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В ожидании серии: прогнозы по сериям (4 сезон)

  • Автор темы Dennis Nightingale
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Минуточку. Я тут подумал. Это получается, Бриенна откусит ухо Псу, а потом по горе скатит? Бедный Пёс, за что сериальщики его так ненавидят :cry:


Бран увидит разве что Рикона
А как же кастинг на Бладрейвена? Должны показать. 
Тирион прибьет папашу
А я думаю, что это нам покажут в следующем сезоне. А в последней серии он разве что поквитается с Шаей. 
прибытие Арьюшки в Браавос.
Это в следующем сезоне, в последней серии разве что отбытие покажут, если успеют.


Пса в 10 серии, скорее всего, встретит Бриенна Тарт.
Похоже точно встрeтятся.
Всё страньше и страньше... интересно, как они эту схватку разрулят...


Ленный рыцарь
А я думаю, что это нам покажут в следующем сезоне. А в последней серии он разве что поквитается с Шаей.
Был кадр с арбалетом - это раз.
Сезон начался с Тайвина, сжигающего шкуру, закончить сезон мёртвым Тайвином очень символично - это два


В принципе не такой уж и спойлер. Бладрэйвена тут предсказали чуть ли не все. А сериальщики не поймут что-это за "человеческое дерево с резиновыми ветками". Странно, что про Тайвина ни слова, ему ведь тоже грим должен понадобиться.


Присяжный рыцарь
Спойлер 10 епизод

http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/109128-what-do-you-th … spoilers/page-124

Ok I've just seen the episode, The episode was sent the press last night.

Episode begins with the screams of the mountain who is being treated by Qyburn with Cersei present, talk of how Oberyn poisoned his spear. (notes: The actor playing Qyburn is really talented - I look forward to him next season.

Dany is in her throne room in Mereen and a poor man places a wrapped body of his child at the foot of the room, The man cannot confirm it was the dragons but Dany gets emotional when she comes closer and sees the body charred and burned, she apologizes to the man and pays him. Hizadhr (who is present with the man) tells Dany that the people of Mereen are terrified of her Dragons and will begin to despise her if the Dragon attacks continue. (scene felt repetitive to an early scene of the lamb farmer)

Next Jon is scene walking from the wall, its a huge beautiful high shot with the death and destruction of the previous night on show. aka dead mammoths/giants ect. When he gets to the camp one of the wildings holds a knife to his throat and eventually he is brought before Mance. Mance tells him that if the NW does not surrender he will kill all the men in the castle. (no mention of the horn). Outside horses can be heard and after a man screams in his death, Mance runs outside to see Stannis Army destroying his camp. (there is really cool shots here) The scene ends with Stannis removing his helm and planting a banner (burned stag) on the ground. Mellisandre is not present and neither is Davos.

Next Scene is Arya and the hound - they talk of their plans while camping and the hound talks of what a waste of his time she has been. Arya hears something and they move to find Brienne and Podrick. Brienne doesn't know who arya is but the hound pretty much gives it away. A fight ensues and the hound loses his ear and falls of the cliff shattering his leg. Arya kills Podrick (that scene is very dark).

Next is Cersei scene in which she discusses Tyrion with Tywin and Jaime, notes that Tywin didnt care about Joffreys murder and just used it for political gain. She tells Tywin that Joffrey was pure lannister and Tywin walks out. She then seduces Jaime who backs off.

Arya scene in which she finds the hound against a tree in pain and the hound tries to insult her into giving him the gift of mercy, she doesnt and leaves towards a village. At the village she goes to a shipmaster showing the coin, the shipmaster looks terrified and tells her to remember his name when she arrives in Braavos. (scene was rushed tbh)

Dany goes into a crypt of sorts beneath mereen, dragons are massive, i mean theyve grown about 2x since episode 1 this season, she chains them and Drogon breaks the walls of the crypt and flies off.

Next is Bran - Scene is only 5/6 mins in length - children look very human, not much CGI - very oriental and asian. Fight with whitewalkers is epic and Hodor is a beast. Bloodraven says you will fly and thats the final scene (Bloodraven looks amazing).

Second to last scene is Tyrion and Jaime, Jaime breaks him free and they run through tunnels and meet with Varys. No tysha. Tyrion asks how tywin found shae and Jamie confesses that he knew Bronn betrayed Tyrion but didnt tell. He goes up to the tower of the hand strangles shae barehanded and looks through a hole in the wall to see Tywin on the toilet. Their talk is not similar to the books and is without tysha obviously (no wherever whores go). Final line is 'you are no son of mine'. (scene is beautiful, probally the best moment of the season). However there is a huge shocking moment in which it is revealed that Tyrion is not Tywins son.

Last scene is in a haunted looking wood area. there are empty nooses and the brotherhood (anguy+throros) drag the frey that killed talisa and cat to the noose. The frey says something on the lines of 'I wasn't there and thoros says 'she was' and the camera circles around a woman from the sky before landing in front her face in which you see a hooded Catelyn Stark, pale with a cut throat.

Amazing episode but the whole episode is overshadowed by the Tywin/Tyrion moment - its truly stunning.

Sorry for bad english, my second language


Спойлер 10 епизод

http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/109128-what-do-you-th … spoilers/page-124

Ok I've just seen the episode, The episode was sent the press last night.

Episode begins with the screams of the mountain who is being treated by Qyburn with Cersei present, talk of how Oberyn poisoned his spear. (notes: The actor playing Qyburn is really talented - I look forward to him next season.

