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Актеры сериала [обсуждение]

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Ленный рыцарь
Rose Leslie Source пишут о том, что Роуз Лесли будет 12 июля на премьере 7 сезона ИП в Лос-Анджелесе!:in love:
Знаю, что это малореально, но было бы здорово, если бы на премьеру или финал 8 сезона собрали бы всех-всех-всех :in love::thumbsup:


Знаю, что это малореально, но было бы здорово, если бы на премьеру или финал 8 сезона собрали бы всех-всех-всех :in love::thumbsup:

Тоже хочу. Чтобы позвали Шона Бина, Мишель, Ричарда, Момоа, Гарри Ллойда, Джека Глисона, Чарльза Дэнса... Всё-таки будет последняя премьера, её нужно будет отгулять эпично и с размахом!

Lady J

Знаю, что это малореально, но было бы здорово, если бы на премьеру или финал 8 сезона собрали бы всех-всех-всех :in love::thumbsup:
Да это было бы здорово! А на эту премьеру Роуз идет вероятнее как +1 к Киту;)
Тоже хочу. Чтобы позвали Шона Бина, Мишель, Ричарда, Момоа, Гарри Ллойда, Джека Глисона, Чарльза Дэнса... Всё-таки будет последняя премьера, её нужно будет отгулять эпично и с размахом!
Тоже хочу! Может НВО и устроит:))) Так круто было бы увидеть их всех на красной дорожке!!!

Jane A.

Знаю, что это малореально, но было бы здорово, если бы на премьеру или финал 8 сезона собрали бы всех-всех-всех :in love::thumbsup:
Это как раз реально. Думаю соберут весь значимый каст за все сезоны начиная с Шона Бина


Ленный рыцарь
Если кому интересно, вот само интервью Мэйси для Style, лично мне понравилось :)

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/BWUYRvwlNo6/

With a global audience of millions, it’s no wonder the star, who plays Arya Stark in the series, has found life tough in the limelight. Ahead of the new series, she tells Giles Hattersley about ‘destructive pressure’ and how she’s overcome it
Maisie Williams — part glorious elf, part teeny-tiny hobbit — is sitting on a balcony in north London wearing a pair of fruity Miu Miu sunglasses and an expression of reeling adolescent panic. These are the dying days of her teens. In fact, by the time you read this, the girl from Bristol who is one of the most famous children who has ever lived, known to a gazillion fans as the micro-assassin Arya Stark in Game of Thrones, will have finally turned the big 2-0. “I’m calling it twenteen,” she says, and I nod sagely. Added to her woes is the fact that, after six years of furious dragons and blood-splattered cleavages, GoT is rumbling towards the first of its final seasons later this month. So she doesn’t want to let go of that either.

Well, she does and she doesn’t. She was certainly up for her first truly grown-up fashion moment, courtesy of Style. The fashion crowd have always liked her, but, flummoxed by her youth, have tended to go “conceptual”, painting her up like a china doll or popping a random bumblebee on her face. She likes all that, and even had dinner with Mrs Prada the other week. “She was lovely, and kind.” But today, Williams has been transformed into a cool young woman who seems profoundly psyched by our efforts as she bounces back into her high-street civvies and steps outside. We find some weird rococo prop chairs and decide to have a little sunbathe together. The balcony is quiet and Williams is reflective. So obviously I take full advantage to get down to some Thrones chat.
So, Maisie, how is it going to end for Arya? She’s everyone’s fave from the Seven Kingdoms. She’s got her sight back. She’s got that list of dudes to kill. You must have some idea of her final story arc by now? “Ummm,” comes the first in a series of evasive, West Country splutterings, “I can’t say anything.” This won’t do, of course. You need to spill some tea, I tell her sternly. So she giggles, then whispers cautiously: “Things are looking up for Arya. She gets her own way a little bit, which is nice, because she’s had such a tough journey. But,” she pauses for comedy effect, “they’re also bittersweet at the same time. Dot, dot, dot.”
OK, this may not sound like a big confession to the uninitiated, but I can practically hear the fanboys scrabbling to their computers. It’s actually quite hard to overstate just how huge Game of Thrones is. Harry Potter, Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings are of course in the zone, but the stealthy reach of television (to say nothing of computer downloads — GoT is estimated to be the most pirated TV show in history), means the plot-twisty fantasy romp is officially screened in more than 170 countries and is a hit in most of the others thanks to the internet; worldwide it is seen by tens of millions of people.

So Williams is kind of a big deal. “I mean, yeah,” she says nonplussed, gazing out over London with all the hard-won teenage wisdom of a Wetherspoon’s smoking area. Don’t mistake this for ego, though. Discovered by a casting director in a talent competition when she was 12, she is hands down the best adjusted child star I’ve ever interviewed. To be fair, the others were Lindsay Lohan and Justin Bieber. But Williams is different. She has somehow managed to negotiate her way from a local comp to adulthood via international fame without becoming, at the very least, an ego-frazzled party girl.
She rocks back and forth in her Converse. “Well, where I come from, there’s not a lot of opportunity. That makes me sound as if I’m from a really poor area,” she self-corrects. “I’m not. It’s just that I never thought, growing up, I could really achieve my dreams, no matter how hard I worked. So when I did, I was, like, ‘Well, this could all end tomorrow, so I better do something good with it while it lasts.’ I’ve got a voice and I don’t necessarily have all the ideas, but I do have a platform from which to spread it, so…”
I could hug her. She’s like an anti-snowflake, surfing into adulthood in 2017 with her head screwed on. Also, crucially, she has plenty to say. To wit, here she is explaining why she thinks hers is the kindest generation in history: “The internet is always frowned upon. People always make it out to be a negative place. But because of the internet, my generation is the most accepting that there has ever been. We understand each other, we give each other the time of day and don’t segregate people because they’re different.” But you also troll each other to death in the comments, don’t you? “That’s really a small minority,” she shrugs.
Or this is Williams on the sexualisation of her female peers in Hollywood: “I have been really lucky, in that I play characters who aren’t necessarily the eye candy. It’s hard for young actresses who still feel like scrappy teenagers but are sort of forced to play characters who are a lot more mature, because, you know, ‘young sexy woman’ really sells in Hollywood.” Does that mean you’re the one person who will get to the end of Game of Thrones without stripping off? “I might manage it, you know,” she laughs.

