The plan was to reveal Prince Aegon only when we reached Queen Daenerys,” Lemore was saying.
“That was when we believed the girl was coming west. Our dragon queen has burned that plan to ash, and thanks to that fat fool in Pentos, we have grasped the she dragon by the tail and burned our fingers to the bone.”

Но если кто не верит, то можно найти и то место, где упомянуты волосы Дэни.

По поводу родствеников Коннингтона
After the Battle of the Bells, when Aerys Targaryen had stripped him of his titles and sent him into exile in a mad fit of ingratitude and suspicion, the lands and lordship had remained within House Connington, passing to his cousin Ser Ronald, the man whom Jon had made his castellan when he went to King’s Landing to attend Prince Rhaegar. Robert Baratheon had completed the destruction of the griffins after the war. Cousin Ronald was permitted to retain his castle and his head, but he lost his lordship, thereafter being merely the Knight of Griffin’s Roost, and nine tenths of his lands were taken from him and parceled out to neighbor lords who had supported Robert’s claim.
Ronald Connington had died years before. The present Knight of Griffin’s Roost, his son Ronnet, was said to be off at war in the riverlands. That was for the best. In Jon Connington’s experience, men would fight for things they felt were theirs, even things they’d gained by theft. He did not relish the notion of celebrating his return by killing one of his own kin. Red Ronnet’s sire had been quick to take advantage of his lord cousin’s downfall, true, but his son had been a child at the time. Jon Connington did not even hate the late Ser Ronald as much as he might have.

Though Ser Ronnet was indeed off north somewhere with Jaime Lannister, Griffin’s Roost was not quite bereft of griffins. Amongst the prisoners were Ronnet’s younger brother Raymund, his sister Alynne, and his natural son, a fierce red haired boy they called Ronald Storm.

Рыжий Рональд Шторм. Красный Грифон, по цвету волос.
У Коннигтона седые (белые) волосы?

Ronnet Connington - Red Griffin
Alyn Connington - Pale Griffin

А вот еще интересный момент!
Тайвин Ланнистер, сжигающий город, со всеми его жителями и оставляющий лишь пепел и... Джейме Ланнистер, не давший сжечь город, вместе с жителями...
Myles Toyne had replied. “Lord Tywin would not have bothered with a search. He would have burned that town and every living creature in it. Men and boys, babes at the breast, noble knights and holy septons, pigs and whores, rats and rebels, he would have burned them all. When the fires guttered out and only ash and cinders remained, he would have sent his men in to find the bones of Robert Baratheon. Later, when Stark and Tully turned up with their host, he would have offered pardons to the both of them, and they would have accepted and turned for home with their tails between their legs.”


Так напишите автору русского перевода, или Мартину, или автору энциклопедии, спросите где правда? Для себя определился, что англ энциклопедия
При чем тут русский перевод? При чем тут английская энциклопедия?
Английская энциклопедия = тексту, который написал Джордж Мартин?

По поводу грифонов.

The castle rose from the shores of Cape Wrath, on a lofty crag of dark red stone surrounded on three sides by the surging waters of Shipbreaker Bay. Its only approach was defended by a gatehouse, behind which lay the long bare ridge the Conningtons called the griffin’s throat.

Замок, стоящий на высоком темно красном утесе, с трех сторон окружают бурные воды залива Губительные Валы. Единственный вход в него защищен надвратной башней, за воротами простирается так называемая грифонова глотка – длинный голый хребет.

Даже Бездомный Гарри был поражен столь быстрой победой.
– Вот уж не думал, что все пройдет так легко, – сказал он, увидев в чертоге позолоченное Сиденье Грифонов, которое Коннингтоны занимали пятьдесят поколений.

Even Homeless Harry was impressed by the swiftness of their victory. “I never thought that it would be so easy,” the captain general said, as they walked into the great hall to have a look at the carved and gilded Griffin Seat where fifty generations of Conningtons had sat and ruled.