Dany is in her throne room in Mereen and a poor man places a wrapped body of his child at the foot of the room, The man cannot confirm it was the dragons but Dany gets emotional when she comes closer and sees the body charred and burned, she apologizes to the man and pays him. Hizadhr (who is present with the man) tells Dany that the people of Mereen are terrified of her Dragons and will begin to despise her if the Dragon attacks continue. (scene felt repetitive to an early scene of the lamb farmer)

Next Jon is scene walking from the wall, its a huge beautiful high shot with the death and destruction of the previous night on show. aka dead mammoths/giants ect. When he gets to the camp one of the wildings holds a knife to his throat and eventually he is brought before Mance. Mance tells him that if the NW does not surrender he will kill all the men in the castle. (no mention of the horn). Outside horses can be heard and after a man screams in his death, Mance runs outside to see Stannis Army destroying his camp. (there is really cool shots here) The scene ends with Stannis removing his helm and planting a banner (burned stag) on the ground. Mellisandre is not present and neither is Davos.

Next Scene is Arya and the hound - they talk of their plans while camping and the hound talks of what a waste of his time she has been. Arya hears something and they move to find Brienne and Podrick. Brienne doesn't know who arya is but the hound pretty much gives it away. A fight ensues and the hound loses his ear and falls of the cliff shattering his leg. Arya kills Podrick (that scene is very dark).

Next is Cersei scene in which she discusses Tyrion with Tywin and Jaime, notes that Tywin didnt care about Joffreys murder and just used it for political gain. She tells Tywin that Joffrey was pure lannister and Tywin walks out. She then seduces Jaime who backs off.

Arya scene in which she finds the hound against a tree in pain and the hound tries to insult her into giving him the gift of mercy, she doesnt and leaves towards a village. At the village she goes to a shipmaster showing the coin, the shipmaster looks terrified and tells her to remember his name when she arrives in Braavos. (scene was rushed tbh)

Dany goes into a crypt of sorts beneath mereen, dragons are massive, i mean theyve grown about 2x since episode 1 this season, she chains them and Drogon breaks the walls of the crypt and flies off.

Next is Bran - Scene is only 5/6 mins in length - children look very human, not much CGI - very oriental and asian. Fight with whitewalkers is epic and Hodor is a beast. Bloodraven says you will fly and thats the final scene (Bloodraven looks amazing).

Second to last scene is Tyrion and Jaime, Jaime breaks him free and they run through tunnels and meet with Varys. No tysha. Tyrion asks how tywin found shae and Jamie confesses that he knew Bronn betrayed Tyrion but didnt tell. He goes up to the tower of the hand strangles shae barehanded and looks through a hole in the wall to see Tywin on the toilet. Their talk is not similar to the books and is without tysha obviously (no wherever whores go). Final line is 'you are no son of mine'. (scene is beautiful, probally the best moment of the season). However there is a huge shocking moment in which it is revealed that Tyrion is not Tywins son.

Last scene is in a haunted looking wood area. there are empty nooses and the brotherhood (anguy+throros) drag the frey that killed talisa and cat to the noose. The frey says something on the lines of 'I wasn't there and thoros says 'she was' and the camera circles around a woman from the sky before landing in front her face in which you see a hooded Catelyn Stark, pale with a cut throat.

Amazing episode but the whole episode is overshadowed by the Tywin/Tyrion moment - its truly stunning.

Sorry for bad english, my second language
Хе-хе, с сайта уже потёрли.:D

Интересно, а Арья с Подриком в КГ встречались? или они вообще не знакомы?
И это конечно печаль.:(


Мне в общем то кажется, что в этой теме можно не слишком шифроваться. Как бы слово "спойлеры" в названии темы оно уже предполагает, что они тут есть и любой кто заходит, должен понимать на что может наткнуться.


Я так понимаю, в сериале вообще не затронут больше историю с Тишей? Жаль, если так. Ведь история с ней - одна из ключевых точек в биографии Тириона :(


Читаю тему, но не читаю спойлеры. Зачем себе портить аппетит? Скрывайте плиз информацию доступными кнопками.


Неужели правдаубьют Подрика? Нафига? может актер пожелал свалить из сериала? Больше у меня нет логического объяснения...
Такие актёры вряд ли снимаются где-то ещё (во всяком случае, в крупном проекте), поэтому нежелание сниматься можно смело исключить. В данном случае сценаристы просто хотят добиться неоднозначного отношения к Арье, к тому же в следующем сезоне должно появиться много новых персонажей, и для сериала смысла сохранять второстепенных старых почти нет, в особенности, если их исчезновение почти никак не отразиться на дальнейших событиях. Гренн и Пип покинули нас именно по этой причине.


Межевой рыцарь
Да, спойлер к 10 серии очень похож на правду. В целом, все вполне соответствует ожиданиям от финала сезона. Воодушевляет, что важные сцены должны быть удачными: мучения Горы, Кроворон, прибытие Станниса на Север, последний разговор Тайвина и Тириона, и, чего я больше всего ждал, появление Бессердечной.
Расстраивает, что обошлись без Тиши, и смерть Подрика от рук Арьи. Жаль Подрика, но, с другой стороны, он и в книге вряд ли жилец, а так, может, нам покажут, что Арья -девочка с дырой вместо сердца.
В этой теме отключено размещение новых сообщений.