Born Margaret Constance Williams in (gulp) 1997, she didn’t grow up expecting to be a star. “I’m the youngest of four and very, very little [5ft 1in], so I always had to fight for attention,” she smiles. Her mum worked in education (her parents divorced when she was young) and there wasn’t much money around, although just enough for Williams, who was “naughty” and a “clown” but “not excluded from school”, to take dance classes over in Bath. She was mad keen and naturally talented, so her teacher encouraged her to enter some local talent shows, which led to one unsuccessful audition (Nanny McPhee 2) and one successful one (guess what?).

HBO, the American channel behind Game of Thrones, was sinking millions into the show, but no one could have predicted how big it would hit. Least of all Williams, who went from sharing a room with her older siblings to acting opposite Sean Bean within a matter of weeks. Did you freak out? She snorts. “At 12, I was fearless and didn’t care, so I really enjoyed it. But then, as each season passed, the pressure built and it became a little destructive.” Destructive how? “Everyone goes through that dip in confidence. That also came with puberty.” Never an unqualified joy, least of all with millions of people watching you. “It all fizzled out a bit, and I lost my confidence and now I’m slowly starting to get it back again.
“But the first two years were weird. I was having the time of my life, but I look back and I think I wasn’t really very happy because I didn’t have many friends. I had left school and I was working a lot and it was a strange time. I remember in maybe season 2 or 3 [when she was 14 or 15], other cast members coming up to me and saying, ‘Your life is going to change’, and to me that wasn’t exciting. I was, like, ‘I don’t want it to change, I quite enjoy my life.’”

So Williams came up with some rules: she vowed she would go home for Sunday lunch whenever possible, and she bought a flat around the corner from her mum’s so she had her own space to sleep off jet lag. Obviously, there has been plenty to turn her head. She has been a guest star on Doctor Who and was excellent in the Channel 4 drama Cyberbully, to say nothing of the 6.6m Maisie-crazed followers online. Yet she has always stayed loyal to her old friends from home, which sounds so simple, but almost no kid stars manage to do it. Like I said, head screwed on.

Ultimately, she’s holding tight to her pursuit of normal. She has a boyfriend, Ollie, who she does normal girlfriend stuff with, like going to the Wild Life festival in Brighton. (“Though I have to wear a mask for disguise.”) It must be going well as she tells me she has backtracked on her militant anti-marriage stance. Then there is all the not-normal stuff, like the fact she is about to start shooting a lead in the X-Men spinoff New Mutants. Still, she’s pleased. “Like with the new jobs and this shoot, I’m sort of becoming a woman,” she says, smiling. “Or at least twenteen."


Ленный рыцарь
Это как раз реально. Думаю соберут весь значимый каст за все сезоны начиная с Шона Бина
Я думаю, что будут пытаться собрать самых значимых актеров, да, но все-таки у всех свои графики, съёмки, какие-то мероприятия, сложно подстроиться :(
В одном уверена - Момоа будет точно :D


Черт, никогда Эмилию стараюсь не порицать, но она плохо смотрится на всех последних фотосессиях... очень грустно:(


Да это было бы здорово! А на эту премьеру Роуз идет вероятнее как +1 к Киту;)

Тоже хочу! Может НВО и устроит:))) Так круто было бы увидеть их всех на красной дорожке!!!
Я так просто уверена, что или премьера 8 сезона или показ именно финального эпизода будет именно с размахом и со всеми актерами, лютоволками и маленькими дракончиками. Шон Бин как запевала ну и все-все-все. И Дени и Джон под ручку в конце, независимо от финала для них обоих.


И Дени и Джон под ручку в конце, независимо от финала для них обоих.
Ох уж, прямо без шипперинга никак нельзя, ну никак. Может, все-таки, пусть Кит на премьере с Роуз будет, как в жизни...


Ох уж, прямо без шипперинга никак нельзя, ну никак. Может, все-таки, пусть Кит на премьере с Роуз будет, как в жизни...
Да пусть будет на премьере с Роуз, только выйдут пусть вместе с Эмилией, как олицетворение льда и огня, два главных героя и два актера, для которых сериал стал рывком из ниоткуда в звезды.

Серебряная снежинка

Ленный рыцарь
фото Иэна с кастом "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" (вроде таких не было)
это Мила Йовович справа?

Jane A.

Да пусть будет на премьере с Роуз, только выйдут пусть вместе с Эмилией, как олицетворение льда и огня, два главных героя и два актера, для которых сериал стал рывком из ниоткуда в звезды.
Роуз прославилась благодаря "Аббатству Даунтон"


Черт, никогда Эмилию стараюсь не порицать, но она плохо смотрится на всех последних фотосессиях... очень грустно:(
На последней же нормально выглядит) она не супер модель, а обычная хорошенькая девушка, очень милая, но не высокая. Нет смысла требовать от неё невозможного. В Time она тоже прекрасна. Тут если и должен быть упрёк, то в сторону фотографа, а не Эмилии, как мне кажется.
В этой теме отключено размещение новых сообщений.