Гриффин Руст перешел таки к Джону, но ненадолго: он, чего не случалось ни с одним его предком, лишился своих земель. Слишком высоко он тогда вознесся, слишком сильно любил, слишком многого возжелал – и упал, пытаясь достать звезду с неба.

Griffin’s Roost had been his, eventually, if only for a few short years. From here, Jon Connington had ruled broad lands extending many leagues to the west, north, and south, just as his father and his father’s father had before him. But his father and his father’s father had never lost their lands. He had. I rose too high, loved too hard, dared too much. I tried to grasp a star, overreached, and fell.

Курсив - авторский!
Ну да, перевод немного не адекватный :) Тут при желании можно извернутся и сфантазировать на основе английского текста. Русский не дает такой возможности.
Но к чему фантазии то?

англ Энциклопедия Мартина (ссылка на Короля Грифона приводилась)
Спасибо, спасибо, я уже сам все нашел. Как раз в предыдущем моем сообщении все цитаты из ПЛИО есть.
Энциклопедия ни есть текст который пишет Джордж Мартин.
Его пишут многие люди, такие же фантазеры, как и вы сам :)
В этой самой энциклопедии многие слова и как бы факты, выдернуты из контекста.
Если читать в самом произведении, то смысл может получится несколько иным.

И причем тут Таргариены, если речь идет о белом Льве бегущем в траве.
По аналогии с черным жрецом рглора (трактовка)

Не знаю, при чем тут Тарги :)
Белый лев у нас один - Джейме :) Картинку я приводил.

В нынешнем его состоянии, Тирион никак не может быть белым львом.
Возможно он и сможет им стать, но пока никаких предпосылок нет.

Зачем мне читать всякие безумные фантазии, которые отражаются в этой энциклопедии, если у меня есть оригинальный текст автора и есть перевод, пусть местами не верный, но всегда есть возможность сравнить с оригиналом.

Текст Мартина весьма цветист и замысловат и если вчитаться в него, то можно обнаружить, что у Таргариенов НЕ белые волосы, а silver.

Prince Aegon Targaryen was not near as biddable as the boy Young Griff had been, however. The better part of an hour had passed before he finally turned up in the solar, with Duck at his side. “Lord Connington,” he said, “I like your castle.”
“Your father’s lands are beautiful,” he said. His silvery hair was blowing in the wind, and his eyes were a deep purple, darker than this boy’s.

Курсив авторский!

И про цвет волос Тириона там то же есть. Нужно только найти.

One green eye and one black one peered out from under a lank fall of hair so blond it seemed white.

Ну вот и разобрались, что ни у Тириона, ни у Таргариенов НЕ белые волосы, а:
Тирион - hair so blond
Таргариены - silvery hair
Белое - white

Про white lion, не blond и не silvery

“Yes, my sun and stars,” Dany said. Drogo would take his bloodriders and ride in search of hrakkar , the great white lion of the plains. If they returned triumphant, her lord husband’s joy would be fierce, and he might be willing to hear her out.

“Yes, my sun and stars,” Dany said. Drogo would take his bloodriders and ride in search of hrakkar , the great white lion of the plains. If they returned triumphant, her lord husband’s joy would be fierce, and he might be willing to hear her out.

The brazier was cold again by the time Khal Drogo returned. Cohollo was leading a packhorse behind him, with the carcass of a great white lion slung across its back. Above, the stars were coming out. The khal laughed as he swung down off his stallion and showed her the scars on his leg where the hrakkar had raked him through his leggings. “I shall make you a cloak of its skin, moon of my life,” he swore.

Dany had named him the first of her Queensguard… and when Mormont’s gruff counsel and the omens agreed, her course was clear. She called her people together and mounted her silver mare. Her hair had burned away in Drogo’s pyre, so her handmaids garbed her in the skin of the hrakkar Drogo had slain, the white lion of the Dothraki sea. Its fearsome head made a hood to cover her naked scalp, its pelt a cloak that flowed across her shoulders and down her back. The cream colored dragon sunk sharp black claws into the lion’s mane and coiled its tail around her arm, while Ser Jorah took his accustomed place by her side.

