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Новости Игры престолов, сезон 3

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К Джендри. Которого явно объединили с Эдриком Штормом. Ее встреча с Торосом уже мелькала на кадрах из третьего сезона.

Было бы странно, если за Джендри тот должен еще с Бриенной встретиться, а на Драконьем камне это маловероятно)


http://winteriscoming.net/2013/04/a...ing-process-robb-and-talisa-and-renlys-peach/ читаю интервью с когманом.Много интересного.Оказывается персик вырезали по личной просьбе актера-Ренли.Он жутко ненавидит персики и даже Мартин его не смог уговорить.:D
Al:What happened to the peach?
Bryan: Gethin Anthony. Bloody diva. He hates peaches. I mean HATES THEM. I was at lunch with him, early on — this is like, season one when we were all getting to know each other. There was this chocolate cake thing he ordered for desert and there was a kind of fruity sauce on it. He took one bite and said “Are there FUCKING PEACHES in this sauce?” Dude roared, I’ve never seen anything like it. Finn Jones was with us and we had to physically keep Geth from punching the waiter in the teeth. All the while, I’m thinking “Oh no! What are we going to do when we get to the peach in Season 2?”
So season 2 rolls around and we get to the scene and we do these table reads of the first few episodes. And Gethin is there, very nice… but he takes David & Dan aside. And I see him talking to D&D turning BRIGHT RED… like he’s about to have a breakdown or something. Then I remember: the peach! He’s read the draft! The scene with the peach! And David & Dan are trying to explain the symbolic meaning of the peach and how it’s a fan favorite and how many readers can’t separate Renly from the peach… We even had George skype with him about it — Gethin was so angry, foaming at the mouth. I didn’t think anyone could make George R.R. Martin cry but Gethin did. I can’t even repeat the things he said.
I’ve never seen anyone hate a specific fruit so much! And usually Geth’s a really sweet guy… you might even call him a “peach”. But don’t. Cuz if you do, he’ll cut you.
Anyway, no dice. He threatened to walk if we made him eat a peach. We offered to make a fake peach, out of gelatin or something, but that didn’t fly. He wouldn’t even PRETEND to eat a peach onscreen. We tried a few takes with him eating an apple… I think maybe one with a bunch of grapes… but it just didn’t work. So we cut the fruit altogether. But you can blame Gethin fucking Anthony and his weird peach hatred.
I hope by now you know I’m joking. I don’t know what happened to the peach. It was in there at one point, I think. Maybe there weren’t any peaches in season in Belfast that month…

упс...оказывается это он так пошутил.


Призрак (гость)
Актер Ренли повел себя как капризный юнец.


Софи такая красивая девушка, почему её всё время уродуют((
А что тут такого уродливого? прелесть невозможная же - глазки ясные,щечки мягкие! статная такая,крепкая как яблочко! прям так и охота чмокнуть ее в пухлые губки!
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