Faster and faster the visions came, one after the other, until it seemed as if the very air had come alive. Shadows whirled and danced inside a tent, boneless and terrible. A little girl ran barefoot toward a big house with a red door. Mirri Maz Duur shrieked in the flames, a dragon bursting from her brow. Behind a silver horse the bloody corpse of a naked man bounced and dragged. A white lion ran through grass taller than a man. Beneath the Mother of Mountains, a line of naked crones crept from a great lake and knelt shivering before her, their grey heads bowed. Ten thousand slaves lifted bloodstained hands as she raced by on her silver, riding like the wind. “Mother!” they cried. “Mother, mother!” They were reaching for her, touching her, tugging at her cloak, the hem of her skirt, her foot, her leg, her breast. They wanted her, needed her, the fire, the life, and Dany gasped and opened her arms to give herself to them…

She could hear the dead man coming up the steps. The slow, measured sound of footsteps went before him, echoing amongst the purple pillars of her hall. Daenerys Targaryen awaited him upon the ebon bench that she had made her throne. Her eyes were soft with sleep, her silver gold hair all tousled.
“Your Grace,” said Ser Barristan Selmy, the lord commander of her Queensguard, “there is no need for you to see this.”
“He died for me.” Dany clutched her lion pelt to her chest. Underneath, a sheer white linen tunic covered her to midthigh. She had been dreaming of a house with a red door when Missandei woke her. There had been no time to dress.
“Khaleesi, ” whispered Irri, “you must not touch the dead man. It is bad luck to touch the dead.”
“Unless you killed them yourself.” Jhiqui was bigger boned than Irri, with wide hips and heavy breasts. “That is known.”
“It is known,” Irri agreed.
Dothraki were wise where horses were concerned, but could be utter fools about much else. They are only girls, besides. Her handmaids were of an age with her–women grown to look at them, with their black hair, copper skin, and almond shaped eyes, but girls all the same. They had been given to her when she wed Khal Drogo. It was Drogo who had given her the pelt she wore, the head and hide of a hrakkar, the white lion of the Dothraki sea. It was too big for her and had a musty smell, but it made her feel as if her sun and stars was still near her.

Oh, and my white lion’s pelt. She always felt safer wrapped in Drogo’s lionskin.

Где то в тексте, есть про бороду Тириона.
И вот там да, интересно. Если не ошибаюсь, она у него двухцветная, как и его глаза.
И кстати, глаза!

One green eye and one black

Shiera Seastar
Shiera was born with one dark blue eye and one bright green one

blue is located between violet and green

The Coke Knight

А вот и пророчество!
“No. Hear me, Daenerys Targaryen. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun’s son and the mummer’s dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal.”

The glass candles are burning.
Вот это и есть Марвин Маг.
Сначала Марвин, потом бледная кобыла, потом другие. Кракен и Черное Пламя, Лев и Грифон, Сын Солнца и Mummer’s Dragon.
“Reznak? Why should I fear him?”
Смущает только, что прибыл непосредственно к Дэни всего один и он находится в конце списка!
Перед надушенным сенешалем идет еще "Remember the Undying"!

И далее
Moonlight shone in the woman’s eyes. “To show you the way.”
“I remember the way. I go north to go south, east to go west, back to go forward. And to touch the light I have to pass beneath the shadow.” She squeezed the water from her silvery hair. “I am half sick of riddling. In Qarth I was a beggar, but here I am a queen. I command you–”
“Daenerys. Remember the Undying. Remember who you are.”
“The blood of the dragon.” But my dragons are roaring in the darkness. “I remember the Undying. Child of three, they called me. Three mounts they promised me, three fires, and three treasons. One for blood and one for gold and one for…”

A shadow. A memory. No one. She was the blood of the dragon, but Ser Barristan had warned her that in that blood there was a taint. Could I be going mad? They had called her father mad, once. “I was praying” she told the Naathi girl.

Не вижу ни одного слова в пророчестве, где бы говорилось, что Сенешаль должен приехать куда-то.


Не вижу ни одного слова в пророчестве, где бы говорилось, что Сенешаль должен приехать куда-то.

А кто и где говорил о том, что Сенешаль должен прибыть?
Там просто "остерегайся надушенного Сенешаля", на что Дэни реагирует “Reznak? Why should I fear him?”.
Но перед фразой о Сенешале идет еще "Remember the Undying".


Присяжный рыцарь
«Статуя Бэйлора Благословенного не достала бы ему даже до колена. Он бы смог легко переступить через стену Винтерфелла».

Титан Браавоса - великан из предсказания? Спасибо. Цитата достаточно яркая, чтоб рассматривать и такую возможность.

А после та же дева убила свирепого великана в замке, построенном из снега.

Тогда пророчество гласит о том, что Санса убьет в Винтерфелле ставленника Браавоса. Мне вот сразу вспомнилось браавосское прошлое Бейлиша.:)


Призрак (гость)
Там свой образный и аллегоричный язык, неподготовленному сознанию опасно сразу к сути.
Начните с категоричного с утверждения, что у Тириона БЕЛЫЕ волосы (это чтобы понять вы еще в Матрице или уже вышли)
Выше вроде как доказывается, что не белые. Если про предсказание, то я считаю Тириона не белым львом, а скоморошьим Драконом.

В первую очередь теплые края.
Для Роберта он предвещал ЖТ, но он разложил его как и апельсин который ему достался
С чего это Железный Трон должен ассоциироваться с теплыми краями и апельсином?


Призрак (гость)
Из-за Роберта,
и что те кто делит апельсин, в мечтах их планы с ЖТ связаны, а способы туда забраться различны.
Если Мезинец планирует вывести из игры Серсею в перспективе, то его планы идут дальше чем Долина, Север и РЗ
Так тогда нужно говорить, что апельсин - это Железный Трон. Так?


Призрак (гость)
однако действительно занимательная конспирология:smirk:


Уже высказывали, что юноша из видений Брана может быть Брандоном Сноу, братом Торрхена. А что если женщина тоже из времен Завоевания? Аргелла Дюрандон могла очень даже хотеть реванша и в ШП была вполне конкретная богороща. С учетом того, что их род даже древнее Старков, к Старым богам она могла обратиться от отчаянья - судьба ее не слишком баловала...
Правда ее месть в итоге опоздала на 300 лет.


Если логику использовать, то есть
Если он сначала видет отца, потом родственников, а потом дальних родственников, речь идет об одном дереве, нежели о нескольких
Ещё потому, что он вселился в это дерево, и он смотрел его жизнь с нынешних дней до его рождения. Не мог же он перелистывать разные стадии роста разных деревьев? тогда бы было всё равно какого размера дерево, и об этом бы не говорилось. А то, что говорится про возраст дерева, даёт понять в каком времени всё происходило.


Осталось только понять, зачем ему это нужно. Ведь не ради же высшей справедливости в конце концов. Ему и при других королях неплохо жилось.

Это, как-раз ясно, как Божий день. Варис - сам Таргариен. Чтоб сиё было понятно, Мартин даже приквелы писать начал, про Эгга.

werewolf heart

Это, как-раз ясно, как Божий день. Варис - сам Таргариен. Чтоб сиё было понятно, Мартин даже приквелы писать начал, про Эгга.
А можно поподробнее как вы к такому выводу пришли? Типа Эгг и Варис оба лысые? :D


А можно поподробнее как вы к такому выводу пришли? Типа Эгг и Варис оба лысые? :D

Не "лысые", а бреющие голову, в целях сокрытия отличительного признака по которому можно определить принадлежность к известной фамилии. Кто ещё из героев ПЛиО поступает подобным образом? Остальные красятся в синий цвет, а бреют голову только Эгг и Варис. Оба умны, неприхотливы и выносливы. А первый раз мысль пришла в голову после просмотра портретов в вики.
